CEMU 1.7.4 Breath of the wild
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Call me when they're able to emulate the game into not being open world trash.
Reporting this to Nintendo as we speak
I do it every thread
Keep it up fools
>tfw I won't be able to emulate it with my shitty i3
framerate looks more stable
noice, I'm surprised they're making progress due to how weird the terrain is set up. Doesn't it not even use polygons or something?
making games and emulating games aren't two mutually exclusive things y'know
[how is this legal bait post]
>3 FPS
o i am laffin
I respect the level of dedication and work it takes to emulate it this early, but I really wish they'd have done it to a game that actually looked any good.
I'll wait for the 60fps version, thanks
How long do you think?
6 months before fully playable?
looks more like 10 fps to me, that means they're already halfway there
How about instead of waiting for one you make one
Now that BotW is 100% finished can we start on the Wii U's actual mvp?
I wished pcsx2 had this pace.
I got so tired of waiting for Jak to be playable that i just said fuck it and bought the HD collection.
Good thing they can't do anything. Feels good to be able to play it for free soon
Jak's always been playable though, you just have to use software mode.
Post thicc pancakes
April 2nd faggots
The fact that all this shit is broken has me concerned over the accuracy of this emulator. I don't expect it to be fucking cycle accurate but it sounds like it's not anywhere near accurate.
My CPU was too shitty for that when i really cared.
cant believe i had to scroll so far down before somebody posted this,
>Emulation is important guys! It's for preserving games!
I would have zero issues with emulation being killed, and I love Dolphin and PPSSPP.
I don't get it. You'd think the emulation either worked or it didn't. How can individual things like "grass" and "physics" no work, yet the game runs?
Good progress, but still not there.
Once it's 100% performance, 30fps with no drops, and no visual glitches, I'm switching from my Wii U to emulator.
make me
I hope its playable by the end of the year but i expect mid next year at this rate
Just get a used wii u and return that shit before 7 days. Laggy AF. Or get a wii u and homebrrew that shit
WTF? 2 weeks when it's ready?
They still want more money. Fucking jews
I just read that Patreon lasts just for the month you pay in, meaning that if you pay now it will last until April 1, what the fuck is this shit?
Played it on Wii U. I'm looking forward to 5 years from now when the game is perfect on emulator and looks like the bullshots from when it was first announced.
more like 30 fps solid and 4k
Why are you mad someone guy gets to play a video game?
>1080p to 4k resolution
They want more money. If they released it this month then a lot of people would drop the donations for next month.
They have no shame.
On WiiU? Damn nigga that's a good joke
Well, I wont say I wouldn't do the same, donations wont last forever, as soon as BotW is somewhat decent it will drop hard.
>30 fps and stable 4k
>links a video that's only 720p (and that's not even the actual game quality, which is clearly even lower) and sub 20 fps almost at all times, especially when there's fire
>3 dislikes
He's emotionally unstable
its fine, some patriot Sup Forumsirgin always posts the patreon build here for free. If they want to jew some retards out of money, idc. Can't deny they have done good work, and fast. Never seen an emu develop this quick.
>tfw didn't bought a Switch nor a WiiU
so what's stopping them from not working and just saying "guys it's harder than expected pls more money" and then going back to drinking vodka on a beach somewhere
They're making progress faster than I thought they would. Other than play testing for game-breaking bugs, chugging/better fps, and particle/lighting issues here and there, it seems pretty close.
PCbros getting hyped yet the game still runs at 10 fps. Lolllll
Well yeah? It's the Wii U version.
Any update on Demons Souls emulation?
I'd be more hyped if my pc wasn't complete shit but excited for the future.
Getting my fill of it on Wii U but maybe one day I'll get a better pc.
If you keep doing nothing people eventually catch on and stop donating.
The video they just posted showing all those things fixed.
Also people are used to this pace of progress, if now they take 2 months to update and finally say "lol guys sorry we couldnt fix anything" people wont keep paying, you see, the reason why people pay is to download the next version as soon as it is avaliable, if the next version doesnt fix shit or if it takes months to come out no one is gonna pay.
>7700k is needed for full speed
bBahqhq itt STILLl looklike trasH!! I'll repert u for stealing games though, what's Nintendo email??
>that footstep sound
why is it so satisfying?
>stable at 12 fps
Emulation is finally complete I see
you must be new to Cemu. People are already running it at 30 fps on older builds. Graphic packs exist to run the game at 12k. Just look up videos already out. This is a video to show things like collision, grass and runes are working which basically make it 100% playable now.
Man this is so exciting to see. Really excited for this release.
