Can side with eternal fire in the first game

>can side with eternal fire in the first game

>can side with Radovid in Witcher 1 and Witcher 2
>dude mad evil king lmao, literally Hitler

Moral ""ambiguity""

Witcher 3 is such a piece of shit it retroactively ruins the story of the last two games which were decent, there I said it

Other urls found in this thread:

>I posted it again mom!

Good job lol

but church IS murderer and thief.

nu-witcher audience

Church of Eternal Fire is literally just Catholic crusaders in medieval Poland BTFOing the scum nonhumans.

Witcher 1 had a faction you could join and it was nuanced, it wasn't as simple as bad guys

Witcher 3 is fedora tipper the game

This is infinitely more embarassing than any andromeda shit

I don't see any problem with the Witcher 3 clip. They always portray two sides of the coin. The nonhumans are sometimes mistreated, but the Scoia'tael are a bunch of terrorists that attack innocents. The Eternal Fire often take things too far (like the Christian dark ages and 'witch' hunts), but they bring order and purpose to many people.

There is literally noting wrong with this scene

>protestant level
>in the cutscene MC marries a plushie

>Kill him out of fear of their cult growing too large
>He's carrying 500 gold
>Finish the quest normally
>Receive 210 gold
Thank you save scumming.

it plays out like a fake story from r/thathappened

>priest was preaching on the street ,then i used my superior logic, everyone around me clapped and i managed to convert a few brainless sheep to follow the path of logic and enlightenment

fucking embarrassing. that you can't see how embarrassing it is says a lot about you

> They always portray two sides of the coin.

They reaaally don't

There's no scene or story thread where the church aren't murderers or kleptocrats , them and radovid are portrayed as the worst thing ever

How haunted do you even have to be to even get offended by this

I'm not offended, but it lacks any consistency and triggers my autism

Witcher 1 and 2 selling point was le moral ambiguity meme and there's almost none of that in Witcher 3, the game clearly tells you who the bad guys are, constantly reminds you that your friends are the good guys, never mentions past sins, and rewards you if you make the good choice with good endings

DA:O had more nuanced take on religion and more moral ambiguity

And this isn't even my top 10 problems with the game

Butthurt christcuck detected

Radovid is turned into a carricature, and the wild hunt is also fucking embarassing

>church were not a bunch of thieving powermongers who routinely abused their power.

There is a reason protestantism rose, because the catholic pope was and is a fucking gobshiet incompetent corrupt cunt

There is nothing wrong with this clip. Stop being so fucking sensitive.

Yes, i bet they all acted like cartoon villains like in this game

Radovid has become increasingly insane and paranoid as the war with Niilfgaard continues.

The eternal fire has been corrupted by the Witch Hunters and sadistic pricks like that priest from the serial killer quest line.

>dark ages
>witch hunts

user. You know less than you think you do

He didn't say those two happened at the same time you donut.

actually you can side with the order of the flaming rose in the first game. but it doesn't work out does it. eternal fire is what's left, full of zealots.

>dark ages meme

American education

I'm aware

> eternal fire is what's left

Actually no. Eternal Fire is the religion, all trough the game and the books there is the same leader ( pope)

Order of the flaming rose was just that, an Order like the Knights Templar.

is this Geralt on facebook?

ah right dunno why i didn't pick up on that

>Oxford was opened as a learning place by catholic monks
>The university in the game , Oxenfurt a wordplay on Oxford is a place where the evil priests want to burn all the books and ban science

So fucking stupid

Fuck off. There's a quest where you can beat a bunch of atheists to death.

>hey, theres a problem with heresy in our faith
>lets double up on heresy
reminder that Orthodoxy is one true faith

lol at christcuks getting trigered by trivial shit , makes me remember that time when a Muslim complained about watch dog misportraying Muslims even tho the whole hacking id's was just randomized

>one true faith
than why do other faiths exist . is your god is this shitty and weak ?

>intro is literally him stopping an execution without knowing anything about the situation and killing the innocent soldiers doing their job, because stronk womyn dindu nuffin


Christianity actually is bad though. Also generally not the brightest bulbs as evidenced by the fact that their only counter-arguments are pictures of fat men in hats.

how do we stop neofaggots and Sup Forumstards from ruining vidya discussions with their shitty politics ?

