No achievement system

>No achievement system



The Wii U didn't have achievements either

I'm glad there are no achievements. After years of playing games with them and chasing those worthless digital points, I've come to hate them.

kill yourself tripfag

You joke, but that is actually a thing a lot of people have come to care about.

It's okay when Nintendo does it!

>No artificial replayability

agreed, chasing achievements makes me hate those games a lot of the time.

Also achievement whores remind me of those fags that post shit on facebook or Instagram all day that nobody but them cares about.

Achievements are retarded, unless it's an in-game system that unlocks stuff.

>no achievements
so it's just like your life

I like achievements but not those you inveitably get by just compliying the game but instead if zelda had like ones where you have to speedrun it or something

Why does your obsessive need to chase achievements have to ruin it for those of us who just like their presence?

>games shouldn't need achievements

I agree with this

>but they all need content locked behind amiibos because 60 dollars entitles you to nothing, foolish customer

This is where I get pissed.

Achievements are worthless. Who cares? I don't need some stupid box popping up telling me I accomplished something, I just want to play the damn game.

that's why it flopped

I bet none of you complete anything you play.

>artificial replayability


>download Disgaea 5
>they kept the trophies in
Odd choice, I wish the system had achievements too. Might be enough to make me play Zelda again.

He's not a tripfag, fuckwit.

>Playing a game isn't enough for me, I need to be told what to achieve

Usually I'd agree, but achievements have ruined so much for me. Spoiling good moments, and just being ugly and in the way in general.

>Caring about achievements in 2017


let's be honest, achievements are repetitive tasks and only autists bother unlocking them to feel accomplishment, sane people only care about actual game content

So disable them

There is literally no downside to achievements

B-b-but I want to be acknowledged for looking up 5 times

>achievements are repetitive tasks and only autists bother unlocking them

so ignore them

Kind of curious as to why people like trophies and achievements, since even as someone who plays PS3 a lot, I've disabled trophy notifications ever since the first one popped up on my screen, and completely ignored it for the most part. Is it bragging rights, or something else?

Same reason why people like amiibos, even though I consider them worthless junk and don't want happy meal toys clogging my room.

I dunno man, I'm the type of person who legitimately enjoys grinding for hours on end in video games so maybe I just enjoy the little "you're doing a thing" message.

Extra motivation to get good, and to explore everything a game has to offer.

It's also cool to see you just did something only 0.5% of the players did.

Autism, completionism, sometimes they're good benchmarks for progress or unlockables, and they add some replayability for people who care.

The best example of achievements I can think of is in Pinball Arcade. Each table has 5 standard goals and 5 wizard goals after you beat the standard. Since pinball tables can be very complicated and fairly esoteric with their goals, achievements are a great way to ease you into a table without overwhelming you with all the new rules and combos and missions along with informing you of features you might not have known about, and they're a good benchmark of how much better you're getting at the table.

Speaking of Pinball Arcade, I wouldn't mind a Switch port.
I like having a quick round of Pinball on the train as well as on my big TV at home.
I know I would have bought a lot more Pinball tables on the PS4 if they were cross-buy with the Vita.

I've always thought achievements were really pointless unless there was a tangible reward that wasn't just some gay trophies (like mounts in World of Warcraft).