
6/10 Gameplay
9/10 story

7/10 gameplay
6/10 story

What went wrong?

>what went wrong?
your opinion

Nah its objectively correct sorry pal.

Nier has one of the most memorable casts in all of vidya and an intriguing plot to boot. Everything in Automata is just boring. 9S and 2B have little to no characterization, and A2 does a little bit but we only play as her for like 5% of the game. Adam and Eve and N2 are all really poorly developed villains. All in all its a pretty big disappointment and is total and utter garbage.


Why do people pretend Nier had a better story and cast than drakengard 1?

Caim literally shits on all his other characters

>objectively correct

This. It had lots of great ideas but just kept throwing them all at the player instead of doing anything with any of them. I just wish the pacing was better. Things just kind of happen with no build up or sometimes even explanation.
>An android tells you where she thinks she saw 9S get thrown by a blast, somehow that location is deep underground and captured by Adam
>You've only met Adam twice and know almost nothing about him, but suddenly he wants to kill himself with no real previous character motivations that led there
>Eve had similar problems, they both felt like wasted villains that only existed to introduce the world before the "real" game starts
>2B doesn't get the virus because she was disconnected from the network, but then she still does for some reason?
>You've only met A2 once and know even less about her than Adam and Eve, but suddenly she's the new MC, a change that's never really feels justified since she has even less personality than 2B and she doesn't do anything
>Pascal's Village goes cannibal all of the sudden for no discernible reason

Caim's "character" is literally "I like to kill people because the person playing this game does too :^)"

Nier has far more fleshed out characters and doesn't rely solely on edginess to be entertaining.

Different scenario writer. Automata just did not do it for me. Ending E was great and Pascal was great and that's about it. No bants, 2B and 9S being awful protagonists with an absolutely forced romance angle that neither character benefits from, Adam/Eve being pretty forgettable protagonists.

Honestly, A2 and Pascal were probably the only good characters in the game and the scenario of Pascal and A2 trying to save the robot children was the best part of the game for me.

1 point of gameplay is more important than all points of story you fucking plebeians

that said, i want to

Why is first post always best post?

Is this game worth picking up on Steam?

Adam and Eve were far too inconsequential compared to their potential as characters and Route A was a waste. You learn literally nothing about the plot and 2B isn't an interesting character until she's dead.

Route A should have been 9S. Route B should've been an expanded A2 story. Route C should've been what it already was plus more Adam and Eve/Pascal.

>6/10 Gameplay

Who in this god forsaken world would give NieR a 6/10 in gameplay? It's not Fragile Dreams level of bad but holy shit it should be 4/10 AT BEST.

>8 year old can't even understand a simple character and calls him edgy

Wait to go and disregard your own post

Definitely. Game isn't perfect but it's the best $60 I've spent in a long, long time. I haven't had this much fun with a console RPG since the first Nier or tales of Vesperia.

More like
5/10 Gameplay
7/10 story

9/10 gameplay
6/10 story 9/10 meta commentary

Objectively correct opinion.
Fuck back off to Tumblr and actually kill yourself.

I agree with a lot of this. None of the shit made sense.

As someone who's never played any nier/drakengard game, why do people say the gameplay is bad?
I watched some videos and it looked like typical action game thing, why does it suck?

I never got people that said this. It was fine and pretty original. Yeah, it's not a 10/10 new DMC game but it's not nearly that bad. Definitely passable.

Nothing the machines do makes sense


I'm pretty disappointed with the story because so far there is little build up for anything that happens.


there are a lot of good ideas in this game but none seem fleshed out so far.

when does this get gud?

I think you meant:

5/10 gameplay
8/10 story

> Automata
8/10 gameplay
9/10 story
4/10 scenario writing

The story in first Nier is pretty powerful, but very few moments are even kind of memorable and it's basically the very end that lands the punch it's throwing. Huge fan of it myself, but between all of the horrible -and I mean fucking ATROCIOUS- dialogue and edgelord moments, the character archetypes resonated way more with me than the actual charatcers themselves.

Looks like you have a baby mind and things gotta be slow and straight forward for you.

I thought Adam and Eve and Devola and Poppola were going to be the endgame enemies. Kind of disappointed that neither of these pairs were given much to do but the Dev and Pop's little story was good.

>nier has one of the most memorable cast and intriguing plot
>everything in automata is just boring
>9s and 2b has no characterization
>Adam and eve are poorly developed villians
>Disappointing and garbage

That does not sound objective at all.

...if you're not smart enough to understand the basic plot.

inb4 "they don't spell it out for you enough"
You're probably just a weeb who didn't read the essential subtitles before they went off screen

This is a good thing to point out. Automata still has some animu nonsense moments, I find the story/characters to be more sophisticated than the first Nier's.

