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MGR > Nier > Bayonetta 2 > TW101 > Bayonetta > Vanquish > Anarchy Reigns > Mad World > The rest
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MGR > Nier > Bayonetta 2 > TW101 > Bayonetta > Vanquish > Anarchy Reigns > Mad World > The rest
Other urls found in this thread:
Bayo2>Bayo>MGR>Automata>TW101>Vanquish>Mad World>Anarchy Reigns>licensed shit
W101>Bayo1>Bayo2>MGR>Anarchy Reigns
All I've played. I have Mad World but I've never touched it.
Bayo2 > Bayo1 > MGR > Nier > Anarchy Reigns > Vanquish > Korra > Transformers
Haven't played the rest
I played the TW101 demo, but haven't got around to buying and playing it
Bayonetta 2 > NieR Automata > W101 > Bayonetta > Vanquish > Transformers > MGR > Anarchy Reigns > MadWorld > Korra > TMNT
MGR is like NieR:A except shittier combat, fewer enemies, a fucking retarded plot where the antagonist is correct, and like, 4 bosses altogether.
This is the shittiest Platinum game and definitely the shittiest "cuhrazy" game. Fight me.
Bayo 2 > Vanquish > Bayo 1 > W101 > NieR > Mad World > Transformers > Anarchy Reigns > Korra = TMNT = MGR
From what I have played:
Nier > Vanquish > MGR > Bayonetta
Bayonetta would probably be higher, but I played it on PS3 before it was patched. And I was shit at action games at the time. And Nier Automata is probably the best game I have ever played.
>shittiest "cuhrazy" game
It's better than Ninja Gaiden 3
>no scalebound
Bayonetta>Nier Automata>Vanquish>Bayo 2> tw101>MGR>Anarchy Reigns>Mad World
MGR is not top tier, there's not even 1/5 the depth of something like bayo or dmc
why is it your favorite game of all time?
i liked it too, btw
God Hand >>>>> Vanquish >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Everything Else
Anyone who likes Nier has irredeemable taste.
MGR has the funnest boss fights of any game all time
that is an accurate statement
>god hand
Nier Automata > MGR > Everything else because honestly all their other games are boring
It's better than anything they've made so I felt it was worth mentioning.
Oh you mean "special different quick time events where you angle your sword"? It's shit user. I kept playing through waiting for it to get fun and it never did.
>listing Clover game
>no Viewtiful Joe at the top
Bayo > W101 > MGR > Bayo 2 > Vanquish > Anarchy Reigns > Transformers
I'll rate Nier once I actually finish it but so far it's looking to be behind Bayo 2.
god hand is a meme
These ratings are obviously done on how "Platinum" they are and not depth
Just like your own, since Nier's combat is on the level, if not lower, than MGR's, while the plot is vastly different and for deeper, which isn't Platinum's part of the game
platinum games is even more of a meme
w101 is their best game
yes, but god hand is a bigger meme
but the biggest meme of all is YOU
you are 100% concentrated meme
Who gives a fuck? The game just made you feel dope as hell with that soundtrack and those sick boss fights. Also the incredibly cheesy dialogue and story really elevated it to a top game for me.
I actually loved the enemy variety and the gameplay of Automata, stop pretending you know shit about a game you didn't play. MGR doesn't even have a real combo, it's literally all the same shit.
>MGR > Nier > Bayonetta 2 > TW101 > Bayonetta > Vanquish > Anarchy Reigns > Mad World
nuh bruh. MGR is great but it's also objectively shit !
never played b2 or tw 101
all of their games have quick time events, and bayo has 10x the amount that MGR does, I don't see why it is relevant
are you sure you were playing MGR and not Titanfall?
Bayonetta > MGR > Bayonetta 2 >Vanquish >TW101 > Anarchy Reigns > Mad World > Nier Automata >Transformers > Korra > Starfox > TMNT
Platinums bad games now outweigh their good games.
NieR:A is a work of art if for nothing more than its variety of gameplay and story.
The soundtrack is pretty top notch as well.
TW101 fags are the worse. The gameplay is not deep at all.
Bayonetta literally has a better story, and it's pretty retarded.
Bayonetta at least had a higher variety of weapons and enemies. MGR only had you using one weapon (the ones you collected from bosses were SHIT) and fighting the same 4 or 5 enemies the entire game.
>T. I didn't finish N:A
It's more about the deliver of the story for me
I have played both, I wouldn't be having this argument with you otherwise
Nier is a fantastic game, as is MGR, but it's clear to anyone who has played at least some of Platinum's games how basic Nier's combat is
Nier outshines MGR in everything else BUT the combat
no one wants to see your family pictures
>NieR:A is a work of art if for nothing more than its variety of gameplay and story.
Delusional, the whole game was built to service a series of underdeveloped gameplay gimmicks and a teenager browsing the internet finding out the definition of existentialism.
Transformers = Bayo 1 > TW101 > Bayo 2 > MGR > Korra > Automata > All the games I haven't played > TMNT
not at all, bayonetta's story was generic and predictable
> all these PCbros pretending they've played W101
lookit this git, so enlightened he's become jaded
Literally what Nier's story is.
I am not even going to start with you dude, MGR was lacking really bad in a lot of mechanics, the bosses were good but that's it.
Mikami was indeed the best director at Capcom/Clover/Platinum.
