This is a trans character in Horizon

>this is a trans character in Horizon

Is this true? Has anyone played the game and remembered this character?

>Has anyone played the game

nobody here plays video games, we only argue over who can't play the games other people can play but don't anyways.

Adding a transgendered character is basically just pandering.

Only people who care about it will notice it.

Seems like every AAA game these days has one shoehorned in.

Are all the 20 something aged space marine protagonists also shoehorned in to pander?

Is Mulan a trans character too?

She is like those female in male roles in King of Dragon Pass. Lawspeaker need a beard so women make one from sticks, Orlanth is male but Vinga worshipping women can play his role in heroquests.

>Is this true?

no that's clearly liu kang you dumbass

How is this a trans character? It's more like Joan of Arc if anything. Polygon are idiots.

it's a tomboy

yeah, pandering to people who want to kick ass and blow shit up i.e. a fun game and not a gender dynamics lecture

It's not a trans character
It's just good old, girl wants to join the army, dresses up like a boy and joins the army, tropue.

This is a random side character with a short quest that has nothing to with her as a character, she's literally mulan

Yeah I remember her. she looks like miley cyrus, i didnt hear her say anything suspicious.

>Literally Mulan
>"omg fucking sjw adding trans characters in my video games"

yeah so is samus aran

>Sup Forums hates Mulan now

What the fuck happened to this place?

Not really, it's a girl who wanted to become a guard so she pretended to be a man. everytime someone found out she crushed their arm in arm wrestling so no one quesitoned her, but she has to appear as a man

>Character you may never meet
>shoehorned in
I thought shoehorned in meant that there wasn't space for it and was mashed in where it didn't fit to begin with watering down the experience as a whole... But when you literally won't even stumble upon them unless you are a completionist is it really that big of a deal?

That's so me shit writing.

theyre remaking it as a 3D pigdisguting film without music

I always hated that garbage movie

Holy fuck kill yourself

Why do they all look like ugly dykes?

No. Mulan, Eowyn, Sheik, take your pick.

Not really it's fairly common.

Girl pretends to be boy, but gets doubted and has to prove herself, and she always does.


No one upholds rigid gender roles harder than trannies. A woman displays masculine interests or behavior? It can't just be that she's a bit of an outlier. She must actually be a man!

No wonder second wave feminists hated these people.

>trans character
are you retarded

The 16 year olds that browse his site were born in 2001.

she's a diesel dyke, not trans