Docked a point because its Nintendo

>Docked a point because its Nintendo

I haven't seen a mexican this obsessed with golden sheckles since NSMB2.

Other urls found in this thread:



What's this fellow's name again?

Furious Fernando

He's Puerto Rican, shitlord.

Why isnt Agitated Alejandro on metacritic

Is that true?


Nobody cares, you're all the same. Besides cubans.

Hes a sheckle hungry mexikike

Its not a 10/10 game, accept it.

Seven dollar sanchez

meanwhile, if he had given the game a 10/10, we'd be having daily "7 Peso Packo is the best reviewer ever and he's always right" threads. You're naught but a hypocrite.


>Docked a point because its Nintendo
if that was the case he would give it a 7/10 like jim sterling

>watashit 3D

Oh shit, is that Five Dollar Francisco?

he is consistent and extremely agreeable or articulates his opinions

I think he docked it a point because he was a new Nintendo player and felt the controls were not 'Xbox/PS4 enough' for him

There was also that he felt the voice acting was really off and the weapon degrading was too fast for his liking.

Nintendo is garbage company that just happens to have good devs

They fucking DMCA rule 34 for fuck's sake. Joe is right, Fuck Nintendo.

Who is she?

I like Joe. Yeah he's kinda dumb, but he's earnest.

"just happens"
Having the best developers in the industry by far is not a coincidence. They've done a good job to develop talent. They give developers a lot of big opportunities that other publishers wouldn't. Because Monolith did a good job with Xenoblade they just let them work on whatever other games they're developing, notably Mario Kart and Zelda. They gave one of their biggest IPs to Retro an American studio (Donkey Kong). They let studios delay games as long as they want to make them good (animal crossing was like 2 years late but ended up being one of the biggest sellers because it was so good).

Better than most reviewers who add 2 points because nintendo.

because he's just a nobody with a youtube channel. ign and shit like that, though biased in their own ways, are considered press

angrey joƩ

who was in the wrong here?

unhappy jalapeno

the most cringe video in history