Other urls found in this thread:

Why the fuck can't Sup Forums be happy that a game is doing well and its devs are enjoying themselves?

Why does every game have to be Blunder of the Century or a TORtanic level failure? What the fuck?

b-but the sjws are coming to get me!

>Black lives

lol Sup Forums are delusional

Why are western devs so fucking reddit "xD"?


Because enjoying yourself is for idiots. And chicks are for fags.

For real?

I'm glad I have miniature painting as a second hobby so I don't have to deal with this shit leaking in.

this has the same value as a twitter screencap

every time i start to question my right-leaning political views i see shit like this that just reaffirms it

This can't be real

do you have to be legitimately retarded to write about games?

Please no. Not the fucking liberals again.


Wtf i hate BOTW now

I've got some bad news for you, son...

Nobody ever gives source to these articles and googling "A courageous stand against Donald Trump" in quotation marks, or any part of that screenshot for that matter, comes up with nothing.


Guerrilla games took some former employees from CDPR. That's about it.

because this is the internet and there can be only one

Huh. Good point. Really makes you think.


You have no idea how easy it is to fake news articles and shit with modern browsers. Chrome, IE and Firefox all have debugging tools built in.

Look at pic related.
You know what I had to do fake this tweet? Go to his twitter page, press F12, select one of the texts and write whatever I want into it.
The same applies to nearly all news articles.

But I'm glad that you questioned the validity of the picture. Nowadays Sup Forums is full of gullible idiots.

Fucking ruined.
Fuck this

haha whitey btfo black lives matter bix nod xPPPPP

Trump really said that? Wow

I can't believe the witcher is getting KEKED TO HELL wtf seriously

Trump has shit taste in memes. Kinda regret voting for him now.

>Sup Forums really does have the dankest memes. - @realDonaldTrump
HOLY SHIT!!! We president now, Sup Forums.

>But I'm glad that you questioned the validity of the picture. Nowadays Sup Forums is full of gullible idiots
I do this with every article screenshot posted here nowadays. It should be obviously shady as fuck to post a screenshot of an article but not even an archive link. Did the same thing with the "Sony owns the rights to Nioh for only 3 months" article a few days back and couldn't find shit.


hoho cuck shill jidf Trump cuck cuck

>Nowadays Sup Forums is full of gullible idiots.
Try the world.

The human brain and society was woefully unprepared for the Internet.

I can't believe fake news is actually a problem. Ten years ago if you told me that was going to be an issue with the Internet I'd have thought you were fucking retarded, that people would know better having grown up with a solid dose of trolling and griefing. It's not that I would not expect fake news to exist, because it's just the equivalent of Ugandan Princes in Exile, I just would figure people wouldn't be fucking retarded.

I'm sorry user.

of course they aren’t retarded, they are just doing the fanboy logic

Only overreacting to the news that against their opponents, and when shit comes to themselves then they will be rather rational and open-minded.

Funny how western people just had no feelings for their hypocrisy and call it "free speech".


>every time i start to question my right-leaning political views i see a photoshopped image that that just reaffirms my dumbass thoughts


>Dolan Trump
>Game in developpement for 4 years


Did they fug?

Give it time

Geralt x Aloy SFM when?

Y-you too.

but everbody knows that Sup Forums is the mekka of memes

I just don´t like sjws and their consonant push to demonize men

Implying Japanese people could give a single shit about politics, let alone American gaijin politics. Please, what the actual fuck.



the modern left is just nuts at this point

I find it funny that guerilla artists gave aloy a manlier chin in their picture than geralt.

That's just so cute I think I'm gonna go throw up, excuse me.

Great goy!
A cheap strawman keeps you from questioning your beliefs. You don't even need an argument, just
>haha look how stuuuupid those people are!
And then you actually think you've been questioning your beliefs.

Perfect goy. I bet you convert bad goyim with your enthusiasm.

Not manlier. Equal, just not covered in beard.
You'll need to wait few decades for women with facial hair to appear in media.

She pegged him


You seem a little upset, friend. Wanna talk about it, champ?

No but you are for believing it's real w/o even bothering to check the source.


wtf i hate cdp red now


Yeah. Normal people just play them

Wow, just look at those ''iconic'' character designs.
Stoic gruff larp gear man and sarcastic redhead archer woman in crudely stitched tribal rags with plastic bits. Seeing them side by side like this looks like they could be from the same game. Which could also be said for the most of western fantasy characters.

what about their vowel push to semenize women?

Did they, Sup Forums?

You had one job

Because sometimes games are bad and people need to be told when they are.

>someone makes an article like this for HZD
>gets spammed everywhere and called a SJW game
>someone makes an article like this for zelda
>h-heh, those crazy people love shoving politics everywhere, r-right g-guys?

>implying Geralt isn't a great character
Fuck off mate.

Because the game is fucking shit and people enjoying it are willingly eating shit and aren't even realizing it.
As a person whose taste in videogames has been forming for over 20 years it is my duty to at least attempt to make normies and casuals realize the "fun" they're having is a combination of buyer's remorse and marketing brainwashing.


Whatever you say, faggot



>Guerrilla games took some former employees from CDPR.

I didn't know this. Guess that explains the camaraderie.

I don't get it, what's the big deal?






On the other hand, it's pretty indicative of the social justice left's insanity that they're indistinguishable from parody now. Half the legitimate articles nowadays read like they're out of the Onion.



> In CDPR's picture both characters are whiter than snow
> In Guerilla's picture both (Geralt especially, even though it doesn't make sense lore wise) have a tan

What did they mean by this?

Why is that swiss cheese yellow?

different coloration
different artstyle

>they're both inaccurate

wtf I love Trump now

>M-MUH SJW, they are after me and my lolicon mangas

Sup Forums is filled with retards, what did you expect?

Sometimes, games are good, too.
What's you're favorite game, user?

Now that I think about it, it's kinda dickish to change someone's character to fit your own views on race.


And I was just starting to believe the Witcher shills, that cd project red doesn't put that shit in their games and they value Geralt as a character

Guess I was right all along

I knew you guys were morons, but faggot morons? oh boy

best post in thread

t. guerrilla dev

Why is Geralt a shade darker than Aloy in Guerrilla's picture hmm?

he's posting out of context pages to appear cool and knowledgable and get (you)s asking for source

What the fuck are you even on about?

I mean, it's Sup Forums so calling someone retarded is the thing children do to be cool, but you're also being smug about it, as if you had some point.

why everytime you see a drawing, you care only aboute the color of the skin ?
are you those people who definite themselves only by the color of their skin ?


You're jumping at shadows lil man. For all you know one of the ex CDPR employees drew this picture.

Take a break from the computer for a few days