Which path did you go down?

Which path did you go down?

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both, goddamn I had so much fun with those games

Good, mostly because I found Ice Launch so good while Firebird Strike loses all of its fucking momentum when it ends. The Re-direct rockets were fun to fuck around with too.

But that's before you become Electric Spiderman

The bad guy, the powers is irresistible.

Half as long T_T


Second son sucked. They should have followed with evil I2 ending and have you be a mutie lackey of cole as he wipes out humanity.

>Firebird Strike

I hated that one, especially when Nix does it and it seems to be unlimited but when Cole does it, 3 feet max. Pointless.

I played by how I felt, made some good and bad choices, ultimately ended up good at the end of the game

2, I was good until the final choice and wanted to side with the beast, then got a prompt saying I wasn't the correct alignment to make that choice and needed to have evil karma to choose that one
GREAT illusion of choice you gave me there, faggots

then in second son I went full bad guy because fuck indians and hipsters

Isn't Second Son a "What If" story?
I2's Evil ending is supposedly canon

No it's the opposite, they made the good ending for I2 canon because supposedly the trophy data suggested more people chose the good ending option. Makes sense really, not sure how they could follow on from humanity getting raped by cole like that.

Going full bad guy in second son was pretty underwhelming to be honest. It was great to corrupt Fetch and all but I was hoping for some major confrontation between you and your brother (since you know..he's a cop) but it never happened. He just comes across as a douchebag rather than evil.

I completely agree, it wasn't really a good or evil dichotomy at all

Is First Light any good? I love all the games (even Second Son) but have yet to play First Light

it should have been the main game

Are they ever going to release a new Infamous game?
What powers do you want to see?
I sort of want wire or ink powers.

It's alright, I would only buy it when it goes on offer though. I think normally it goes for $14.99 but it seems to go on sales often for $4/5

If they do I hope they introduce a new main character, Delsin isn't really as likeable as cole was.

this is fucking stupid to me because who the fuck didnt wind up doing both endings anyways? Why would you not want to see the other half of the game that you payed for?


I unironically think these are the greatest superhero videogames out there

He had his moments, but I agree.
I really appreciate the stencil spray paint he gave to the game though.

True, but that would mean making two radially different games for the sequel

There's honestly not much else aside from movie tie-ins
That's because he's already a rambunctious youth whose entire inner struggle is either conforming with society or being a dick.

Video power in Second Son should have let you fly after fully upgrading it.


Give me minty breath power in the next game


I want them to stick to one power and get creative with it

it's kind of ridiculous, 1 and even 2 came up with all these unique creative ways to use the elements

then second son gives you 4 different power sets and all of them amount to fast pew pew
strong pew pew
explody pew pew
and melee

Evil in 1. Good in 2

Didnt like 2 as much. The end of 1 got bat shit insane

The worst was rock power, fucking rock power. I'm just glad you don't get it until the very end so you don't even need it.

Oops, meant for him

yea it sucked

felt so good killing that piece of shit.

Always good and then replay as evil for the trophies. Evil is more fun overall since you don't have to worry about civilians and generally the powers are better.

Good. Ice powers in the second game had more utility and versatility. Also, I do love how as a good guy you aren't actually killing the bad guys (though you can kill them) and you can even cuff the guys down once you knocked them out similar to how Spiderman would just web the bad guys down so cops can arrest them or something. It's the closest to the superhero experience that way, even more so than any Spider-man or Arkham game.

If I had known going down the good route would get Cole killed, I would have gone evil first play through and prevented Sucker Punch from making the former as the canon ending for Second Son.

the way it was presented was retarded and ass and balls too
>spend the whole game where the main objective of the story is to power up as much as possible so you can fight the final boss
>get all your powers stripped from you before that fight and throw rocks at her

another thing that bothered me is when you fight that tornado boss after getting your second power, and she's standing there taunting you to use the neon which she suspects you have but doens't know for sure
so I went the hard way and used only smoke for that fight, didn't even get a trophy for it. The cut scene just plays as though you were using neon

I'm glad I'm not the only one that disliked Zeke.


why are you guys so bitter

it still hurts

Why was zeke?

Killing protesters is too much fun to pass up

>you regenerate too fast for bullets to have any effect on you if you just let him keep shooting

What else really is there, though? With the exception of comic tie-ins, we really only have Prototype and Gravity Rush. Crackdown and Sunset Overdrive are kind of in the same mould too, though they're not really superhero games.

