Someone doesn't share your opinion

>someone doesn't share your opinion
>call them neo/nu Sup Forums
tell me how often you do this

also MEA is actually pretty fun if you ignore the bad animations and writing

Other urls found in this thread:

>having an opinion

Fuck off neo-Sup Forums trash.

>janky dumbed down tps are fun

>if you ignore the bad animations and writing
A large part of playing a Mass Effect game is the story and characters.

If they've screwed that up, they've screwed up the game pretty badly.

>-Game- is pretty fun if you ignore -Flaw-

but yeah, you are right

Sup Forums gets pretty antsy when you point out that Trump sure does have a lot of Russian connections and pro-Putin political positons

lol triggered Sup Forums cuck got so pissed off by the Sup Forums boogeyman that he came to Sup Forums to become the Sup Forums boogeyman HAHAHAHAHAHA

good luck ignoring all that shit

>playing games
Hahahahaha, what a loser

The game is pretty fun if you ignore the bad animations, writing, dated gameplay, constant glitches, lack of pacing, and the fact that further shits on the lore of a once-promising franchise

Cool tier:
Okay tier:
Shit tier:
Literally who tier:
Everyone else on the ship
Eldrich refuse cosmic feces tier:

alright, I'm curious. What does this game give you that the other 3 were lacking? Or do you like it because it's just a taste of more of the others?

>mediocre, average gameplay
>bad animations
>bad writing
>pretty graphics

All in all it's a worse than average AAA titles. The gameplay isn't something fairly unique like Dragon's Dogma for example

>also MEA is actually pretty fun if you ignore the bad animations and the reason people gave a shit about the series in the first place
oh okay thanks user

>also MEA is actually pretty fun if you ignore the bad animations and writing
A story-driven role-playing game with huge emphasis on NPC interaction is pretty good if you ignore the NPC interaction!

>if you ignore how shit it is, it's actually pretty good

>what's supposed to be a 2017 AAA action rpg with exploratory elements is pretty fun
>if you ignore the writing
>and the characters
>and the animations
>and the exploration or lack thereof
>b-but the "gameplay" is fun tho

It's Dragon's Dogma all over again, isn't it ?
Be prepared for Sup Forums to make a complete 180 in a couple years or less on this shit. Mark my words.

>Cool tier:

>Okay tier:

>Shit tier:

>Literally who tier:
Everyone else on the ship

>Eldrich refuse cosmic feces tier:

>action rpg is fun if you ignore the dialogue, story, animations, graphics, and voice acting

Then I might as well just play pong.

>This story driven game is fun if you ignore the story

Played it for like 11 hours today.
And it's okay.

No where near as bad as this place claims it is. Writing is cheesy and the animations are indeed bad (the faces actually have been touched up as far as that weird lip thing they were doing) but I have enjoyed it so far.


I only do it for a specific form of cancer that is killing discussion on Sup Forums.

Not him but personally I think the combat is more fun and engaging and the new dialogue system is better than "bad or good".

On top of that it is more of what I liked about the original trilogy.

>RPG is pretty good if you remove the RPG out of it

So it's a mediocre third person shooter with dumb AI and fetch quests?

everything is shit unless you're nu-Sup Forums.

don't be nu-Sup Forums.

I've never once called someone that shit. Also MEA is filled with other bugs, the story and writing in general are fucking stupid. Has some okay voice acting.

>MEA is actually pretty fun if you ignore the bad animations and writing

And you get mad when someone accuses you of being part of nu/v/. Obliviously ignorant.

not really people i disagree with but people defending shitty games is neo/v/, tho this is literally the first time i used this term.

You can't make white char----

Jesus christ why is everyone in this game so hideous

>If you ignore X, Y, Z, this is pretty good argument

The game has more stats, loot, gear etc than ME1 did. It is an rpg.

neo Sup Forums is hating bioware. Old Sup Forums loved ME so much, even ME 3, that we got this board renamed after tali for a few days.

Far from perfect game but I am still enjoying it. I just don't take games super serious. Laugh at the wonky shit and move on. It's just a game.

For five minutes can we talk about the gameplay, the story, literally anything that isn't the animations/lipsync?


I think the first one is supposed to look like the voice actor.

They are all based on facescans, so you can't do all that much with them.

>loot, gear
is it just numbers or does it change the look also?

nu/v/ may I kindly ask you to return

Edit: Thanks for the gold kind stranger!

Gameplay seems fun, story is shit.

Now, have you seen the animations they did for the NPCs' mouth when they speak ? Fucking donald ducks everywhere.

>They are all based on facescans

no way is that true. the asian faces, especially the male ones look like their faces have been deformed through years of getting hit in the face.
the the blacks look like fucking aliens

>playing a Mass Effect game with bad writing



its gears of war plot IN SPHESSS
>and then there was locu..i mean kett

>ignore the animations
>ignore the writting
>ignore the voice acting
>ignore the shitty interface
The game is great guys! 10/10 masterpiece!

