Why do some people hate the concept of diversity in videogames?

Why do some people hate the concept of diversity in videogames?

its forced and unrealistic

when done wrong, it feels really forced

imo a good example of it done right is Mirror's Edge

Because a fan forcing diversity where it shouldn't be isn't just Cancer, it's Fancer.

Because it's a smokescreen for a poisonous, evil agenda that destroys the foundations of western civilisation. I don't want to live in a brutal, cold world, covered in rags and scavenging for rotten food, whilst avoiding rape gangs and the crushing steamroller of an oppressive military state.

But that's the way we're heading.

>"Evil" characters are white

I don't give a shit about human skin color, give me more games with non-humans, robots, and aliens without the shitty looks like a human bullshit.

Diversity is a temporary state. Culture only exists to begin with because people adopt similar customs and practices when they live together. The diversity rainbow group of friends is a liberal fantasy.

The Jews are pushing race mixing harder than ever and we need too stop them.

There is no benefit to it. It's an artificial goal for ideological reasons that distracts the dev team from the actual, real goal of making a good, enjoyable game with good, enjoyable characters.

You can't please everyone, and it's already hard to write it without it sounding hamfisted. You either do too much and people say it's pandering/agenda, or you do too little and people say it's unnecessary.

And even if you do it just right, you'll still have people claiming it's one or the other.

I like your taste, pal.

because diversity is literally a code word for white genocide

How about just don't do it, at all. Focus on making a good game, and only a good game.

Nah who the fuck am I kidding, the west is brainwashed.

>straight white men aren't human

This is why the day of the rope is coming

I dunno, man
If I could be like a pusher on the payroll of the state or just a grunt for the military or secret police or some shit, I think I'd be fine with it


It usually doesn't come with good games

Black guy here.
It serves nothing for the gameplay. When I think diversity, I think elves, orcs, monsters and robots. I have no problem with more non-white characters, but if your knowledge on black people boils down to what you see on TV, you can stick to white characters. I don't give two shits about it and I can safely say blacks don't care about that shit in video games. Madden and NBA Live fill that quota already. The blacks who do bitch about it haven't been around black people enough. Those are usually the 'whitewashed' ones. They're cancer.

Who else finds it weird that these people continually spout rhetoric about how we're all the same and dividing people into groups only causes animosity, and then they proceed to categorize literally every type of sexual/gender identity?

Because true diversity would allow for a game with a black antagonist and a white protagonist without it having to be some kind of statement

that's impossible though, people would flip their shit about it, so we're stuck with tokenism and "btw i'm gay did I mention i'm gay let me fix your shit and tell you how gay i am" inconsequential characters

Set the record straight; when is diversity not forced and acceptable in videogames?


Sexuality shouldn't define your identity.

Why do I hate it? Simple, it's always used in such a way that it's a blatant detriment to the gameplay. The actual interactive portion is NEVER given the time and love it needs. Consider a few examples of "progressive" media.

>MUH LIKABLE CHARACTERS and lesbians and progressive relationships
>whoops where's the gameplay? Let's make the final boss a cutscene, can't let it be too videogamey or the artistic vision will be ruined.
>also, no hard mode. Haha, thanks for the free money kickstarter backers!

>cutscenes and quick time events every single moment of the game
>can't play without them because it would be too videogamey then

>Metal gear
>nothing but sex fanservice
>80 hours of cutscenes
>no actual gameplay

Throw it all into the garbage. It doesn't belong in this medium.

I support it because polfags dont like it

When the devs of the game don't go on and on about diversity and progressivism as a goal of the game. When they just let it happen on it's own, you wont even notice. Just make memorable, interesting characters, everything else will fall into place

Bayonetta is sexualized to the point that it's almost a parody

QTEs and cutscenes are just Kamiya trying to be epic and dramatic, and the fact that he want to combine DMC with GoW

nice b8

I'm wholeheartedly convinced that you're not only an underage trying to fit in, but that you've never even looked into those games aside from the parroted shit thrown around here that's borderline satire.


End yourself.

581 replies and 128 image replies omitted.

You mean because everyone is looking for deeper meaning and context where there wouldn't be. Take OPs picture for example. Everyone was quick to notice the only "evil" characters are white whole everyone else is black or brown. This may not have been intentional on the artists part, but because people on Sup Forums are already looking to be offended like the anti sjw they are, it sticks out to them. Can't win, dude.