I'm shocked that sound seems to be working 100%. I thought that's one of the hardest parts in emulation.
They basically fixed every gamebreaking issue with the game in less than 3 weeks. Let them have this month's pay.
I recorded this to show a friend, this is running on my 4670k with the cheat engine speed hack workaround, judge by yourself.
They spent a lot of time on tiny sound details in the game. One of the reasons why not having dramatic music blaring in the over world was a good idea.
Cycle accuracy is a meme, i don't give a shit about the code running in the background if i have a better experience than playing in the original console, even if it has some minimal glitches.
>the cheat engine speed hack workaround
thats basically a frameskip. That isn't true full speed
Reminder to report these fuckers for pirating nintendo shit, i dont mind emulating down the line but doing this shit soon as the game comes out i pathetic
because it has a lot of texture and layers, instead of just one big 'thunk' most games do, e.g. you can hear the tap of the boot hitting the floor, the swiping action of lifting the foot, the gritty sound of the sole rubbing against ground, etc.
I know, you can see it's not really 30 FPS, and it feels too fast or too slow sometimes, but it's pretty decent, specially for a game this young.
- This post is sponsored by Team Cemu on Patreon.
For a low contribution of $5 a month you can get the new version of Cemu early! Play Wii U games for free! :-)
Shit. Things like this make me wanna buy the game and play it on the emulator instead of just pirating it.
I wish every studio had the same passion for games.
The emulator can run it at stable 30 fps 4k without the grass and physics. It can also run it, as you stated, at 12k with them, because it's just a file. But to get that up to 30fps will apparently take a super computer. Until we've seen footage of the game working in 4k 30fps with this fixed shit, then the ONLY thing you know for sure is that it can be run with toaster settings.
(desu i dont really care, hopefully they can start to implement some optimisation fixes)
Developing an emulator is 100% legal faggot, CemU could theoretically get a publisher and commercialize their software if they wanted
the grass was literally just a collision problem. I doubt it will affect performance that much.
Which i3 do you have?
They actually talk about how much work and thought they put on the footstep sound since it was something you will have to listen to for all the game in that making off videos.
Man I'm not even a Nintendo fan but they really care about their products, compare this to Andromeda, it's so sad.
I made the other Cemu thread and I'm not even a patron.
I bought/am playing the game for the WiiU, still going to emulate it eventually once it is perfect. If you feel bad about it buy some Zelda Amiibos or some shit. Nintendo probably gets most of their money from merchandise anyway.
Nintendo goes all out on autistic shit nobody else would notice.
>its another ignorant morons don't realize Nintendo can't do anything about emulators because they use emulators themselves to sell VC games episode
>finish Nier this week
>Zelda the next
I sure do love being a PC gamer :)
As some other user said, they are doing a good job, let them cash another month at least, it doesnt look like they are keeping anything to them judging by the video preview
Sooo... If they got all that + sound working already then what's missing? Just performance improvements?
My plan is as soon as it is fully playable donate 5 or 10 bucks to the cemu guys and buy one or two amiibos, I think thats fair.
What's the point of having the grass? If anything, getting rid of it would probably help the emulator run the game better
Is there any way to not pirate do this besides just buy a copy of the game I'm never going to play and then emulate?
It's still being rendered either way, it's just being placed slightly under the terrain where the player can't see it. Might as well fix it.
There's a few visual glitches around. They'll probably fix it in the update after. Then it's just performance.
It wasn't ever gone though, It was just sink through the floor.
Pretty much, and who knows hoy many random bugs we dont know yet.
fug, I only have 6600K, getting random spurts of 30fps, rest of the time it's 15-20 fps regardless of resolution.
>How do i get this game without buying or pirating it
Oh I see. I really don't mind turning these type of things off if it means the game will run smoother, so I was just asking.
Well its running a game that is supposed to be on a nintendo console THAT is illegal
It running a GAME that was made by nintendo specifically for their consoles the fact they have gone out of their way todo this is retarded and nintendo have the right to sue and destroy them
Not only that where did they get the code for Zelda?
Not paying for the game and playing Zelda for free is illegal, you fucking moron you think you're entitled to a free game? Pay nintendo their not cemu, this is detrimental to nintendo
It's it logical to think that later builds will improve the overall performance and lessen the requirements needed to run it?
TFW in the stone age with an i5 4340
I think you can download it off Nintendo servers and decrypt or something but who really cares? If this gets fully playable I'll just buy a copy of the game and call it even.
can it be played from start to finish, and not need a save to play?
You can use a Wii U copy to play on Cemu, if its worth the hassle its up to you.