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Holy shit what a faggot.


Nailed everything I felt about this game.

wtf is with the rhyming. it's pissing me off

he likes MGSV
that's says all

hes a fake weebfaggot with ramen obsession

He prefers MGS3 to 2
He's a faggot with shit taste

I still can't believe that he actually exist


Yeah nah

Zelda fags just got rhymed holy shit.

Jesus Christ does the rhyming stop?

3 minutes in and I'm dropping it.

Thinks he's fucking clever no doubt

I haven't played Zelda but plan too so have no reason to be outraged but Bunnyhop is such a whiny cuck and I can't believe i used to enjoy his videos (although they were better back then)

Yeah the guy 100% MGSV wtf. The gameplay was good but not worth S ranking every fucking mission and god knows what else. Must be so boring since there's like 3 small facilities in the entire game and most of it shitty outposts.

Well BoTW did take it's combat directly from the Witcher.

The one thing all levels have is thicc

Bunnyhop is the best reviewer out there.

>The video reviewer with a permanent smug tone wants to point out flaws in the new 10/10 zelda
What a shocker.

Not a fan of Zelda or Super Bunnyhop, he has some cool opinions but I hate the way he talks. He sounds so bored and uninterested.


His points are valid, what his voice has anything to do with the review?

Also it is far from a 10/10 game. It just the media cocksucking because nostalgia/meme/paid review.

his problem are load times?

bunnyhop died today

Nothing to explain, it's exactly the same.

It's not at all. Please explain the similarities.

1 minute loading time x 120 in boring shrines. The shrines loading take almost the same time than to complete the 4 dungeons.

I don't know dude 7/10 isn't too far from 10/10 and I think thats what it deserves.

If this were an indie title the tables would just flip. Youtubers and Sup Forums would be praising the little details and the polish and try to excuse its framerate.

It literally is go look up a video.

He says hes almost beaten the game to completion, 9 days after it came out. This means he beat the entire story, all the side quests, got all the shines and all NINE HUNDRED faggot seeds, and upgraded all the armor.... Gonna call BS on that one.

Also the rhyming needs to fucking stop

It takes five seconds max. Have you played the game?

Well, unless you play it via Loadiine, but I can't imagine a reviewer would do that.

Ive played both games and it literally isnt. One of the only things bad about the witcher series is its god awful combat mechanics

This game is just like any other open world, but a little bit more charismatic. Just cause has a better emergent gameplay.

A+ argument

>this shitty narrative
Is this faggot trying to be dr. Seuss or what?

>Super Bunnyhop
>One of those YouTubers who talks in the "I am a pseudointellectual YouTuber who is explaining 'art' to you, which you could not hope to understand otherwise" cadences

Guys, don't listen to hiiiim. Look, I'm more intellectuaaaal. You know this because I slightly drag out the last syllable to all of my sentenceeees

Unsubscribed from SuperBunnyHop

>3 minutes in and I'm dropping it.
I got barely past 2 so props to you for having higher tolerance than me.

Is there a tl;dw of this shit?

>This means he beat the entire story, all the side quests, got all the shines and all NINE HUNDRED faggot seeds, and upgraded all the armor

Yes because I'm sure those aspects will really improve the game. Surely all that extra content is worth it.

>900 Koroks seeds


Also, he shows his save time + completition, he almost 100% it.

>rhyme gimmick

>Majora is his favorite zelda

this faggot is dead for me now

He just feels like all the optional stuff is just a massive checklist. To be fair he's been playing it nonstop.

Where's the video comparing two handed weapon fighting, spear fighting, and bow and arrow combat?

The sword combat in Zelda Breath of the Wild is exactly the same as the Witcher 3.

5 seconds?

Have you played the game?

Watch the video again.

>his favourite open world game is Witcher 3




it goes

It's a decent game, but c'mon now. The combat is god awful, missions design is boring and tedious, the story is kinda lame. The only thing that carries it is some of the characters and their respective writing.

>Guy 100 percents MGSV, the game with basically no content
>Complains that the checklists in BOTW actually go toward improving your character

I'm not gonna say that BotW's perfect, and he's right to criticize it, but come the fuck on. This is the exact same shit with Jim Sterling and 9.5 Horizon Zero Dawn; shit on games but at least be consistent.

The 900 seeds take up 72% of the completion rate m8. That's right. The collectibles are worth more than playing the game.

He criticized MGSV. Actually, he did that a lot.


No, wait, do you really think that the Korok padding is content?

>The sword combat in Zelda Breath of the Wild is exactly the same as the Witcher 3.

Factually wrong. 2 attacks buttons > 1 attack button

He didn't like MGSV that much, but his autistic way of playing games basically forced him to 100% it.

Why does he sound like such an asshole all the time?

No I don't. It's not fucking content, but if anyone asks about completion rate I make use to bring this up.

must be tough being this autistic


SuperBunnyHop is usually 50/50 on his opinion articles. When he's right (Siege being not garbage) he's right, but when he is wrong (Hyper Light drifter & Owlboy being good, pretty much any other ubisoft game review he does) he goes so far into the wrong that it pisses me off listening to him.