>aroflux polysexual

What in the actual fuck is this supposed to be?

Because some people like to pretend that it magically makes games better.

Because its bullshit and completely unnecessary. If every game starred a black female character, I wouldn't give a fuck. I play games for gameplay, not to tell a fucking story or political agenda.

I hate forced diversity. IE large black populations in say... medieval fucking europe.

>what are subcultures

I gotta be honest with you, I just don't like black people. Any other race is fine by me.

>Why do some people hate the concept of white genocide in videogames?
gee I fucking wonder

>QTEs and cutscenes are just Kamiya trying to be epic and dramatic
In other words he wants it to be yet another cinematic experience on par with Uncharted.

>but that you've never even looked into those games aside from the parroted shit thrown around here that's borderline satire.
Perhaps you'd like to explain how I'm wrong then. why exactly do games need hours upon hours of fanservice and pushing "progressive" messages? If you want a character of a specific race or gender, make it worth the gameplay. Don't shove them into a cutscene where they're essentially pic related.


>Perfect Dark
>Spend half the game in America
>Only black character is the President of Earth

To many young white millennials, white male is the default to everything and they will REEEEE at any deviation from their norm.

Even if they tried, media outlets would twist the narrative to capitalize on the diversity crazy that has sweeper the industry, thus coloring it two opposite shades to be loved by one set and hated by another. I doubt any game like the one you are suggesting could come out and NOT be shit on.

It doesn't bother me any more or less a game being not diverse. It's not a factor because I am not a fucking crybaby and that shit doesn't impact how a game plays, which is what actually matters if you like video games.

What does "make it worth the gameplay" even mean, you imbecile? What is the difference between a character model rendered as a white dude and a character model rendered as a black chick?

>tf2 fag

Overwatch is done pretty well though :^)

Hate diversity? Not at all, so long as it feels natural. Before some uppity cunt asks what natural diversity feels like, here's a shocker: the MORE diverse the cast is, the more natural it feels. If you just throw in a random black person into a mostly white cast, in a setting where you'd expect to see mostly white people, the tokenism is obvious and makes people feel embarrassed, not included. So what I hate is identity politics.

The black thing was just an example. Sexuality and gender is a little more complicated. For that all I can really say is write a character first, decide their sexuality based on what fits their personality/backstory. Like Dorian from Dragon Age: Inquisition. He's gay, it plays a role in his development as a character, but it's not the first and last line of his description.

I'm down for quazi-tri gender cyborg black midget lesbians so long as the game is fun.

Because it uses the diverse people as a shield to protect from criticism.
And the shittier the game is, and the more diverse the people on the place is, more criticism it will get.

I don't want to be used as a shield to protect EA games for example.

when all the characters hate each other because we're all racist

anyone who devotes any energy into complaining about ~muh sjw / muh gamergater boogeyman~ doesn't actually like video games, and these people are he problem with the gaming industry

>What is the difference between a character model rendered as a white dude and a character model rendered as a black chick?
If there isn't a difference, then you're doing it right. When you dedicate entire segments of the game to tell me how empowered your character is, or how great it is that they face MUH OPPRESSION, then you're wasting my time and my gameplay.

>Why do some people hate the concept of diversity in videogames?

The people pushing for it do not even play games.

Why try to 'fix' something if you don't even enjoy the thing you are fixing to begin with?

People who play a game seeking a story do not desire to have political agendas forced down their throat. how many major movies have you watched that made a point to add in a gay or trans character who wasn't just a joke, a way of saying "haha homosexuals am I right?"

The answer is none of them. For people who watch movies and for people who play story oriented video games- the idea is to create escapism and tell a wonderous story. Not to bog them down with real life bullshit. Thats why no major movie has every been about a guy working 9-5 and arguing with his wife

fuck off retard

>Gameplay is surprisingly good, story is far more than 'Muh lesbians'

Literally fucking kill yourself if you think Bayonetta is about Diversity. She's purposefully over the top and over-sexualized.

>Metal Gear
MGSV had a grand total of how many female characters? One that can be remembered? Maybe four if you count the bonus Staff who have literally no character, just like every other Staff Member?

Muh leading questions.

Because diversity for virtue signallings sake (IE, every game that says "Hey! Look at our roster/cast! Isn't it DIVERSE!") feels blatantly forced and ham-fisted. Making any faults all the more glaring and slight annoyances much more so.