I'm siding with the Flaming rose on the first game, Siegfried is a bro.

Elves were a bunch of faggot terrorists so far.

>redpilling absolutely anyone with atheism nonsense


>Triss in first and second game is backstabbing cunt that was involved in recigides and kept things from you

>Triss in third game is most charitable person around, literally saving the Jews from the holocaust and a strong leader

What the fuck did they mean by this?

You talking about drunks attacking the innkeep for not immediately burning her old flags as soon as they were conquered?

but athiesm is more redpilled than cucktianity

>wants to save mages from Rip n' Tear Radovid
>she is a mage

You joking? She's building connections and her ending is her going to kovir to try and gain more influence.

And because your "arguments" basically amount to saying it's bad because of all the horrible things done in the name of religion, despite there being a multitude of good done as well?
Also most atheists on here act like its a religion anyway. You're not any different, you just worship different gods.

why do christcucks get so triggered easily?

borgias were cool though

the autistic german martin luther just got jealous and butthurt of their success and started a worldwide sperg phenomenon

>Also most atheists on here act like its a religion anyway.
not really we dont have any common activities like going to an x place every week or praying to a certain thing 5 times a day or celebrating the death of an important athiest every year . we dont do that shit

>tradition is bad

You are the reason society is dying

>borgias were cool though
well thats because they were originally jews

The point is meant to be that war is bad. Hence religion gets more zealous. Blaming mages isn't stupid either. They fucked shit up and are to blame for the state of things. As for radovid war and betrayal made him paranoid and unstable, and he is not portrayed particularly differently than before. Stop getting triggered over nothing.

religious activities aren't the only traditions also my point is that atheism does not have any traditions so you cant call it a religion . alot of atheists do participate in mainstream traditions derived from religions

Also religion is portrayed positively in blood and wine.

Yeah thats why Geralt should always pick Yen. He fucking hates politics, Triss cant survive without them.

>most atheists on here act like its a religion anyway
I didn't think we'd hit "not an argument" levels this high so fast

>most atheists on here act like its a religion anyway
Atheism is the absence of religion. If you're just trying to say they have strong opinions, that's hardly something that is contained to religion.

>Blaming mages isn't stupid either.
Nowhere did the game mentioned this, all mages were portrayed as innocent victims. And it wasn't just mages, because the church was persecuting scientists, alchemists and everyone else for no reason

>and he is not portrayed particularly differently than before.

Yes he is. even his character model was made intentionally uggly , and the one-two times you talk to him he's talking gibberish about eating inside of chess pieces

wtf i love the NWO now

>muh tradition
I bet you wear mixed fabrics, you fucking sinner. You've probably had pre-marital sex too. Go burn in hell.

cucksitians and mudslimes like to meme this atheism is a religion thing and will give you the ebin church of atheism as an example

or eat shellfish, or don't own concubines or buy the women you've raped from their parents

that really doesn't roll off the tongue like "christcucks" does

>one true faith

Mages caused problems in witcher 2. Mages betrayed Radovid. In witcher 3 mages are blamed for the war and Radovid wants them all killed so their scheming won't fuck him. Makes sense to me.

News to me.

This is literally never mentioned in Witcher 3. Nobody really makes a case why there's a mage hunt except that religion is evil. Please point me to the scene in the game where this is explained

And they're just not after mages, but also alchemists scientsits, and Shani says they will come after medics next. 0 sense.

Christians are historic bastards.

>This is literally never mentioned in Witcher 3
becuase its a sequal you idiot . shut the fuck up already

Well they assumed you knew what happened in the previous games. The sorcerers literally try to murder the kings of the Northern Kingdoms including Radovid.

The game already retcons / ignores a lot of the stuff from the books and previous games.

Literally no case is made about why the mage hunt exists. Nowhere are the mages portrayed as anything else but Jews in WW2

>except that religion is evil
news to me as well, nobody mentioned that either in the witch 3.

It doesn't matter when Witcher 3 retcons Witcher 2.

