>still waiting for Nippon-Yasan
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Continuing from last thread. Why did the game only get bad reviews on day 1?
the same reason why nier got bad reviews people never complete the game
The Aliens who helped create the machines were advanced enough technologically to have space travel and laser weapons, but socially they were fucking infantile, even worse than the Zentradi were in Macross. The machines being part of a network kept sharing information among themselves and started to realize how complex humanity was in comparison to the Aliens who likely had a culture that looked like a straight line compared to our fucking mess of curves and turns.
The Network came to the conclusion to reject their creators and instead pursue the Humans. It's basically choosing one God over another. They wanted to progress, learn and understand like humans did so they began to imitate all human history like a form of religion where each group and Machine was given a specific aspect of human culture to act out or repeat. Eventually Terminal A and Terminal B come into existence as personalities based on all the information the Machines gained and assumed the role of God (Humans) within the Network. Later Adam and Eve would be created as attempt to make Gods in the Flesh which each of them being given some of the strongest driving core aspects of humanity. Adam with the Pursuit of Truth and Knowledge, and Eve with the the Consumption of Love and Hatred. When Terminal A and B received the data they came to a conclusion that they had outpaced humanity and thus humanity should be destroyed, but 9S, A2 and the Pods struggle to prevent them was used to gather more data and eventually the two Terminal's actually came into conflict with one another which showed that they could still become more advanced, which is why they decide to launch themselves, all their data and all the data of humanity into space to see what answers exist beyond Earth.
Consensus? Is it good?
A2 isn't the main character.
>9S are called scout models when their hacking alone makes them most broken of any serial androids in virtually all situations
skinwalkers keep stealing the Bs.
Only because they learned how to hate without killing themselves.
Advice: Heckle self to death.
Oh sorry, let me take your waifu first.
There we go.
I hope the base of the elves was in the middle of the picture.
Do you like Taro games? If so then it's his best in my opinion.
If you don't then it's a coin toss as to whether you'll like it or not.
Is it possible to farm black pearls and small gadgets, or are they limited items?
it was all bases, sorry.
can we be friends?
Has anyone finished the Couples sidequest? I need to track the woman down in the amusement park according to the description, but my map shows an area outside the park - I went to the red circle, and I can't find anything.
>implying anyone here has even played the game
Actually I'm just getting started with route C/D/E, will go back to the sidequests later.
Nipon le_san is not gonna stream today
It's just by the entrance, near a tree
Because 2B is not a trap
what site should I use to order a PSN card with? I need like 8490 yen or something but the only card is 10000 yen or 5000
Nippon yasan
remember that if you dont send the messsage and dont delete your save you are not part of the solution?
Because 2B isn't the main character
I got a 5000, 3000 and 1000 from Play Asia.
Does anyone know how to deal with those suicidal wise men robots? I feel they're part of a quest but I can't figure it out, I just hack them and they respawn when I chapter warp.
Have endings X and Y been discovered?
But then why did the game start getting good reviews after the first day of release? It had a 1.5 star average and now it's almost at a 4 stars average. Why did people dislike it only to change their minds and suddenly love it a day later?
You get ending X during that part before Toobs died. Y is the 2nd Emil boss fight. What do you expect?
long time ago, dude
I don't think they're a part of a quest, I just talked to them and then hacked them, by the 3rd one you see the conclusion
Ending X happens when you leave 2B to die corrupted as A2 instead of mercy-killing her, right before the beginning of ending C.
Ending Y happens when (apparently), you don't stop the Emil heads from exploding in the desert after his second boss fight.
as i say the same with original nier they didnt competed make the review now they completed and they change mind
>gets a harem on Earth and in Space
9s confirmed for new God
What a let down. So with this, do we get the Transcentient trophy or whatever its called?
i knew that he would be super important ever since i saw his design
Taro won't let a blindfolded shota to be just a secondary support character
game over
100% done
You can say we were expecting too much from this. Way too much
9S loves 2B very much.
>somebody stole my OC idea that I was too lazy to make since I was still playing the game
Can someone tell me where Emil's secret hideout is? I want to kill this bastard and then buy the rest of the trophies. No one has even found all the weapons legit at the moment.
Damn. I have 5 quests left and I only know of 2.
it's not even just a love, it's nearly maniacal obsession
which only makes it better
That's what happens when you transfer your love for humanity onto a single object.
His love for her made him go nuclear, but I love it.
I could understand his obsession desu. I feel him in many ways.
ppl are angry at automata's MIM46 being a trash item called NIN64 but no ones angry at the fact the Yorha tech is named after nazi tech?
die 2B
So how is it so far? Really nothing more than the 26 endings right?
So is ending E is all we have to conclude the game(or the franchise) since Taro is going to be sent to Squeenix Gulag after this?
She has a baby face in this picture. Qt.
>no ones angry at the fact the Yorha tech is named after nazi tech
That's because the dates this game takes place is WW2 time.
nips are just more cynical
look at any japanese youtube video and you see more dislikes than a western one
There's still DLC coming out and Taro won't be there forever.
How can I keep ending E to show in my ending's records.
You don't have to delete your save.
Why would he be sent to squeenix gulag?
