RE thread?

RE thread?

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Fuck RE5 for making me lug around that retarded cunt.

>Get a hankering for some RE5
>install ENB + FoV fix
>play for a bit
>go to bed
>try and play again
>RE5 has stopped working

no idea why and I cannot seem to fix it, I just wanted to shoot some africans :(

Do not bully Chris

Mfw I see a fascist

FOV mods are known to crash RE5 a lot especially in cutscenes.

How does Chris draw that knife/smallsword on the back of his left shoulder? Isn't he right handed?

agreed, but once you unlock the bow/arrow you can have her wrekt the world

I tried deleting it and verifying and that didn't do the trick, I've tried so many solutions besides straight uninstalling and reinstalling because I have a bandwidth cap

I have a feeling it might be something to do with AMD profiles, I didn't set one up but possibly it downloaded one? fuck knows I can't even open AMD settings because it's such shitty software

He reaches over his torso. Pretty sure it's common practice to sheathe your weapon on the opposite side of your dominant hand, so you can slash with it as you pull it out.

>make game coop and Sheva as partner to deflect some accusations of racism
>have a literal ooga booga costume for her
>ruin the gameplay and its sequels forever with terrible partner ai and forced coop
What did capcom mean by that

Yeah but doesn't it only work when the "handle" is in front of you, not on the back

>RE5 thread
>"Man that game sucked"
>Remember all the hyoe that left me thinking it was gonna be like RE4
>Remember playing the first town and not really digging it
>Couldn't put it down though
>Suddenly in swamp Africa fighting goddamn grass-skirt Africans
>Fun out of nowhere

I gave this game a lot of shit but I secretly like it. Wish I had it on pc right now.

it's def. a guilty pleasure game, they finally gave us the RE5 version with Barry Burton in mercs too

GOAT ending coming through

>doesn't take out Umbrella
>there's not even "us" because he immediatelly has a autistic spasm afterwards, tells Claire to GTFO and is later separated from Sherry
what did he mean by this?

Thread theme. Why is RE7's save room theme so bad?

Wrong Sheva outfit, bud....

>you will never be her partner

Where's the bone across her septum, the huge plate on her lower lip, and rings on her neck?

sheva is pure sex

You take that back!

It's a shame she isn't darker.

I bought RE6 and played and beat it with my brother on PC then I bought RE5 and he got bored of it.

>RE5 is honestly one of my favorites. he doesn't want to play it anymore :(

Business > Tribal > Fairy Tale >>> Default >>> shit >>> Clubbin'

she is the perfect color though


If we're talking about PARTNAHS, post your favourite RE duo

Fuck you

Chris and Sheva had potential. I'm still mad that they pissed that away by making her a tag-along character that's literally only there to calm the "das racist!" faggots.


REVII is an abortion and doesn't deserve to be a mainline game.

TODAY/TOMORROW (depends on where you are) IS RE'S 21st BIRTHDAY

we ARE getting some NoH info/Vendetta trailer/fucking anything, surely?

No way, fag



Just do the motion for yourself. You would grab the it with your thumb facing downwards. Pull up to unsheathe, and you're already in the motion to swing down and diagonally.

Don't be racist asshole.

January 2018, to coincide with the 20th anniversary of RE2

Get fucked, reddit.

We won't get nothing on that until the goyims at Capcom stop milking 7's DLC money, and there's still another one to come after Not a Hero.

Expect info on it in December at the earliest

RE musou confirmed

My husband and I like to play coop vidya together. We recently played through RE5 and RE6 and had a lot of fun.

Is there any other good coop Resident Evil games, or anything similar? Splitscreen is necessary.

I'm going with one of the most obvious ones because it's fucking great.

reminder that RE5 is one of the worst sequels in human history.

You never know, mighty be usefull for someone
>RE 0, 1, 4, 5, 6 and Revelations 2 for Xbone

Fuck off, gamer gurl.

The Umbrella and Darkside Chronicles games for Wii, unless you're one of those weirdos that owns a PS Move.


>not VII
You fucked up, user.

The Chronicles games are great fun co-op, but they are on the fucking Wii.