It is never mentioned in the game, can't confront philipa or anyone

eternal fire are acting like cartoon characters and radovid is just insane. no explanation

Religion outside the eternal flame is portrayed as positive. Melitele, Freya, Lebiode. Why can't there also be bad portrayals of religion?

I hate what they did with Radovid, he was an interesting character in 1 and 2 and then they turn him into "le insane dictator" in 3 and never even mention Adda, even though she's mentioned in 2 if you saved her, and 3 carries over your choice from 1 for if you killed Thaler, so they had the means to import that choice and at least give her a short throwaway scene or something

>wear crosses
>dressed like catholics
>act like edgy cartoon villains the entire game

>This is literally never mentioned in Witcher 3.
Go fuck yourself you right wing piece of trash. You just came here to shitpost.
>muh christians are being persecuted boohoo

You didn't pay much attention.

Because they turned it from a side you can pick in witcher 1 to literal cartoon villains

all moral ambiguity was gone from the series, and they got to tip their fedora hard

>You didn't pay much attention.

Give me a youtube link from Witcher 3, that gives a point of view on the witch hunts that's not one dimensionally evil

Because it doesn't even fucking matter anymore. Everybody got double-crossed by Nilfgaard anyways and Geralt doesn't give a flying fuck about politics.

>if you hint in any way shape or form that christianity is less than perfect then you made a fedora game
What did OP mean by this

Because the whole series is defined by the eternal flame? You don't side with the eternal flame in the first game, you side with one guy in one knightly order and still the eternal flame have a very negative side to them in The Witcher 1.

That's because Christcucks were absolute cunts during the time of the pagan slavic lands

how the fuck can it not matter when everything you do in novigrad has to do with these Witch hunts, and it's all portrayed as evil chrustins persecuting scientists and people who are different

>completely change faction from the first game to morally ambigious to striaght evil
>give them crosses and more parallels to Christianity

fedora tipper scum

The final boss of TW1 is the master of the Order and you can't spare him, no matter which side you picked. You didn't side with the Order as much as you sided with Siegfried so the religion was still portrayed as evil in this game.

Radovid's assassination side quest was a huge writing fuck up. They reduced Roche/Ves to nothing and Djisktra goes full retard at the end for NO reason.

Eternal Fire was kinda dumb, that said we definitely should have gotten a side quest for them. They have a whole area for their temple which is only used in the Ciri flashback chase sequence, a Place of Power, and the hidden Witcher Gear under it

>no scoia'tel quest

>mfw some Sup Forumstards unironically relate to the Bloody Baron and think he's a sympathetic character

Good. There was more than enough of them in the first two games, it would just be repetitive.

>Sup Forumstards siding with a drunk woman beater
Sounds about right
Its probably the same faggot who keeps ranting about "muh tradition waahhh"

Yeah, fuck the lillies. There was no need to make elf shit prominent in this game

yes instead lets get completely worthless main and side quests that don't advance anything!!! Fetch dandilions 4 lovers! Have 5 cut-scenes just so you can kill a reskined monster in 1 hit.

It's not relevant and it can't be interesting what the Scoi'atel are doing now and how it parallels with the last Nilfgaard invasion

lmfao what a retard

The woman deserved worse than beating desu

>get the bad luck to be saddled with human baggage as a wife

Scoi'atel are literally the least original and interesting part of the series.

The religion in the first game wasn't morally ambiguous at all. Did you even play the game?

>bad luck
I'm pretty sure he picked her as his wife, not the other way around. Perhaps he should've been a better judge of character huh?

>Why don't they make the people I relate to good guys?

t. Sup Forums

>muh leviticus
go re-read those passages you mentioned. Oh wait, you didn't the first time and just ripped them out of context on fucking reddit.
>well then tell us what it means then hurr durr
You can read it for yourself if you care enough, I don't have the patience for morons like you.

>closest companion in the game can be a knight who was inspired by religion to do good and protect the people
>they protect everyone from the (arguably) worse Scoi'atel

Have you played the game? Fucking idiot

>why don't they portray these people as something less basic than "le evil bad religion guys"?

Wait, you're telling me pre-marital sex is allowed for christians now?
That's news to me.