I have a story about a man named Carloman
- Go to war with Charlemagne, imprison him
- 1 day later fuck him up in the dungeons and unite France
- Seduce Charlemagne's former wife
- Get way too high and don't realize my manpower is way too low
- A month later there are 6 wars going on and i surrender all of them
- Lose 10 provinces to rebels and pagans
- Who cares I'm still a king
- Court physician uses an experimental treatment, turns me into a lunatic
- Thank him for giving me a free LSD ride for life
- Contract syphilis
- Go to court physician for treatment because he the best
- Somehow cuts my eye out
- I'm now one-eyed and severely injured
- Murder my court physician because he just halved my chance at seeing that booty
- Dies one week later of Syphilis
11/10 would get an eye patch and seduce my brother's wife again
Crusader Kings 2
Other urls found in this thread:
post empires
>HIP still hasn't updated
Can someone post a link to a video of how to get into this game? No bullshit, just what I need to know to jump in. Looks fun as fuck really.
like a tutorial?
yeah my dude
Arumba does a very good one even though it does take a while to go through all the videos because CK2 is a really complex game
not leaving this thread without seeing some empires
I'm trash at the game, I just play it for the role play and the characters
the constant stream of DLC and expansions seems to have crippled the modding community for this game. it used to have a shitload of great mods, but only a handful of them are still being updated to be compatible with current versions of the game
Just cheat like crazy until you get good enough to not need to.
>needing a link
Play as ireland in 1033 and unite the lands to become king of ireland. Realize that the game goes on so long you can lose just about everything (kingdom, valuble land, funds) and still come out on top in the end. Most importantly of all disable the conclave DLC
all hail poland
All I'm waiting for. Vanilla babies should just suicide
i bought the CK2 collection a few months ago when it was 85% off, and i have yet to play it.
any top tier mods i should know about?
get the new expansion, you can be in a secret society, worship Satan, and have a devil child
>not joining hermetics and having a working handgun in 1100
>Charlememe start
Neck your kys and piss in peace nigger
Honestly, Hermetics make me want to play an Irish or Norse merchant republic and just stack the artifact bonuses with the house ones.
Doesn't matter having a shitty king if he has +5 or more to every stat.
If you want complete overhaul mods then I guess there's shit like Elder Kings (a TES mod), Winter King (based on Bernard Cornwell's Warlord books, essentially early middle ages Arthurian setting), there's Geheimnisnacht (a Warhammer Fantasy mod), there's a ASoIaF mod
As for what to get to spice up vanilla get either HIP or CK2+
HIP if you want a better map
CK2+ also does some little improvement on map but focuses mainly on mechanics
Is EU4 fun when you convert the Ck2 savegame having large empires?
what is the best ck2 to eu4 converter?
the official one?
DLC: the game
Fuck those greedy incompetent kikes at paracux
>more meme nonsense
yea whatever
>he doesn't pirate the DLC
I'm afraid of having my steam account banned
The DLCUnlocker seems sketchy as fuck
>Canadian Africa
eh yo hol up, buddy
That isn't at all relevant to them being greedy and incompetent, when they break the game and bloat it to hell and back with half baked new shit and never clean it up, instead pumping out the next bullshit DLC.
fucking pussy
It's not really fun. But with the seduction focus I had a hardon for ages.
just copy/paste the main game file somewhere other than steam. you wont be able to get automatic updates that way, but you wont need any fancy tools to make it work safely with DLC
i agree with this. they could have made the game a lot deeper and more atmospheric if they had waned to, but instead they just keep piling on with map expansions and poorly designed features that are never fixed
>I'm afraid of having my steam account banned
I tried CK2 and got bored fairly quickly. The idea of being able to imprison or execute people seemed cool but the majority of the game did not interest me. The "combat" felt really weird, there was no base-building aspects, the weird random event system felt out of place, and I felt shoehorned into most of my decisions.