Where were you when the Switch "console" got deprecated less than one month after release?

Where were you when the Switch "console" got deprecated less than one month after release?

sitting at home


and you?

>emulating the Wii U
>somehow effecting the Switch

This is the mental level of a retarded pc owner

>implying the switch isn't a Zelda machine

Playing the greatest game of the century on a glitchy 10fps emulator with broken ass controls.

How sad. Call yourself a gamer? For shame.

Has to justify that $1000 toaster somehow.


Negros are so desperate to play Breath Of The Wild that they will put up with shitty emulation.


Hacking my Wii U. Sold all of my Wii U games after dumping them with disc2app.

Cool, can I slide my PC out of it's dock and keep playing elsewhere?

It's not really an issue for the average PC gamer I suppose, seeing as they don't and can't move.

>$1000 toaster
You'd be shocked how many poorfags are here.

Give me one good reason why wojak posters shouldn't be banned on sight.

Enjoy those 23.5 FPS.

I don't play with toys when I leave my house.

Why are Cemu shills THIS relentless? Jesus, what are we up to, like 5 threads today?


You do realize that the switch is the new console while you're still struggling to emulate the old one?

>implying you leave the house

its not cool to lie on the internet user

There is none. It's literally the smug anime faces of 2017. You don't have any arguments? Who fucking cares as long as your image folder has 20 different wojacks in it.

And Mario Odyssey, though

So it will run even better than before? Should have done this a long time ago

Pretty easy to do that since you dont leave your mothers basement

Switch will be emulated by mid-2018 (Mario won't make it for Christmas).

C'mon user, there's -normal- people who go outside without relying on video games and there's the -special- kind of people who need toys to help them get out in public. Hope you grow up one day and know video games are nothing but something you do in your spare time 1-2 hours a day after you've worked and had fun with friends.

i5 7600k: $230
aftermarket CPU cooler: $25
250w good-quality PSU: ~$35
micro-ATX motherboard: ~$50
micro-ATX case: ~$35-50

Hope you grow up one day to not put that much effort in a shitpost

so many dropped frames its ridiculous

With only 100$ I can buy a Wii u with a shit ton of games that will never stutter and let me play online

where do you download breth of the wild

>Another thread

This is the fourth or fifth thread in an hour. The viral marketing is outrageous at this point.

Why are you assuming it took any time at all to come up with that post? Does it normally take you effort to write a few words and find a comic you saved in your images folder? Very sad.

Fuck you piece of shit.

Man, cannot wait to see you try when the shit that actually hit the framerate get plugged in.

Sonybros got nothing better to do.

4 years going.

>he doesn't know that the Deku Tree area is 10FPS even on the console

looks a little wonky, but is it playable?

I fucking hate sonybros with all their emulations and threads about it like the fucking catherine emualtion thread we have right now.

More than two lines is already a lot of effort

In line at Trader Joe's in Oakland, CA.

Pc mustards are the ones starting these threads whats wrong with you?

Yeah sure, go suck off that Horizon Zero Dawn cock more.

That might be the saddest thing I've read this month. I would look into adult learning centers, unless you have some sort of medical condition and it's not just lack of education.

>he pays for an emulator

What is sad is someone typing this much just for a (you)

>Man, cannot wait to see you try when the shit that actually hit the framerate get plugged in.

Grass has ALWAYS been rendered, just belowground. 1.7.4 will give an FPS gain, not an FPS hit.

Go enjoy myamoto cock after he made a game that runs better in a emulator than the console its was made and released to

And yet somehow you're a poorfag for buying consoles solely to play them as they're meant to be played. Like spending $1000 on a PC to play emulators and pirated/cracked games costs you more than multiple consoles over a decade, on top of peripherals/controllers and physical games. I wouldn't doubt if it turned out most of the "master race" are either using family PCs or their parents buy them parts.

I wasn't even the original guy, I was just honestly shocked that someone thinks typing a sentence is difficult.

How mad are Nintendies that they paid $400 for a cheap Chinese DRM Nvidia shield tablet that costs Nintendo $80 to manufacture + game?

So is it ACTUALLY playable?

I already have it on WiiU but I'd probably do a PC run after if it runs perfect and is actually better.


Yeah. Thats what I said.

sweet and I only need a pc that costs 4 times as much as a switch to play it!!

remove this

i5 7600k: $230
aftermarket CPU cooler: $25
250w good-quality PSU: ~$35
micro-ATX motherboard: ~$50
micro-ATX case: ~$35-50

>still more frames than the Switch

Most of the pictures posted in battlestation threads are very clearly taken in their rooms at their parents' house so yeah.

And you get like what, 10000 times more games on it aswell?

>projection: the post
stay mad sonybro

It actually does make me a little upset that pc runs this area at 30 fps and switch doesnt.

It's a very important area in the story, I can say that without spoiling. And the frame drops when you first see it tarnish the experience.


>strenuous physical or mental exertion

I mean, not knowing the meaning of common words is a step above thinking writing a sentence is hard, but is still pretty bad.

They will never be, you have literally no say in that

Get fucked and stay fucked

>30 hearts
>3 stamina wheels

its a great game, glad you'll be able to enjoy it

>taking things this literally

>so many dropped frames its ridiculous
Fewer than on the actual system.

sitting in my room working on my 2nd playthrough of botw. how about you?

What does it matter what it's played on? Whether Wii U, Switch, or PC, the fact is the game is good enough for people to either run out and buy a Switch or put up with shitty emulation.

Looking forward to it. A lot has been claimed about it that I really want to confirm.

>I- I was only pretending to not know English!

I heard a poor fag crying about not being able to play games in glorious 3440x1440 resolution with buttery smooth 100 FPS.

I have a Wii U, still not buying a 30fps game for it and will wait for emulation rather than play inferior versions.

Except... nothing's different.. things were just being rendered underground and shit.. kay

I like how this images is suppose to portray that I'm a Nintendo fan, when I'm really just laughing my ass off watching PCMR scrounge around for table scraps while shouting about their superior hardware form a top their empty hot pocket boxes.

>stutter posting

would it be playable on a 4670k

> spending $1000 on a PC JUSTto play emulators guise

Lol @ nintenbros

So when will it actually be worth it to stop playing my WiiU version and work at setting up a PC version?

I'm not going to fuck around if its half broken

no. you can't even get out of the beginning place

Yes, easily, especially if it's at 4.4ghz or better.

I mean, what else am I supposed to post if you just flat out deny your fuck-up.

Great. If it's so deprecated, then maybe there'll be a store within 100 miles of me that has one in stock.

Just.. stop


>cortana enabled
pls stahp

Literally anything but that

No, Cortana is disabled. Search bar just has that text no matter your Cortana settings

This hunk of shit with a plot so paper thin and recycled is better than the witter 3 dark souls, mass effect 2, skyrim, fallout new vegas, and kotor? yeah did not think so

you could find a 50$ machine that could run it as good as a switch

>ever EVER mattering more than gameplay

Are you sure? Mine always looks like this.

I want smug anime girls back.



a little upset but on the flipside, hopefully we see a DS piracy situation in which we can download all switch games and place them on the micro sd card.

So it's an accurate recreation of the real thing?

When can I play fucking FE#?

Fuck off we need less anime in Sup Forums not more


I play my 3DS when I go to get my car serviced every few months, and I have a girlfriend and get laid multiple times a week, watch porn with, go on dates, go out with friends, and live a healthy normal life.

I only come here to laugh at people shitting on shitty games, like Andromeda.

You sound mad as fuck cuckboi.

But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.” -C.S. Lewis