I don't know why Taro decided to do this completely forced romance between 2B and 9S. It was like it was put there as a "well you should be feeling sad right now" thing, and it fell completely flat on its face. There was not one interaction between these two characters that got any sort of emotion out of me, not 2B's quest to save 9S from Adam, not 2B choking 9S to death, not 2B dying (which doesn't make any sense at all because how did 2B become infected if she was not connected to the network?), not 9S having a mental breakdown, nothing. And it's all because Taro went full "tell not show" on this romance, you are told later what 2B's actual function is and that she had to kill 9S repeatedly in the past, and it just doesn't work. It all just feels so forced, so unnatural, and so unnecessary. Taro basically EXPECTED me to care about these two characters instead of writing a story that made me care about them. It's like the romance was a complete afterthought and just shoved into the story later.

Would this game not have worked better if 2B and 9S were "sibling" Androids? At the very least they could have had a parallel with Adam and Eve to make their fight a bit more emotional and relatable? I'm just so disappointed in Taro for this aspect of Automata's story, because it just feels like a lazy way to try and stir up emotion from the player because "well you should."

Prove literally any of it wrong.

Because they want a character action game like Bayonetta but this is an ARPG.

Easily the best game this year so far.

What's the connection between Eve and the cult of the watchers?

Is the logic virus the red eye disease?

Framerate down to shitter. Unresponsive combat. Clunky movement. Every bad action element combined, you name it.
Combat is passable at best. If it is not for the story, I don't think it would have a cult following

9S and 2B both have characterization. Especially the former. 2B's is more subtle just do to the nature of her character and role in the story.

Right after the prologue?

you're saying i should be watching the YoRHa stage play instead?


>6/10 story
>That devola and popola sequence


Yes, the red eyes are the logic virus. 2B becoming infected suddenly was such a fucking asspull of bad writing in order to force something.

>they didn't play A2 with the taunt and power and speed upgrade chips
Can they be bigger plebs?

>you will never be this deluded

feel good tbqh


Everything down to the overall message is more nuanced than original Nier. Although the first one was brilliant for the text/language theme. Shit knocked my socks off.

Automata is 10/10 GOTY material. I'm already close to 100%ing it a second time because I can't stop playing it.

guy gives his personal rating,assume everyone had the same experience

>yfw you suddenly realize why they're all on the edge of high places, right before it happens
>"wise machine"

should we be worried about taro?


The fault is that the story was written from ending back. Once you've gotten through routes CDE all of 2B' and 9S' interactions take on a whole new meaning.

Is it a romance? I never thought of it more as a deep friendship. There was the "You're thinking about fucking her" line, but I took that more as Adam taunting his base animal instinct, but 9S wasn't actually pursuing it.

Nier is a great game, but GOTY was decided early February.
>tfw the game is so good it still has a general on /vg/ despite being a single player game with no pvp

>>tfw the game is so good it still has a general on /vg/ despite being a single player game with no pvp
Katawa Shoujo is the best game of all times then.

That still doesn't make anything they do more impactful, it just explains why 2B tried to maintain distance. Again, the romance part of their characterization feels incredibly forced and seems to play the part of an afterthought.

>proving an opinion right or wrong

>An android tells you where she thinks she saw 9S get thrown by a blast, somehow that location is deep underground and captured by Adam
Implying Adam couldn't have possibly ordered the machines to carry 9S into his mancave

>You've only met Adam twice and know almost nothing about him, but suddenly he wants to kill himself with no real previous character motivations that led there
He realized that there was no point to continue 'living' trying to become humans.
Eve on the other hand just wants to be with his nii-chan

>2B doesn't get the virus because she was disconnected from the network, but then she still does for some reason?
9S deferred their connection to YoRHa server.
There is a huge difference between deferring and severing

>Pascal's Village goes cannibal all of the sudden for no discernible reason
Was programmed by N2 to go crazy after a bit of time before they ever reached pascal's village

It is, Virtuous Contact and Cruel Blood Oath spell it out. Their relationship is fucked because of circumstances out of their control.

Dumb ass kid.

Yes, it is quite clearly a romance. Read the weapon stories for the Virtuous and Cruel weapons.

Nier has better individual character stories, but the main plot is fucking stupid and takes almost the entire play through to even start.

Automata has a better story, but weaker individual characters.

Both have shit side quests that should have just been text logs and visual novel dialogue choices.

>this entire post
How's your first week here in the land of Sup Forums?

There's definitely an argument for Nioh. Nothing else comes close to those two though especially since the new Zelda is so bad.