It doesn't help he thought he could get away with"quriky rhyming video for a made up holiday xd"

I haven't watched the video to begin with. I'm going strictly from my gameplay experience. If you want bad loading times, I suggest you play an unpatched Bloodborne.


Factually right, Witcher has quick attack 'Left Click, and 'Shift Click' Strong attack.

wtf i love sbh now

After playing the likes of tw3 (console version, mind you) and most definitely after playing ff15, the load times in botw are barely noticeable. What a fucking nitpick, goddamn.

>not good

Why would I want that?

The game takes a minute to load and unload each shrine. 120 minutes of pure waiting.

Zelda only has 1 attack button so it's literally not the same as Witcher 3 retard.

How can he hate BOTW?? What the fuck???

It's so fucking infuriating, first that goddamn cuckhold Jim fatass and now this guy?? Why do people feel the need to be contrarian and pretend they hate this game even though it's perfect?


>whiny cuck
You're not memeing. He was triggered over brexit and Trump winning.


So what if it only has one, the rest of the combat is identical, the just made it child friendly.

And I'm telling you you're wrong. If you feel like five seconds is a full minute, you have ADHD.

What did he say? I couldn't deal with the way he rhymed and bailed out.

There's a full minute of unskippable sequences for every single shrine. Did you watch the video?

i dont understand how he thinks the witcher 3 is better, even though i agree with his criticisms.

TW3 was full of so much disgusting fluff and had awful combat. the story was amazing though.

Once again, Nintenbabies BTFO. Witcher 3 is, and always will be king.

It is not 5 seconds. lol

What the fuck is wrong with drones?

I don't get this meme of not having an opinion on something means you're trying to seem smart.

>wow top down zelda with shit music and boring """""atmosphere"""""

dropped after 15 minutes, wasn't even worth the time I spent torrenting it.

yeah people were saying "hurrr he's allowed to give his opinion...dumb drumpfers" but it was just so shoehorned in.

I'd fine it just as pathetic if a reviewer interrupted their review to shit on Hilary clinton too. But nobody does that. Because non-leftists can keep that shit to themselves and focus on the vidya.I don't see JonTron putting conservative stuff in his actual gaming videos

Same. It was awful when Yahtzee did it too. I don't get it. Why make the video 100 times harder to write and listen to, for no benefit.

Movieblob hates BotW too? Man , this game pisses off all the retards.

Damn... bro... the game has loading screens... how will Nintendo recover.

>So what if it only has one, the rest of the combat is identical

Ah moving goal posts I see.

>combat is literally the same
>w-what do you mean they're not the same?
>well besides what makes them different they are the same


hey guys

"The game is a lot like Morrowind" its fucking not. Yeah it is in the wide world of gaming but to single out a title during a review, not at all.

>the only way he can keep nintenbros attention before they smash disslike is to rhyme

my fucking sides

Zelda has charge attacks, jump attacks, parrying, witch time, throwing weapons, two handed weapons, and spears.

Witcher has none of these. And the way sword combat works feels totally different.

I hate this guy so much these days.
>Extremely smug, pseudo-intellectual tone in all his videos
>Always waits a week before covering a subject/release to regurgitate whatever contrarian opinions bubble to the surface in that time
>Tries to hang with the likes of content creators like Matthewmatosis in providing highly in depth coverage of game mechanics and systems, while in reality being completely clueless about these subjects
>Massive Ubisoft apologist for some reason, always gives them and their games favorable coverage

Why is Sup Forums shilling this butthurt numale?

>complaining this hard about shrine load fluff that ultimately come down to the length of one disney movie
otherwise valid criticisms. It's an excellent game but it doesn't mean Nintendo should rest on their laurels next time.

>that x120

Yeah nah that's fucking annoying and makes exploration feel unrewarding when all you find at the end is another shitty seed or another shitty shrine.

ugh, W3 was meh, MGSV was better

>7/10 isn't too far from 10/10

Rich is acutally pretty cool

Are RTU critic and ReviewHellUSA still around?

>This whiny yet smug voice

What an annoying fag.

Besides the point, what people complain about in the Witcher combat is the hoping about to dodge attacks which is done exactly the same in Zelda.


the side content itself in TW3 has 100 times more depth than that of any other open world RPG since everything is led by a unique narrative and that for me already puts it above anything else, the combat is also better than any other open world rpg that wasn't centred specifically on the combat like dragon's dogma

BotW really excels in terms of actual world design and various gameplay mechanics but it falls short in other aspects which really brings it down for me

He waits a week because he plays the game. Have you ever heard this concept before?

>The only people who hate the new Zelda are Super SJWhop and Jim SJWerling

Gives the ol noggin a floggin.

What makes TW3 better than BOTW or other open world games out there? I've never played it, and most of the complaints I see is that the combat's trash.

Who will join him in his crusade to stop the Legend of Zelda?

dood I'm pressing buttons! woooow! fucking bullshit man