I fucking hate this guy
I fucking hate this guy
literally who
literally who
also eceleb shit is not vidya in any way or form
check my 0 niggers
I recognize this picture from some retarded video but I don't remember which
Probably likes Sticker STar
Go away turd onion
no, fuck off and stop shilling ecelebs
his name is haydoe or haydunn or haedox or haydoor
really beta faggot desu famalam
Fuck that faggot
Hates everything and is always negative.
Fucking who
Is he even tagentially related to videogames.
Literally who? Fuck off with your terrible thread, you knob slobber.
Why are there no good sonybro youtubers, guys? They're all nintenbros or pcbros.
Suck mine
Oh, so he wants the Sup Forums audience? I don't think he can get it if he sounds like a numale faggot.
>stop shilling ecelebs
>as he shills vsauce
Literally the pot calling the kettle a nigger
I don't know who that is, but that's one of the gayest avatars I've ever seen.
You are like a little baby, watch this
number 6
But its so QUIRKY!
He's a better faggot who shilled Nintendo, but 180'd once he got kicked out of the ambassador program like the whiny cunt he is.
He uses a blue snowball and his audio sounds like dogshit as a result.
sword art online
The only anime "reviewer" I give a fuck about is Demolition D and he decided to tell YouTube to eat shit and fucked off to Twitch nearly a year ago.
I used to like his shit honestly but it got pretty fucking obnoxious & his later videos before I unsubscribed were weak. Now I have him completely blacklisted, can't stand him.
Not a mic expert but what's wrong with it? Isn't that what everyone uses for videos?