>limited editions sold old
>game was #1 pre-order in jp amazon for weeks
>had good reviews from japanese outlets
>had good reviews from autistic nips ()
I mean I know you want to shitpost the game to death instead of asking what you're asking but at least be more subtle about it. And yes there are only 26 endings.
I wonder if it was people mad thinking the game ended with ending A, since the reviews all went from 1-3 stars to 4-5 stars.
Auto heal seemed to stop working
How do I make it that I instantly use healing items at critical health?
Ok, thanks.
>There's still DLC coming out and Taro won't be there forever.
You mean like what happened to Drakengard 3? I'm okay with this.
>Why would he be sent to squeenix gulag?
He's already working on a mobage for them.
Did anyone find a way to open the doors with kneeling bots in front of it?
No, but the doors might be DLC stuff.
Yes because he had to sell his soul to the devil to have this game done, and it paid off.
>it's another bullshit genre change fight
I'll get it used for 5 bucks, not gonna put up with that bullshit again.
You guys do realize mogarbage is the prime revenue generator for the majority of Jap vidya companies now? Taro literally gonna be rolling in cash now.
Anyone know what the song after you complete the Amnesia quest is called?
What's the name of the song that plays when you're fighting Operator 210?
What did they do in Drakenguard 3?
If he can make interesting games for mobile good for him, I just don't see that being very likely.
DLC where you play as the other five Intoners.
Why is this game's color pallet so boring? It looks like call of duty.
Put all the interesting bits of the plot into the DLCs
>japs are the biggest casuals of all
Who'd have tought?
Doesnt have to be "interesting" just needs to have enough of a "draw" to make people drop dosh like its going out of style. See Granblue, Fate/Grand, Fire Emblem, most FF mobile games
It can be total trash but if it appeals enough to the home audience, Taro will become a golden child in corps eyes. Assuming he doesnt go to far off the rails.
Anyone know what drops Filler Metal and Machine Arms?
He's working on one right now. It's supposed to be about girls from a story trying to find their creator or something like that.
Taro actually made a love story that wasn't fucked up, I'm proud of him.
This is what happens when you try to pander to casuals so you can sell a game but also want to make it fucked up and obscure.
Can't wait for those 7/10 reviews to start rolling in, it's fucking trash.
>Not fucked up
He takes one of her model's arms and attaches it to his body because he's halfway between love and murder after killing the whole pack
If he pulls off the same treatment that he does as always like with his audience from the console games, then i doubt that his shit will last long out there.
Mogarbage audiences are literally 1000x more tolerant to being bent over the proverbial table.
PV looks good, has good art and music might turn out to be good but I'll keep expectations really low since it's mobile.
Cool innovative opinion my man, see you in 5 minutes in the Nioh thread and the Zelda thread as well. Enjoy not playing videogames.
because people started to actually finish the game, and then went to review it
So you defend this garbage?
As expected of Taroshills, only they are desperate and delusional enough to believe it was actually good.
The man struck it once with Nier and he fucked it up.
That's not really that fucked up? Those are 2B models, they're not his 2B. His arm got blown off, he needed a new one.
The scene before that was really sad.
>The man struck it once with Nier and he fucked it up.
Ah you're one of those.
Why does everyone hate this game now? Was it too short? Was the story dissappointing? Is the gameplay trash? Is it just buttblasted waifufags? I haven't been paying attention to Nier threads in a while, and don't care about spoilers, so can someone tell me why people are shitting on this game now, when a few weeks ago everyone was saying it was the savior of vidya?
Story was disappointing
Turns out the ones that hated it were people new to Taro games and rushed through the content assuming the game was over after the first route.
Crossboarding shitposters, P5 will end up the same when it releases.
It's pretty good, had a blast
Story was so boring and colorless that there's nothing to speculate or discuss
The madman told them not to expect much and the mindless drones completely ignored his statement with their wishful thinking. He must be laughing right now while drinking his beer and ruining his liver further.
There was no real twist, everything was as we thought.
The game is Taro's best (overall at least, in the story department the original nier is a bit better) but got too much attention and from the wrong sort (this website).
See , even autistic jap amazon reviewers liked the game. It's Sup Forums shitting on stuff for no reason again.
After Zelda releases you can surely wait for the threads with digital foundry screenshots with a frame dip and "BLUNDER OF THE CENTURY" captions. This board is a hellhole, ignore its opinions.
Shitposting. The game has a lot of flaws for sure but if you compare it to any other RPG released in the last 10 years, in the overall scale of things this is one of the best. Just look at FF15's story, game play, world, OST - it doesn't do anything better than Nier.
It took me 38 hours with 90% of the quests or so
It's not bad at all but yeah the gameplay isn't good, especially starting from route B and the story isn't that great either
The best thing about it is the lore and concepts developed
>i made shit game but i told you so in advance so it's your fault haha
Fuck off tarodrone
I can hardly wait for customizable sex-bots.
Talking about the japanese releases
DoD3 has the best script by a wide margin and is my favorite by him but it's far from being a good game
Nier has the best package, Automata would if not for that awful hacking thing you have to do forever
Automata is cool though, I enjoyed it
We saw this coming, you're just salty that he pulled off a prank on you haha
>the gameplay isn't good
Name another RPG with better combat, and don't bring up previous Platinum games because they are not RPGs.