5/10 gameplay
9/10 story

8/10 gameplay once you accept its simple and meant to be like a rpg first
5/10 story until C/D
7-8/10 story afterwards

Nothing went wrong both are good games. Automata is a better game but i enjoyed Nier more because of the characters and music is slightly better.

>objectively correct
And that's how everyone now knows you're a fucking idiot and can safely disregard your shit opinions.

"literally any of it"
>memorable to hardly anyone (even underground vg scene)
>boring=subjective word, stupid argument
>2b gets the short end of the character stick, but 9s goes through a lot as a character and changes dramatically by the end
>adam and eve are pretty rushed, but gain purpose over time. not arguing with the poorly developed point, though
>again, subjective. find a better argument than "this is bad names i call it, prove me wrong"

There is no story or waifus to obsess over, just pure gameplay still being discussed, unlike the rest of that cancerous board.

>What went wrong?
Nothing really OP,you sperg. If any complaint,its that FAGGOT 9S which almost ruined a perfectly good game.

But in the end I feel those individual character stories are what made people love the first NieR game so much. I got all 5 endings to Automata a few days ago and have been just pondering on the entire thing, and in the end though I enjoyed it, it just does not capture me like the first game did.

holy shit dat webm

>Everything is boring
Bosses music and when shit goes down like Pascals village
>9s/2b no characterization
9s gets plenty on C/D 2b not so much but still endearing
>Adam and Eve
Not great not terrible but i wouldn't call them villains.

Nah its better then the original in alot of ways and more fun to play just not as good in the story department.


Yes, that's generally how it goes for new games.

Really good point about C/D.
I was on-board through A/B, but C/D impacted me a lot.

9S is such a love or hate character, it's just such a shame he is basically the main character. But I agree, I really disliked him.

My speculation but, 9S got infected too at the end of C/D/E. I'm fairly sure the pursuing androids spread the virus to them through those EMP blasts in that escape flight sequence. 2B wanted to get away so that it wouldn't spread to resistance androids before she bit the dust. 9S might've taken longer for it to take effect because 2B moved him from taking more damage. And he kept connecting himself to the machine network, so there's that too. Not sure why A2 was safe from it all, guess she took out 2B fast enough or something.
Waiting for those art books to shed more light on the parts that were glossed over like this.

9S is cute, stop bullying him!

Literally reeling them in now, here we go

Yes, just like Nier right? Oh wait, the only reason it gained popularity to begin with was waifufaggotry.

>Implying Adam couldn't have possibly ordered the machines to carry 9S into his mancave
The android you ask marks the location on the map, saying that's the approximate location she saw 9S fall. If he was moved, there should have been some sort of in between event where you can't find him there and somehow find out where he really is.

I don't understand your points. I didn't feel like it was forced nor unnecessary. I think it's my first time seeing someone say this.

Was Nier your first Taro game?

Yeah, murder manlet is a bit divisive. His slow break down over C/D was definitely a high point for me.

The only impactful things in C/D for me was Pascal. It's strange how Pascal ended up being one of the best, if not the best, written character in the game. That moment Pascal comes in with the Engeles or whatever made my jaw drop, and that fucking camera angle.

I'm not talking about Nier here though, I'm talking about how discussion goes on /vg/.

Best way to protect the chilluns in media I've been seen

Don't forget
>the best music was a track from the first game.

The only thing I enjoyed about ending D was watching 9S die like a bitch.

Nier is 5/10 gameplay. Automata is 8/10 gameplay

Both are 10/10 story.

Hopes for potential DLC?
I just want the stage play adapted to something more tolerable. Good excuse for more A2 as well.

I feel like the people that don't like Automata were looking for just more Nier banter party adventures instead of what was essentially DOD4.

Route C/D is basically fucking DOD1 but with a playable game. Hell, every unanswered question in the game has more to do with DOD than Nier like why the fuck did Eve have the watchers symbol on his chest and was his pants supposed to look like black dragon scales? Why the fuck did the terminals go full Manah? Etc.


It's hilarious how it still got BTFO in sales

Reminder that platinum will always be behind team ninja's shadow

The machines are the best characters in Automata. Not any specific machine, just the machines generally.


It was marketed with the ASS in mind.

She took damage, that's all it takes to get infected. Same way 11B got infected.

>Stupid adolescent pedo J-Pop kid look
>Cliche emotional assblasted t.Japanese psycho kid
>Rushed and unnecessary forced romance with 2B
>Ruining a SHORT but great campaign like A2's by sharing with this faggot
''Murder,Murder,Kill,Kill,Muh 2B,2B Ahhhhhhhhh''

Playable Commander skin, I want those wide hips in my face.

But you're wrong, just look at nier general and nioh. 1 discusses gameplay and mechanics, the other discusses waifus and le story.
