Now that the dust has settled. What's the Sup Forumserdict?

Now that the dust has settled. What's the Sup Forumserdict?

Please don't do this.

Wait for the complete edition.

Whitewashed racist game

I liked it. But that's an unpopular opinion thread opinion.



It's ok, good up...was it Chapter 9? After that the story fucking bullets towards the ending, prompting a "wait, what?" every so often. The Gladio, Iggy, and Prompto sides should have been in the game as well, making it feel incomplete.

Also, the way summoning works is questionable.

We need to wait for all DLC and patches to be released.

Do you take issue with the fact that Noctis has to have low HP to summon or that we can't even summon Ifrit or Bahamut?

BORING SHIT, you feel that you have no control of the situation at all.
In the turn based FFs you actually chose the action of each character.

My personal 2016 Goty

Is this the start of a new trend of highly anticipated games being released that are unfinished disappointments?
2015: MGSV
2016: FFXV
2017: ????

They fucked the characters over in this game. Hard.

Fucking Ravus, man. I was expecting Glauca to cone back some how and for Ravus to redeem himself by killing him or at least helping Noctis kill him. Would have gotten revenge for Regis, Sylva, and Nyx that way. It would have been cliched but so fucking what?

Low HP is fine, and the Ifrit/Bahamut thing is weird too, since we get their items.

But I don't like the fact that I can't choose who to summon. I'd love a menu pop up when I'm low so I can select who to bring out. I didn't like relying on really weird parameters to be filled for the option to come up.

It wasn't anything spectacular but it was above average. Id say an 8.5 or maybe even 9. It's pretty quality game, I really enjoyed the little stuff like stupid quests and the chocobo fair I really liked. I don't know why it was just a jolly good time running around with that outfit on chasing fat choco-chicks, playing games, fishing prizes, and seeing the fireworks. I love stuff like that. Gameplay was a good time and very stylish, I generally didn't care for the main story but brotherhood was good and the dungeons were very well done. Some of those bosses were terrifyingly cool, like the medusa boss.

You know he'll be here soon

Damn, should I have used "who" or "whom?"

I'm waiting for the finished version.

MGSV was a great metal gear game that improved upon past installments while still including what makes the series so good. Some things it missed out on but I feel on the whole it made up for it by having great gameplay with a ton of possible ways to play. The only shame the game has is possibly being cut short because of the entire fiasco with Konami.

Absolutely this. When you can kill almost everything at level 1, it should be a sign that something is wrong.

I hope not.

What game has the potential to be disappointing for this year anyway? It won't be Zelda or mass effect because one is loved and always will be and he other is automatically hated out the gate.

>When you can kill almost everything at level 1

Yeah try doing the hard dungeons at level 1 then say that again.

Literally worse than type 0

RDR and God of War. One, but more likely both of these will be trash. Screencap this.

Aren't there level 1 runs floating around proving you can


good ideas but too many problems holding it back

combat is horribly balanced with items being far too strong and enemies having way too much health making fights that should be fun drag out and become annoying.

the world was alright but the biggest fuck up was hiding cool enemies behind the garbage hunts; those enemies should have been scattered around the world and the harder ones at night so night time would actually be dangerous

story obviously sucks, but anyone who thought a nomura game would have a good story in the first place is a fucking retard

the car sucks ass and the flying is god awful


How in the fuck could you screw up he endgame boss like that?

And then there's the story....

Did they keep his ideas or is what we got Tabata's doing

There are lvl 1 runs for souls and KH too, what does that prove? Can you?

not him, the story of type-o was better than FFXV despite the characters being trash

>the car sucks
can you elaborate?

I loved it.

Both games were some of the best releases of their respective years.

I'm sure the story has many elements leftover

Best game in the series.

Type 0 was a million times worse. I can't believe I played through all of it. The most disappointing final boss I've ever faced.

literally hallways simulator with nothing to do what the hell do you want me to elaborate on?

9/10. Saved FF.

Not enough black characters

>what does that prove
>doing the hard dungeons at level 1
Just checked there are multiple level 1 runs on youtube
>Can you?
probably, game wasn't hard

A very good game.

