Radiant Historia Remake 3DS

Will we be able to save everyone this time, Sup Forums?


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The stupid little shit you don't save comes back in the real ending anyway. The only one that doesn't get saved is the end boss, and you could argue his soul was saved or some such shit.

I mean it was a great game, but why exactly does it need a remake

Maybe to get more people to play it

This. I dont get it. I played it just a year or two ago and it held up just fine. I'd get it if the game wasn't compatible with the current generation of the DS but it is

But I liked the end boss

>you just hop back and forth between parallel timelines, figuring out how to fix one timeline by fucking around in the other

>nothing ever works on bosses, which are the only remotely difficult fights in the game, in which they are only remotely difficult because you can't move them.

>spritework is complete ass

What's with the hard-on for this game?

>not Switch

Couldn't you save everyone in the initial game?

BEST score

I love this game but why? Make a remake for something that would benefit like strange journey shit you did it with eo games already fuck

>inb4 new 3DS title is an SJ remake

The plot of this game lost me when it went "muh princess of light" and it never got me back.
>>nothing ever works on bosses
Not all bosses were giants, come on.

This game needs more enemies (sprites) and more music. On its own it's a good game but the lack of budget really is noticeable. I hope they also improve the combat system.

Don't the nips not like SJ too much? Doesn't seem like they would go for a remake of that, RH can at least benefit from a bigger budget seeing as it had a pretty small budget for the initial release.

If it's just a graphical overhaul I don't see the point. Is there something new for somebody who got the best ending? I don't just buy games to ensure sequels get made.

This is pretty fucking great news, though a remake so soon is a little weird. Still, it's a great chance for people to experience one of the best RPGs on the DS. Maybe this time they'll be more lenient with party EXP.
>save everyone
Did you not get the true ending OP? Even the fucker you couldn't save during the game gets saved during the ending.

>One system has 50 mil, active install base
>the other doesn't
I wonder why, truly a mistery.

SJ could benefit it ? What ?
sJ was perfect as it was for the audience it was made for, the only thing that could benefit a remake is an amcient archaic game from at least 17 years ago, and Im talking SMT 1/2 lvl stuff, but I have a feeling those are getting remade too, and will be revealed on the sunday stream

>50 mil
64, actually.

Yeah, no.

Problably more than the party members. Or most of them at least.

Radiant Historia is great.
The gameplay is actually really good despite being simple, the optimal solutions to each boss fight involve considerable variety in party members / gear setups / tactics. A lot of people rely solely on traps but actually there are plenty of fights where you want to use aerial combos, snipe enemies in the back row, fight defensively while using status effects, gather enemies quickly, use certain limit breaks, etc. Despite being very simple there's a lot of variety in the battles so it never gets boring.
Music is fantastic but it could use a couple more tracks.
Story is decent and is linear (which I prefer) but the time-travelling thing lets sidequests get implemented perfectly (you can't miss them because you can just go back in time).

It's still getting first party games, and people are still buying systems and games. How is it not at least somewhat active?

>I hope they also improve the combat system.
What changes would you make?

Make it fun.

You fuckers still have the preorder special edition, right?