It's really a bummer he's done directing.
Bayo2 was a WiiU exclusive too, user
in what way
What do you mean he's done directing? Evil Within was just 3 years ago.
It's the same as any edgy anime ever.
>It's the same as any edgy anime ever
then explain it
explain what
I found the references to Sartre, Engels, Nietzsche, and Beauvoir funny and quite insightful, since I have read their stuff before. I absolutely loved the gameplay, and can't get enough of using combat bracers on 2B and A2.
The story was gripping and intellectually stimulating; not in a life-changing sort of way, but it made me mull over some things I imagine every human thinks about (I would have loved it if the game somehow introduced more scathing social criticism a la Twain on The Mysterious Stranger).
I could not get enough of the characters, and loved how even NPCs had enough personality to be distinguishable from one another. I mean, the Pods, who I wasn't really expecting much from, were fantastic.
And I never stopped having fun. I would wake up and play and play before going back to bed. I just really never wanted to stop playing. And I love the little data collecting you can get into; I love getting lost in the chimera of made up universes.
The plot twists were good, and I especially like how the parallels between 9S and 2B start to play out as you reach the later endings.
The music is nothing short of heavenly. The only other OSTs that come close to rivaling it are Bloodborne's and the first Nier's.
I guess the only "shortcoming," which I don't really fault the game for, was that I wasn't as emotionally moved as some Anons claim to be. I felt bad at certain times during the game, but that's about it. I think this is more something particular to me and how I find media hard to move me. I dunno, I guess I'm emotionally selfish or something; the only things that really trigger my sadness are things that happen to me and the people I hold dear.
First Taro game, saw all the DOD and NieR shit by Clemps, read a bunch of shit by Rekka, and I want to explore more of the madman's world. Whatever his next project is, aside from that fucking phone game, I'm buying it.
Nier Automata just set up the bar really high.
He's done directing games, he doesn't want to do it anymore, he just wants to stand on the producing side.
Though to be fair, this is the third time he's said this.
Such a long post and you said literally nothing
inb4 his next game is more not-RE
>NieR:A is a work of art if for nothing more than its variety of gameplay
I find that hilarious considering a lot of shit came from W101 having exactly that.
>Elder God-Tier
Wonderful 101
Bayonetta 2
Anarchy Reigns
Transformers: Devastation
>Has No Right To Be As Good As It Is-Tier
Legend of Korra
I haven't payed Nier or Star Fox yet. Don't know if I'll ever play TMNT.
you won't explain how the game is generic and predictable, you instead said it is the same as edgy anime, which is a vague statement with multiple meanings
It's The Evil Within 2. A job opening for a localization edition was leaked. Most likely, John Johanas, the guy who directed and wrote the DLC is the director this time.
Or Ikumi Nakamura. Or even Shigenori Nishikawa.
you won't explain how the game is generic and predictable, you instead said it is the same as edgy anime, which is a vague statement with multiple meanings
I was really moved by the voice acting desu, you could feel 9S english voice actor almost crying some times, and i almost cried at the ending because of the music. I guess sound move me a lot easier than everything else, and this game has 10/10 music and emotional voice acting.
Even if you are being sincere please fuck off and stop making the Nier fanbase look any more autistic than it already is.
Kill yourself you fucking underage moron.
it sucks
what do you think the chances are if they get a few more in house original games theyll make anarchy reigns 2. i hate online only shit but its just a fun game to mash around in and had room for improvement.
wew lad
You might want to listen to this to the end then
Well shit, it's now confirmed that the Nier fanbase will RUIN platinum game threads, shame.
Already did.
Don't bother with Star Fox. I was hyped for that game and I was so let down by it. Nier is pretty damn good.
Everyone says starfox plays like shit but to me it plays exactly like n64. The game wasn't bad, and the gameplay was actually good and pretty much what you'd expect from a starfox game. What really lets the game down is lack of content rather than gameplay. I honestly believe anyone that says starfox is bad for gameplay hasn't played n64 or has the nostalgia goggles on way too tight.
Bayonetta 2 is on the Wii U too, though. Don''t make stupid posts because you have shit taste.
haven't heard that before
>mgr releases
Well shit, it's now confirmed that the MGS fanbase will RUIN platinum game threads, shame.
>Bayo 2 releases
Well shit, it's now confirmed that the Nintendo fanbase will RUIN platinum game threads, shame.
>Scalebound announced
Well shit, it's now confirmed that the Xbox fanbase will RUIN platinum game threads, shame.
There are barely any Platinum game threads these days anyway, and it was mostly due to one not coming out in a while
Nier is primarily a Taro game though, so if Platinum does come out with something, the threads might flow
On the contrary, user. Platinumfags have ruined NieR and Drakengard threads.
the meme "madman"
I'm out of the loop, can bayo2 be emulated now?
Bayonetta > vanquish >>>>> MGR
Bayo and Vanquish are extremely fun, but Nier and MGR are both disappointments. Feel lazy and boring combat wise, and it just makes me wish I could play Bayo 2
So, what makes you think I'm autistic? I'm dying to know.
You wanna maybe tell me my fucking horoscope while you diagnose my autism?
Fuck off, faggot.
W101 > Bayo1 > Transformers > MGR > Bayo2 > MadWorld
Haven't played enough AR to say how good it is yet, and haven't gotten to try Vanquish or Nier or the others.