Fire Emblem Echoes Thread

Were you able to get one user?

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Did it go on sale today? I can see it's obviously unavailable everywhere.

no i just want the pins

yes its sold out already

I can only buy on amazon, and it hasn't gone live yet.

Fuck, didn't even know about it. Would've loved an art book.

Nintendo FE4 remake plz

It only went up for sale at gamestop. Nobody else has put up their pre-order yet.

Fuck. had no idea this existed.

Pre-ordered it on gamestop, but who the fuck cares. I got one.

not even live yet on amazon so no

Where have you been, user?

Is this a new game?

Define "new".

It's a remake of the second Fire Emblem game

Nope. I just heard about it, but I guess you can't get it all. I was able to get Fates' SE.

If you're desperate like me GameStop still takes in store pre orders

I'm not really. Fates kind of turned me off FE for awhile. I still haven't finished Revelation and I picked up the game on release.

Hell, I still haven't checked out Heroes, but that's just gatcha bullshit.

Does it have anything special in game or is it just physical goodies? The only reason I cared about the Fates SE was that it was the only way to get all 3 versions on a physical copy and I'm autistic like that.

no and i dont care since i can just pirate the game + amiibo

Only physical goods. Artbook, soundtrack, and those 3 small character pins.
The european version also includes the two amiibos.

Ahh fuck those pins are so cute.

Let's hope this game sells well so we get them Jugdral remakes.

I think amazon is putting it up soon or I'm getting a glitch

whenever I refresh the page for the LE listing, two buttons on the side temporarly show up with no graphics, that says "Preorder now" and "Standard Edition" below that, like I can choose between preordering this or select the standard edition product

Amazon Employee on the Reddit sub said it's going up in 10 minutes

Fuck. Now I'll have to stay up all night.

link to post?

Can't link to something that doesn't exist.


Had to order one in person at Gamestop. Not many people did apparently.

It doesn't appear so.

I grabbed one off amazon but I still don't trust that shit. I heard people were getting damaged boxes or cancelled orders with fates

I'll keep that order and get one when bestbuy puts theirs up

Do you have the amazon link?

it looks like it sold out now

I've been refreshing this page every 30 seconds for the last two hours and it was never available.

Youre getting ruses

I work at Gamestop, this was nowhere as popular as the last FE special edition. I bet you could get one easy in store.

>you will never have a qt red-haired sword priestess childhood friend who still wants your dick after years of being apart

But in all seriousness I'm pretty pumped for this game. Hopefully the story additions are able to flesh things out more and the desert maps I've heard about aren't too shitty. The soundtrack alone is 10/10 material already

I don't like this version as much as the Smash version. Nintendo has become really reliant on the wood flute lately.

Playing Gaiden, and I realised my greatest flaw, I didn't trade over the ring that doubles stat growths to Alm's Side and now he's stuck in a fucking double Landslide, what a weird continent.

The remake is gonna be good.

I actually only like the original version, though the Echoes version is better than the Smash version in my opinion.

This week?
It's not available anywhere yet

I've never played the original Gaiden and I rarely played Brawl/Sm4sh so the other versions of With Mila's Divine Protection don't stand out too much to me. I do feel that the Echoes version will probably fit the game better, while the Smash version is more suited to faster-paced situations that you're not gonna get in strategy games.

I think the original is best too.

OG>Smash>Echoes. Echoes is lacking something that makes the song more urgent. The violin and flute are too soft for the lead in this song.


>there are people losing their shit for a CE of a game they want that sells out
>those same people not walking into GameStop to preorder a CE version of a game

Did that shit with Persona 5's Take Your Heart CE with ease as long as you do it as soon as the news was immediately announced. Don't let your blind hatred towards GameStop prevent you from getting a soon to be rare CE.

Announced today. Gamestop ran out online, might be able to pre-order in store.

Hasn't gone up anywhere else yet.

Yeah that's about right.

My main issue is that there are parts that weren't in the original track, and they're too soft to fit the motif of the original and remake, sort of placed there without thinking about the situation of the game.

Tell me about this girl

Take your heart was up for a long ass time though, those people who missed it has noone to blame but themselves

She has the worst smelling anus.

She's getting cucked by Celica. the end.

freaking limited editions

ain't gonna gyp me

no siree

Atlus actually makes a reasonable amount of special editions unlike Nintendo.