XV story was good despite being poorly told. They fucked up by splitting it up though.

>Iggy literally not caring


>that emo haircut
what the fuck was his problem?

It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, but I completely lost interest around chapter 9 and haven't finished it.


even when compared to stupid shit like FFX the story is worse. There is 0 fucking depth to the story of XV and I mean that, it set up this world of crystals and Eidelons but did fuck all with it.

It was poorly told too but even if it wasn't it wouldn't be very good because nothing is fleshed out.

It was okay -- I had fun. Wasn't my favourite FF, but an improvement in a few areas on XIII -- the story being an exception.

The battle system is cool, although more strategic (XII, XIII) or varied (V - VIII) battle systems would be a nice change for the next title.

>yeah Im gay
I keep hearing Noctis say that. What is he actually saying?

Then do it, faggot. Just because there are players who have done it means nothing, most games have people doing restrictive runs for a challenge. It proves absolutely nothing in your argument.

It's not about the crystal or summons though. It's about the starscourge, Ardyn, and Noctis growing up and into the role of King. You are conflating superfluous plot twists with depth.

It's my favorite FF now desu despite the flaws

>It's about the starscourge, Ardyn, and Noctis growing up and into the role of King

alright none of these were given any depth either.

I'm still holding out for an Ardyn DLC after the 3 faggots are done, Irisfags fuck off

>kill almost everything at level 1
>Just because there are players who have done it means nothing
Did you get lost along the way in the thread?

Ardyn's background, motivation, and goals are as well explained as they were for any other FF villain. Compared to shit like Ultimecia, Jenova, or Yevon he actually gets more explanation.

You said that the game is boring because you can kill anything at level 1 and that it's self evident that there's something wrong with the game based on that. You yourself haven't even done that, and you're going off what some other dudes did. But that doesn't really matter since pretty much every game has people getting really good and doing minimum runs.


Ardyn's backstory and motivation is literally a 30 second cutscene, definitely not as fleshed out as Jenova or Yevon despite not even meeting them. Ultemicia and FF8 are trash I'll give you that one

>You said that the game is boring because you can kill anything at level 1
Another user did, don't assume everyone here is the same person

Blame Nomura for his hair design, he had that hairstyle since like 2006, and thank fuck Naora designed his 30 year old self and he changed his hair/grew some facial hair.

Nice backpedal fag

You should learn what backpedal means

No the story of XV is one of if not the best stories in FF, problems from story telling are the only thing that drag it down, not the story content. There is a ton of depth and intrigue from the astral war, to the history of Eos, the Caelum line and the Lucii, the brotherhood of the main four and all that.

For just a second I thought that was a Crisis Core thumb and I thought this was going to be a good thread

>alright none of these were given any depth either.
They are though. And Tabata did say he wants to do an Ardyn one after the bros.

tabata says a lot of things

>No the story of XV is one of if not the best stories in FF

considering the only good stories in FF are 6,7 and tactics that's not saying much. Just because it's better doesn't mean it doesn't have serious flaws

>There is a ton of depth and intrigue from the astral war, to the history of Eos, the Caelum line and the Lucii, the brotherhood of the main four and all that.

pray tell, where can I find all this? I read all the magazines and the depth was as deep as a puddle. Don't bother telling me to watch the movie or the anime, if I have to do that you failed as a game designer

On chapter 6 so far. Are all of the weapons the same with just different stats? I mean greatsword 10 has the same moveset as the first one in the game?

Jenova has no motivation explained at all. Necron comes out of literally no where. Ardyn's backstory is built up throughout the entire game with you reading cosmogony passages and thinking they are just regular in game bible stuff, but in actuality it paints the tale of Ardyn years ago and things from around then, and when he reveals who he actually is it all falls into place.

>Now that the dust has settled. What's the Sup Forumserdict?

not great. Wait for the patches

He said this just a few days ago.

>Sup Forums-*end of some word*
stop this shit

Jenova by extension includes Sephiroth (who is the main villain anyway)

So it's good?

And that changes what I said how

this game was whitewashed?