>that ass blasted poor piratefag who told me to stop buying video games because "I" was hurting the industry

I'm still tasting the salt.

>if you ignore the bad stuff then its good!!!

you're a fucking retard

>Story is Shit
>Writing is Shit
>Animations are shit
>Every female is ugly as shit
>Bugs galore
>Fetch quests everywhere a la Inquisition/KMMO
>Dumb AI (Friends and Foe)
>UI is shit
>The only saving grace is the gameplay, and even that get's old and can't carry the game

10/10 By Polygon

Not far enough in to actually be able to accurately rate the story but gameplay has been fun so far. Combat feels nice and I'm glad enemies are somewhat dynamic. It's just not just a back and forth shootout behind cover.

They are based on facescans(like default Ryders and Broshep and the other prominent human npcs in previous games)

First male Asian head looks weird, but the second one looks fine to me.

Can I get a quick rundown?

Changes the look as well as numbers.

So you have never played any games in the series?......

I see all white people are dead in the future. Jood again!

though I do agree that all the female presets look like crap without heavy tweaking.

ok so aside from the poorly written campaign with talking mannequins

how is the multiplayer
is it as good as ME3 or is just a shitfest like the rest of it is

kys, go to > Sup Forums

>Sup Forums affectionately calls nier's protag Toobie
>Sup Forums shits as hard as it can on that character's name, Peebee

It's okay when glorious Nihon does it.

It's peer to peer, so it largely depends on how good the connection of people in your area is.

oh god

is it atleast fun?

oh shit they rhyme

ilgelato confirmed

having fun with a generic third person shooter? guess what that tells me about you

You can't make white characters in Mass Effect Andromeda...

Nice Hispanics you've got there, but where are the white people?

white people won't even exist in 100 years

Those are white characters

As Norwegian I don't see what's Hispanic about them, care pointing out what it is?

In the sun I can get a pretty decent tan myself.

Female looks like a spic gang member, hombre

I wish the spics that infested my neighborhood looked like that, and not like squat Incas

>just ignore the most important parts

>MEA is actually pretty fun if you ignore the bad animations and writing

Fucking a dude is actually enjoyable if you ignore the fact that you're fucking a dude but I'm not going to pay $60 to fuck a dude in the ass.

This game is worth AT MOST half of the price

>The game is pretty fun if you just ignore all this stuff including one of the main reasons people play RPGs
I don't expect the writing in my games to be academy award worthy material, but for an RPG I'd really like it to not be utter garbage.

>also MEA is actually pretty fun if you ignore the bad animations and writing
Fuck off.
This is a Mass Effect game, not a fucking 8-bit indie game with a budget of 5 dollars. When your game has a high level of graphical fidelity and is riding on the coattails of a franchise known for its writing, worldbuilding, and characterization, then there is absolutely no fucking excuse to skimp on the animation and writing.

So if you ignore the main element of the game, that being having some control over plot points in the story and the interactions you have with the people in the game, it's good. It's an RPG, the role playing is part of the gameplay, if that's fucked up why bother playing? This isn't like a bad movie with fun action scenes and bad in between scenes of people talking where you only have to deal with that for roughly 90min. This is a game you'll be spending hours playing and having to listen to awful dialogue and horrible animations. Why the fuck would I wanna put up with hours of that?

>Ninja Gaiden 3 is actually pretty fun if you ignore the bad gameplay and lack of challenges
>Metroid: Other M is actually pretty fun if you ignore the bad gameplay and Samus's writing
>CnC4 is actually pretty fun if you ignore the bad writing and bastardized gameplay

Played the trail version and I liked it, don't care what the neckbeards say.

>"b-b-but I played for a few hours and it was good"
>has to defend the game on Sup Forums to cope with buyer's remorse instead of playing it


I used up my trail time and it's not out before the 23th here.

>tell me how often you do this
I have never once done this. I've named the Sup Forums, I've called people Reddit for the purposes of stirring shit, I'll call them disgusting weebs if they use an anime picture in conjunction with that opinion, but I've never called someone new.

The best part of Andromeda is the fucking exploration.

It's ME1 on crack. A bit busted up but was in bed with ME2 and they had the perfect little crack baby.

I really like it so far though.

Way, way fucking better than ME3.

>>The best part of Andromeda is the fucking exploration.
Shill me on this please.

What's that game user ?
Isn't it that birthright strategy game that was released not too long ago ?


>also MEA is actually pretty fun

Total Warhammer. And Birthright strategy game released not long ago? Only Birthright strategy game I know of is Gorgon's Alliance which isn't recent by any stretch.

I'm a little way in but literally the whole first world is like one big ME2 side quest where you've got like several different ways to go.

The next world I think is basically one massive ME1 style desert world where the nu-mako comes into focus.

I frankly couldn't be happier with it so far.

Since everyone already pointed out how dumb OP's shill argument is. I just like to add

OP is a faggot.

You can watch a campy movie and it still be fun. Same thing applies to vidya