I don't doubt they will eventually, but it won't be for a while. Back when it was initially debunked on NeoFAG last year that it was SP involved with PS4 Spidey and it was actually Insomniac behind it about a month before E3, the guy said they're working on a new IP, not more Sly or inFamous.

Apparently it's some kind of open-world brawler.

Good, because it's canon and evil made no sense.

why was second son so shit?

your opinion

I wouldn't say it's shit, but it was pretty clearly rushed to get it out in time for the PS4's launch.

It was only canon because Sucker Punch tallied up the numbers and most people went down the good route the first time through.

> powers were largely the same gameplay besides traversal methods
> moral choice system with le good guy and le bad guy option that didn't evolve at all since the first game
> open world with shallow as fuck NPCs just like last games
>pacing literally just find conduit - fight conduit - fight with conduit

I guess it's not really shit just okay, but it was so fucking rushed which is a shame cause I really wanted to like it.

>Kill all conduits around the world with the Ray Inhibitor thing
>Ending notes that it even killed those who just had the gene but weren't actual conduits
>Second Son has conduits anyway

Remember when Cole was supposed to look like this?

I didn't hate it, played it enough to get the platinum but it a shell compared to the other games, so many missed opportunities, hell your own brother is a police officer but they do nothing with that potential when you're playing the evil route.

Didn't they change it just because of all the hate it received?

Yeah but only because he shot slow as fuck cuz he didn't wanna kill his bro

Infamous 2 evil ending didn't really make much sense

>Hey the virus has infected millions of people and at most there are a few thousand conduits. I know, let's KILL those millions to activate and save the conduits. It's the only way!

What's weirder is how Kuo was super cool with that idea

>Didn't they change it just because of all the hate it received?
I think it was more SP realizing the redesign was dumb rather than the backlash.

Yeah, it was weird havibg him look so different and "young", it truly felt like a different character.
Im glad it was changed.

Couldn't resist the maximum edge black electricity.

Is there a single person whom doesn't like edgy red-black electricity?
I really appreciate the visual difference in good/evil powers in Second Son

It doesn't even look like electricity anymore.

That was one of my gripes about black lightning desu

Was killing Zeke the good guy or villain ending in 2?

I know I went evil in one and good in the other but the only thing I fully remember in these games was killing Zeke made me sad.

Villain ending, it was the ending where Cole sided with the beast to kill as many people as possible in order to activate conduits

infamous 1 or 2 Sup Forums

i like 1 more

Anyone else kinda annoyed your whole goal in 1&2 was to grow strong enough to defeat the beast and you either an hero to save the world instead a super epic badass battle with him or side with him and the beasts bitch ass just gives you his powers cause he doesn't feel like going on? Loved the game play just felt the conclusion sucked.

I also like 1 more.

Plot: 1
Gameplay: 2

City - 1
Powers - 2

Not even that

>Entire point of first game was to be strong as possible to destroy the beast
>"lol it doesn't matter you can't kill him. Here, find six batteries to charge this plot-bomb to kill him instantly

2 because it just improved on everything.

The first one hasn't aged well at all, the second still looks somewhat decent. The thugs in the first game were annoying as anything with their perfect aim from what seemed like a hundred metres away as you're speed climbing up a building. Characters in the sequel were better for the most part, Zeke was actually likeable and you had no annoying cunt of a girlfriend/wife or whatever she was.

Oh and no Moya giving you a lecture every 5 seconds

Red lightning is just about the coolest fucking thing I've seen in a videogame in the 7th gen

>that animation of Cole just throwing the stake down and picking it back up after downing a Vampire

Did they explain in a comic or DLC how Second Son was possible? If the good ending for I2 was canon then aren't all the conduits supposed to be dead?

Not ditching your cunty ex for that sweet tentacled sewer babe

>play Second Son as evil as possible
>kill hundreds of innocent people
>corrupt Fetch, kill cops
>"i'm so proud of you"

inFamous is one of my all-time favorite games ever. Even saying it's 8/10 is underrating it, in my opinion. I loved that game. It was nearly perfect.

inFamous Festival of Blood was great, too. I loved the flying mechanics.

inFamous 2 was great as well, but I felt it was a little too easy. I didn't die nearly as much as I did in the first one. That story though. I teared up at the end. Both the bad and good endings have their moments. Half as long . . . twice as bright and Let go.

inFamous Second Son is pretty mediocre. I still played the whole thing, but it wasn't anything special.

>I didn't die nearly as much as I did in the first one.

I struggled in the first game at times but I can't tell if it was on purpose or just because the game was a little unbalanced. The thugs always seemed to have pitch perfect aim no matter how far you were away from them