Which one looks better Sup Forums ?
Which one looks better Sup Forums ?
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Switch, it's more atmospheric.
I can't tell if the bottom is either more washed out or the lighting from the lamps are more pronounced.
both look like shit
The one I can take with me to the john.
I'm more curious about outdoor screenshots
Bottom's minimap is shit and the characters look out of place being higher res than the scene
top has unrealistic lighting
a better reshade preset would make cemu look a lot better
The one I can emulate and play for absolutely free for a few hours until I remember that I'm not a child anymore and let go of nostalgia, then propably watch a movie with gf or go for an evening walk with her
What's with the crosspad icon being fucked up on both?
>what are bugs in a developing emulator
This and Having said that, for an emulator it's pretty good
its reshade that causes it
well OP asked which one looked better lmao not which one would look better with no bugs
>Wii U owners got to play BOTW for free a week before launch
>CEMU user will play BOTW for free in 4k within a few months of release
>Switchcucks face when
>m-m-muh portability!
>L-look at this being emulated, haha pc cucks win again
>everyone agrees switch looks better
Hey guys, so how's that "We'll take our niche on the low-end hardware front." business startegy working out for Nintendo?
>people unironically saying top looks better
what the fuck?
but its not
cemu is objectively better, it has better lightning and is far more sharp
the colors are the switch look better because the reshade config is bad
Really well, breaking records in North America, Europe and Oceania
>bugged dpad icontop left
then post a comparison pic where it looks better
Look at the minimap
Look at Link
Top is far better
First pic isn't even from the Switch version since it has a bugged D-pad icon.
Here's one in 4k that i had to compress from 8mb
Is there any sort of post processing like sweetfx or something being done on the bottom image?
>dpad icons fucked up on both
Nice try OP. We know you messed with the settings on CEMU
Bottom is a lot more crisp and less of a fucking eyesore.
Literally why are you even here then?
>got two Switches because work reasons
>nephews didnt want them
Give me good ideas to destroy them and I will stream it. I have access to various tools so give me ideas and I will deliver
Are you guys serious here?
Don't just look at the fucking thumbnail
Open the picture in the a new tab and zoom in
The bottom is better objectively in every way other than the minimap
Why destroy them? Why not sell them for profit? What nephews don't want free video game consoles even if it's not one they're interested in?
I don't believe you user.
Because I have been coming and lurking here for a long time and I come to Sup Forums for gaming news. I'm a normie with responsibilites but love video games
>thinking nintenbros would tell the truth
Yes we get it, it's the same sub par graphics but at a resolution that shines a spotlight on that fact.
the minimap is literally all you have, bottom Link looks much better
>minimap is blurry so the whole thing is shit
Sour grapes: the thread
Because they are both late teenagers and play PS4 and PC, literally called it gay. Also, I have a good income so figured I'd do something with them since I dont need an extra 200 bucks
Smash them up with a sledgehammer...
In front of Nintendo world in New York.
Bottom looks like it's using some memefx post effect making link brighter and looking as if he's superimposed on the scene
minimap is a known bug, will get fixed by 2nd april
>pic related cemu 1.7.3
The D-pad is the same on both.
It's not just that. The top is bland and has basically no post-processing effects whatsoever
The switch is complete dogshit and belongs in 2011
I like top one more. Bottom has too much brown and bloom and AA
them baits eh ?
Nintendocucks in denial
u can take both?
There's worse contrast.
And some low-res textures are more obvious.
Were it outdoors, LODs popping in and shadows lacking in distant terrain would also be more obvious. (as seen in )
As well as blocky shadows, like in I don't expect a community of gamers who delve in pixel counts and staring at textures to appreciate such things over actually playing games, though. Like Crysis fags think: "if it's hard to run it's GOT to be pretty".
>2nd april
Quite convenient date, huh? $21,500 for each bug fix. Not gonna lie, the guys at Cemu have a good business set up.
Which one actually works?
Oh the switch and wii-u are the definitive editions...
for the next 2 months
Thanks for beta testing though
Next build realtime streamable.com
Neither, look at the d-pad on both screens. CEMU crashes as soon as I get to Impa.
>top has weird tessellation
>bottom has clear models and includes better lighting
Bottom, thanks.
>Sup Forums
>gaming news
>too much AA
>for the next 2 months
>we will have the same cemu shill threads for over two months
They're not using the High Res shadow graphic pack for some odd reason.
>top one is switch
Then why is the d-pad in the top left of the UI all fucked up?
holy shit im such a white californian nigger
how did I miss that
either bugged or it's running on Cemu with the same resolution as the Switch
>OR CEMU AT 720p
nice try faggo
>don't need an extra 200 bucks
also if they're both in box you could probably chuck 'em for full retail price (depending on availability in your area), 600$ is a decent chunk of change, my dude.
Non-dye is best due.
switch pro controller has a d-pad.
PCbros being retarded at shooping
>for free in 4k
Which one can I take with me on the plane?
This just looks like you downsized the resolution on Cemu for the top and then upsized it for the bottom.
Especially with the UI glitch.
free but it doesn't work yet, might as well watch a let's play.
It's already a confirmed visual glitch exclusive to CEMU.
Try not being an evasive nigger next time.
Rather well, if sales figures are to be believed.
Now if they actually get third party support...
Who cares these ps2 games have shit graphics anyway.
Neither if you're from a brown country
I had a Wii U, sold it for a Switch, and playing BotW on it. Might play it again on Cemu down the line when it's playable. No regrets. Was going to buy it for Splatoon 2, Xenoblade 2, and Mario Odyssey anyways. Probably sell my 3DS soon too.
Where people go for iso?
>Both are Cemu
Never change Nintenbros
>people saying top
The bias is extremely strong. I bought the Switch and even I can admit the bottom panel looks much more beautiful and crisp. You should post more comparisons in different environments instead of in a dinky shop.
thanks for beta testing :^)
>or it's running on Cemu with the same resolution as the Switch
it's like you don't even try not to be retarded
It looks like the atmospheric fog is closer than it should be. I don't think it's the lights necessarily.
i think that's the point, show that the nintendards will defend a lower resolution, just because it has the word switch on it.
They are both CEMU.
yeah, scaled to switch res, someone should cap from an actual switch though for accuracy.
>Nintenbros aren't the problem, it's the pc fags!
must have missed all the NEVER EVER threads and the massive amounts of autistic shilling that came before the game released
>people saying the Switch one looks better despite it still being CEMU
jesus christ i own a switch and love nintendo but you guys are fucking retarded
TRUE experience in this pic. If you don't like it's because your computer can't handle it, or you bought a NES and are mad you wasted money.
someone please make a screencap
just for future use
Link model looks better in Cemu but everything else looks better on the Switch.
I think I'll go with top because of the lighting.
top is blurrier but as better lighting, bottom's map is blurrier
I'll go with bottom but meh
hey asshole those are clearly early 360 graphics get it right
Whats the point of looking better if it runs worse?
>i'm a retarded gullible idiot that falls for 150% blatant falseflagging
I don't get Switch owners either.