Let's be honest, the game wasn't that bad

Let's be honest, the game wasn't that bad.

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Right I forgot, video games aren't allowed here

I don't know if this is "Zelda cycle" bullshit bait or not, but SS is the pinnacle of OoT-style Zelda, the sooner as you fags recognize it, the better

There is a 100% chance your tastes are shit.

I like that one doujin where Link is fucked by ghirahim until he breaks completely.

I'm especially a fan of the scene when ghirahim shoves his dick down links throat while link screams in protest

There are only three good things about this game.

It was worse that I thought it would be though.

Also having dungeons.

Yes, it has dungeons. It also has bosses and items as well. Maybe even shields.

>wasn't that bad

>Demise fights
>Slow-ass beginning
>Mandatory motion controls
>Empty overworld

Get outta here

honestly if someone would mod it to make Fi never speak to you outside of regular cutscenes and for the ability to get trinkets without automatically opening up the menu, and make the motion controls more precise I'd like it about as much as I like twilight princess. They both have goddawful amounts of padding in the beginning that keep any sane person from wanting to replay them.


SS still isn't very good. It's still better than BotW though, holy shit is that game a letdown.

But master

The batteries in your Wii remote are low.

What if you don't have Wii motion plus?

It was better than Twilight Princess and the DS games, but not what a Zelda game should be. Been saying this since it came out.

i still haven't played it because i was too cheap to buy an adapter for my wii mote

I'm sorry but it was, without a doubt, an awful video game.

Stop trying to meme the zelda cycle faggot.

Did they fug

only thing that could make me replay this shit is if they remade it with a normal controller and they cut fi and all there dialogue out of the game.

SS is easily the worst. it actually makes the DS games look good by comparison and was the game to start the zelda cycle shit

The music was terribly generic for a Zelda game.

OoT is the pinnacle of OoT style Zelda. :/

I was mainly talking about the small handful of standout pieces. Particularly some of the boss music like Ghirahim's themes and the Koloktos battle. Half of the soundtrack is pretty generic though.


Please don't make angry faces at me :(


Does Groose have the greatest redemption arc in the Zelda series? Starts off as generic bully #524 but ends up becoming one of the most endearing characters in the game.

>SS is easily the worst. it actually makes the DS games look good by comparison
Please point out comparisons to back up your claim. Because I can't agree on any level. The DS games have all the flaws Skyward Sword does, and more.

The feels!

A lot of SS felt like a chore to me. Ive replayed pretty much every zelda multiple times but ive felt no reason to replay SS. It did have its moments though.

The worst things about SS are those 4 "trials" where you have to gather the orbs of light with all that shit chasing you; and the last couple demise fights. Also, the travel time between areas was painfully slow. It got to the point where you knew the next 3-4 stops you had to make, but you were just waiting to travel between each individual place.

I actually very much enjoyed the motion controls. I thought they implemented it as well as they could have. Sure you have to recalibrate every now and then, but overall it feels really good swinging the sword around.

Plus, those boss battles are great. The first Ghirahim fight was legitimately difficult the first time I played it. I didn't think they would have the balls to put a hard skill-check in a Zelda game, but they did it.

I very much enjoyed every aspect of the game except for the lack of a open world to explore.
Game had memorable characters, decent story, cool new lore elements, fun new tools to use, etc.
Pretty much what I want in my Zelda games.
They just really fucked up by making the sky part of the game so empty. Should have made more islands with more villages and stuff.
Also reusing dungeons was a stupid idea but not unforgivable.

Definetely gonna replay it on the emulator as soon as I get a new Wiimote.