Do you think this is an issue with the Echoes tracks that we've heard so far? I'm not really musically inclined and have no attachment to the original Gaiden so I don't think I'll be as bothered by additions or removals of certain things.

>The only playable character in Echoes who is programmed to feel suffering
Hidari is a great artist though, Faye is adorable as fuck

Most of Atlus releases are just the special edition. Then the next restock usually loses the included CDs and stuff.

I put down $5 for the CE of Fire Emblem Echoes like three hours ago near my local GameStop. I'm sure that shit will be gone by the day's end.

it's up boys

Did we ever figure out if Hidari is a girl?

Finally a use for all those fucking GameStop points

I managed to get a reserve thankfully, I love the pins and I really like the art in this title so I want the artbook

Fuck you, leatherman.

this calling GS tomorrow and then walking in to buy it out and out.

Most of the soundtrack has been redone perfectly. Alm's map is great, the overworld and village themes are fine as well. I hope they do the recruitment theme justice. Something like this I'd be fine with, because the plot of Gaiden is pretty serious and I'm hoping they go into detail in the remake to make it moreso.

Not this one. This inevitably sold out though

Shit do it now.

Unless you're on the East coast, otherwise wish you the best its still available tomorrow

How fast did it get scalped on gamestop?

Not in the original game.

Likely added to get cucked by Celica.

It lasted for more than 1 hour.

Why did they have to add another Catria archtype?

>Childhood friend

She lost before the games even began



Diversity because all of Alm's childhood friends were male.

The "Melia" of Gaiden.

Didn't Claire or whatever the peg knight was also have a thing for Alm? Did Claire's crush get moved to Faye, or did IS decide to create a Triangle Cucked Attack with Claire/Faye/Catria?

That's good to hear. Any other tracks you'd like to see stand out in Echoes? I agree with you on the village theme at least, shit's super intense and gets the whole rebellion mood right.

Sold out online or could I still do a walk in per-order

who else grabbed the amazon preorder?
$49.99 thanks to the sweet amazon prime discount and free release day delivery

The Final Map theme is probably top on my list of what I want to stand out, it's a great track even though I've only heard it on Youtube, I haven't got around to the final map yet, near the end of chapter 4.

>ywn get back old fire emblem instead of this weeb shit

I did but if I can get the bestbuy preorder when they go up i'll cancel my amazon one

gamers club is better because i get certificates ontop of a discount and release delivery

If your GameStop is still open then probably

>Didn't want to wait for Amazon to have it up for 3 minutes
>Called my brother who worked for it a few years back
>All he had to do was make a call and they got a preorder down in 5 minutes

I grabbed one too but I will probably cancel it... I'd like to get one at my local BestBuy but they are always late to putting preorders up and i'm too lazy to follow it

Nope, I was too busy hardware shopping for my PC. Guess I'll just have to buy from fucking scalpers.

U wot m8

Gaiden predates Sacred Stones by 12 fucking years

>thinking this was a big deal
No one cares fatfuck

Yes she is.

The only thing I would want would be the reversible cover, I only got the Fates SE to have all three campaigns on one cart boy do I regret that

She's a designated loser with good stats and growths like everyone else in her archetype.

How bad will the localization be?

Am I the only one who hates these "limited editions"?

They always come with some toy, but never anything you might use. They always come with a "soundtrack" but it's always just a sampler or demo disc. They always come with an "art book" but it's usually a few poorly printed pages of stock marketing art with the ESRB logo plastered on the cover.

>more free shit for my 3ds

Not Treehouse/10

I was able to preorder at my local gamestop after they sold out online

An improvement from Fates but still have some stupid shit because it's 8-4.

The art book would have interested me if the art style wasn't generic anime. The Awakening/Fates style was great, aside from some weird armor designs.

Didn't know this even existed until now, but it's gone anyway so nothing was lost in my opinion.

It isn't being done by Treehouse, so it can't be too bad, but I have heard they are adding more to the story because of how short the story is (though it isn't bad) so it still has a chance to go to hell.

I lost hope on getting the special edition, the standard game and amiibos will have to be enough this time.

>The art book would have interested me if the art style wasn't generic anime. The Awakening/Fates style was great, aside from some weird armor designs.
This post made me really mad.

>generic anime
What are you smoking