Revelations 2 is the best option left probably

I hate the game but I love the game

spent at least 40 hours on it

re6 was better though

I hear Resident Evil Revelation games are like RE5.

Leon belongs to pic related.

quint & keith
barry & leon
jill and parker
leon and krauser
david and mark

every other combo is for dweebs

>20th anniversary for RE ends tomorrow/today
>that "third unannounced title" is nowhere to be seen

well at least now would be a great time... hehheh... can't wait for the the outbreak hd collection guys...

Yeah, they are kinda like 5. But as far as i know REV1's coop is not present in most versions. REV2 does have coop in all of them though

It's Revelations 3
With Jill and Leon
They will fuck.


leon's the movie boy now user
his time in the games is over
revelations 3 is gonna be about rebecca and ark

one of the people at Capcom who worked on RE Engine hosted a panel at jap GDC with a Nintendo Switch engineer about how Capcom influenced the development of the hardware.
Raid Switch

more realistic partnering incoming

I want Chris to hug me !

it's ok for you to have shit taste, user.

We own a Wii and a PS3 so these are all great suggestions. Thank you for helping me!

>playing a multiplayer game by yourself
What in the fuck is wrong with you, user?



wont be my taste if its made canon

>Outbreak HD Collection with reworked online mode

>Revelations 3

Both ways, I am diamonds.

Will Capcom ever follow up on Ark Thompson?

Jill won't "fuck" though, she's pure.

Never ever, my friend. Ada has as much of a chance as Jill, Claire, Manuela, Hunnigan, Helena, fucking Ashley, etc etc.

Which is 0%. Leon is dying a virgin, and he's dying soon.

>yfw the Leonbowl never ends

forever lost to the abandoned capcom character pile

he's down there with sheva, carlos, billy, mikhail, every outbreak character, most of the revelations cast, and basically everyone that isn't chris, leon, or ada

if she's pure, how can you explain all the things she's done to claire, sheva and rebecca

>Jill won't "fuck"
Fine," make love" then you autist

>if she's pure, how can you explain all the things she's done to claire, sheva and rebecca
That's the same thing, though.

They gave his design to another one-off character that became a cripple

>Jill will never pin you to the floor to prove her dominance

Capcom knows its audience and they've been teasing LeonxAda for a very long time now, if they didnt make it canon the fans will send mailbombs to their HQ

God I wanna fuck Sheva

>every outbreak character
Not Alyssa, in a way.

>he thinks Billy has been abandoned
>he doesn't know

No. Either of them or both of them dying is the only acceptable ending for their story.

Why live

Either way you know it's going to happen, Jill is the only woman that could survive birthing Leon's child

>Capcom knows its audience
Uhhh... user...

alyssa and clive r o'brien getting recognized in a line of text isn't really a lot

that's just like the emails from jill when she hasn't been in a game since revelations and ahsn't done anything in the timeline since 2009

That feel when Helena will never sit on your face

If you guys end up liking the Chronicles games, you should look into the House of the Dead series.

Stop writing about Jill this way, you charlatan.

She killed Ada to win the Leonbowl. It's why Leon is on the morgue later on in the movie. He wanted one last act of necrophilia.

You live for the dream of one day surviving a zombie outbreak with a qt dominant babe who only saved you for her own please.

>teacupping a fullsized pistol
>teacupping at all

It's a fucking great action game and a pretty solid followup to RE4. I don't understand people that like RE4 so much but hate 5.

literally never going to happen. Leon and Ada will eventually retire together so in the future when the series needs saving they can go back to those characters

I have gigantic hands. and my left ends up teacupping no matter what I do while two-handing

>only reason she got so close to chris was to molest his sister
>jill unlocked claire's vagina

rule of cool user
the japs don't know proper pistol grip

>start posting about Claire the cuckquean for fun
>legitimately feel bad for Claire now that it's clear she has a negative chance of ever finding anyone

Have fun. Wish i could play Darkside Chronicles with my bro for the first time again

wherever that poll is from is obviously very biased towards Claire or they are doing it ironically, so if you took her out then the you'll see the unbiased opinion of the masses which would be Ada


are there more pictures of best girl in a lab coat?