Try overwatch

>try overwatch
>characters designs are an unsatisfying messy clusterfuck compared to the simple and fun design of TF2 classes
How the fuck people love this piece of shit?

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i don't know.

Because the ragtag group of superheroes done in the anime crossed with Disney/Pixar styleappeals to most people, believe it or not.

Because it's fun.

I'm convinced that they don't. Especially not after having atleast 100+ hours of game time, because at that point it's probably addiction.

Because they enjoy video games and aren't looking for any petty excuse to hate things to fit in with Sup Forums

Poor widdle baby, are you bad at competitive videogames? :(

Its animation and character entertains me, unlike the plain environments and models of TF2.

>boring as fuck
>zero effort put into the maps or gameplay
>no songs besides that shitty jingle at the start of every map
>pointless leveling system
>copied tf2 and made it worse
>muh diversity
>muh tumblr appealing
>sound design is shit
>But most importantly blizz can't into balance

>press Q to win
why is this allowed?


ask people who play dota and lol the same thing but they like to act like its different, fucking LOL

You can press Q too.

You can be mad all you want but its gonna be popular for way to long because blizzard. No amount of its dying memes will ever be true

>press Q to win
Only if you're a complete moron. Any ult can be countered if you take the proper steps.

>zero effort put into the maps or gameplay

Christ this. It's just trying to synch ultimates at chokepoints. ITS SO FUCKING BORING!

nobody said shit about it dying, but it is

It rewards you for being average/

That's pretty much it

I like it

This is an Overwatch thread, talk about Overwatch.

>vaginas first fps
>lol im soo skilled gaymer gurl xDD
>ohh big guns and explosions FUCK YEAH!!!

It is literally Kikebook: The game
Any fps with characters besides quake should die, immediately.

Because the game you like is so good right


well my games aren't made for wimmen, children and numale faggots so yes my friend, they are

Overwatch is what is basically what people unjustly accuse Dead or Alive and Senran Kagura of being - a terrible game that only appeals to waifufags.

Overwatch is like the Marvel Avengers movies, Captain America Civil War, etc. Those made billions despite being garbage

TF2 (in its prime) was The Fellowship of the Ring or the original Star Wars trilogy. Effortless fun.

BOOi want sombra to sit on my face

not him but yes

and its a real fps from the times of ctr monitors

Look at this faggot who doesn't play Pharah

Your autism can't accept change which is why you play a 9 year old game with less characters and minimalism that your brain can handle

>accept change
>my house burned down
>everything is in ruins

Overwatch is fun. It's not fun to play competitive mode because Blizzard makes retarded balance adjustments, says they'll "try it out" on the PTR, and then implement them regardless of player feedback.
If you try to use pandering to tumblr as a reason the game is bad, fuck off. Overwatch is evidence that a game can be fun and appeal to multiple audiences.
>inb4 but it's not fun
>inb4 someone responds with "but it's not fun" anyway because they think they're clever

>Change is always good.

It's only good if it actually helps people.

the only char in the game that can't q to win because it's easy as fuck to shut down, just like pharah herself

> he complains about Overwatch
> he does this while comparing it to Gaben's F2P hat plantation, planted and harvested by BRs, slavs, and idler bots
> he goes on about how "simple and fun" TF2 is, despite its clusterfuck of weapons that destroy any semblance of cohesive playstyle (demoknight, gloves of running urgently, mad milk)
> he talks about how much skill TF2 requires with 2 out of 9 classes being able to sacrifice health to jump higher
> he calls other people on Sup Forums and Reddit casuals for playing OW instead of TF2, despite the fact that TF2 is the only game in existence to be widely considered a "meme game" outside of Sup Forums

It's made for casual playing. The less you play the game, the more fun you have with it. and the more away you stay from any "lore" and characters biographies

People will play it for years 20 minutes at a time. But it will never ever worth it's price.

but it's not fun

>he can't read

Low skill ceiling games always attract an endless amount of casual retards.

like pottery

>add new character
>after constant delays
>promise patches from all that test data
>yet another broken pile of shit
why even bother updating your game if all you do is ignore your own data?

>because 2 characters can rocket/sticky jump the skill ceiling is higher
tf2 players, everyone.

how is TF2 meant to be played? casual has a lot of players on each team.

TF2 does have a higher skill ceiling. Overwatch and CSGO have the lowest skill ceilings in the genre.

how exactly? name one way it has a higher skill ceiling other than "muh rocket/sticky jumping"

>doesn't specify which
don't be such a bitch user

Double jumping, ammo/healthkit placements.
The point isn't that TF2 is some hardcore game, the point is that OW and CuckS:GOyim are just laughably casual.

TF2 doesn't have welfare 'I win' buttons on a timer.

>double jumping
On one character out of 20+

>tf2 is a meme game outside of Sup Forums

its a fucking meme game on Sup Forums as well cheese dick

I fucking love this and am going to use it from now on.

>decide to play
>get completely demolished because of poor team composition or teamwork
>lose motivation to play

How do you do it?

Special abilities create an uneven playing field. Roadhogs hook for example.

That's pretty accurate. I'd add current TF2 is like if The Hobbit or the prequel trilogy had replaced them and were the only version you could watch.