>hear good things about ffxv
>tempted to pick it up
>Find out theres a demo and try it out to see if its worth it
>The combat its just switching between automatic attack and automatic defense while needlessly swapping weapons
Dodged a bullet there

>doesn't mean it doesn't have serious flaws
No one said it doesn't, but just because it has flaws doesn't mean it doesn't have positives, and the positive outweight the flaws a lot.

>and the depth was as deep as a puddle.
Seriously what? Just going through a dungeon like Steyliff you see an ancient ruin that was once part of the Solheim civilization, it has a lot of implications for not only the daemons which dwell inside but to Solheims relation to it, there is a layer of somewhat reading between the lines that are pretty clearly presented.

Even something like Cidney/Cid's story, you get the full picture only by piecing toghether the different random NPC dialog you overhear, certain things Cid and Cidney say to you during their quest or story bits.

Like Cidney sends you on a quest to get the headlights that keep daemons away, and she mentions how if only they had them outside the wall 20 years ago then "theyd" still be alive while looking sad, well you learn from Cid that Cidney's parents were killed when she was young and Cid took her in, one of the NPCs in hammerhead mentions how Cids sons accident and that he's surprised at the turnaround that hammerhead has had since then, and Cid mentions he had a falling out with Regis, the timeline of which was the same time Regis put up the wall.

So put those pieces together.

Regis puts up the wall, Insomnia is isolated and trade and technology of Insomnia stays within the walls, because of that things like the headlights that keep daemons away aren't available to people outside the wall, and 20 years ago Cidney's parents were killed while they were driving and she was in the backseat, now that is where Cid's falling out with Regis comes since Cid would have felt he was indirectly responsible for that, and then comes the NPC who talks about hamemrhead having a turnaround thanks to Cidney who took over the business and made it succesful. Then other tidbids like Cidney masking her sadness with her smile.

He said recently that the VR stuff is still being made too.

Solid 9/10 to me.

The only thing holding it from a 10/10 was a better presentation of the story. It had more to tell than it could handle, specially the characters.

Overall, i enjoyed it more than i expected. Great game.

is new jack season good

I loved the combat and the soundtrack. Aside from that the driving was terrible and I was not a fan of Noctis or Prompto.

why has nobody mentioned the fucking atrocious writing?? the laziest weebshit I may ever witness in my entire life

It's nice so far, then again only two of the ten episodes have aired so no idea if it stays as good


The story starts off shit, then gets good ~chapter 9.
The gameplay starts off good, then gets shit ~chapter 9.
The bros and music are good throughout.
Decent game, 6 or 7/10.

Better than the shitstorm that is ME:A. I'll give it a solid 8.5/10.

It isn't though.

4/10. Only good part was the first 3 chapters where you learn about the world. The next chapters you realize there really was nothing in the game and most parts happened off screen. Aside from being bros there was barely any arc for the main fags. The battle system was retarded. There was no incentive in using magic unless you created it with a potion so you actually end the fucking game. The fashion in this game seemed to be stuck in 2007. Battle system was retarded warping around which if you didn't enjoy well you're fucked because theres no such thing as classes here. I hold square (not squenix) in high regard but this shitpile doesn't hold a candle to the worst dragon age game.

top lel

>shit combat
>shit empty world
>most NPCs don't even speak
>no cool items, just running around looking for beams popping out of the ground
>retarded day / night cycle
>can't drive yourself
>half the game is staring at 4 faggots sitting in a car over a bad soundtrack
>magic is shit
>item management is shit
>graphics are not bad I guess
>no story
>no real direction
>boring early dungeons
>fishing minigame sucks

2/10 game

This is what I'm doing. It's a great example of a game being incomplete upon release and getting finished through DLC and patch's later on.

8/10 it's shit

Paying money for shit games and being okay with it. Let me guess, Mass Effect: Andromeda is your goty?

>xv-kun posts getting deleted

I knew this would happen.

>barry gets the b& hammer
Mods stick around, you know he's coming back

>xv-kun laughs at his own webms
are you fucking kidding me

They deliberately made it bad.

Bruh, even the movie felt incomplete. It wasn't even a bad movie but it pretty much had the same problems you describe the game had.

Maybe that was the theme, maybe the theme itself is incomplete