Diversity in of itself is not a bad thing, in fact it can add to a world/setting/story and make the game much more interesting from multiple perspectives. But about 85% of the time it's forced down the consumers throat in such a manner that you sometimes literally can't see the rest of the game

>this fucking pic again
I love it when 2016 kiddies think they're oldfags.

Because white heterosexuals are better in every way than shitskins and faggots, prove me wrong you can't

>gameplay is surprisingly good
thats where you're fucking wrong, fuck you undertale is a boring piece of shit

t. neogaf

Is that pic a joke?

Best character in his miniseries

you are wrong

Because when made a priority it can really damage the quality of the characters in a game. Take Watch_dogs 2 as an example, the female and black members of your crew are pointless, shallow characters who are just "there" and exist for no reason other than to have a female and black character in the game, while the two white dudes have personalities and are at least somewhat interesting in their own right.

You can tell Sup Forums made this.

But 9/10 times people throw autistic fits over "sjw" shit in games it's things like throwaway lines of dialogue and inconsequential garbage that doesn't really impact the game.

What actual game dedicates entire segments of the game to show how empowered the character is against muh oppression?

I don't, it's just that developers that do this seem to be incapable of making the rest of the game properly.

I am gay and I do not want to see more gay characters in gaming. If in 10 years RPGs have to be started with a choice for a gay character, I am going to be even more ashamed than I am now.

>lithoromantic asexual

So... He tries to fuck stones but never on the first date?

>Gameplay is surprisingly good,

Yes, a game where you're not supposed to die at the final boss, because it;'s too "videogamey" has good gameplay.

When every ounce of anything resembling diversity enters a game people here bitch about it because "it's forced" which is just a code word for "I don't like non-white people"

Diversity is always "acceptable" when the game is character driven (Like mass effect, Dragon age, or most RPG's). It means less when the game is gameplay driven, like Dark souls or tf2.

>Dynamic bullet hell styled game with alternate routes of how you want to deal with certain things

You see I can tell you never played it.


horizon zero dawn

>because we all know representation does matter
Is there a name for this kind of argument? Stating something abstract, untestable, or debatable as if it's a commonly understood fact, and then basing your point off that? I see it all the time in political writing, people saying shit like "and that's SCARY" or "this is IMPORTANT" as if just saying that instantly makes them right. I figure there's gotta be some proper term for this kind of fallacy.

So? people can think or say whatever they want. people can read whatever they want into whatever piece of fiction they choose, doesn't mean they are right or wrong. its just their opinion. so long as the Devs aren't virtue signaling in order to try and gain brownie points with people who don't buy the games in the first place who cares how others interpret the game.

>perfect dark
>expecting the president to be other than dark skinned


Can confirm. I played a little bit of it and the actual gameplay segments were really fun. The game isn't sjw-y at all, it was just latched onto by tumblr so the fandom is cancer.


Not an argument.

>One of the three final bosses has a reduced death penalty due to the story
>In a game very much revolving around the story

I guess you haven't played it either.

I hate when diversity is implemented for the sake of it, and not in a realistic and enjoyable manner.

Throw a black samurai in a game? Fine. Example: DonaDona.

Make a black samurai the protagonist and a better samurai than everyone else? Bad idea, it disturbs the flow of historical accuracy the series tries to keep beneath the ridiculous shit on top: Afro samurai games (the show is great though).

Want a person of color/minority as the MC? Fine. Example: Faith mirrors edge (1)

Want a person of color as the MC then make anyone who's not an arbitrary "minority" a villain and the sole source of evil in the universe? Not fine. That's racist as shit. Example: Remember me.

Do it tastefully, don't force it in, and there won't be problems.

Oni stars a blasian anime who goes around fighting shit and being a super talented warrior. No one ever complains about that. But they complain about forced gay shit in bioware games because it doesn't feel respectful of the universe. Nowhere in DA:O do you see people talking about how normal it is to want to fuck guys, but no one questions it.

Have a gay character in a game, but don't pretend something set in the equivalent of the middle ages in terms of faith like religion would be accepting of it. Create conflict from it and not only can you shoehorn in your political message, you can create additional game content with it too, and most people will THANK you for it.

Even though Bayonetta is a spectacle filled game i will never undertand the idea that Bayo at its core isn't a gameplay focused game

I don't hate diversity in games as much as I hate games which are praised for diversity while having inherent or otherwise awful flaws being completely ignored. Adding a dark-skinned character from some "ethnic" background is irrelevant. It's neither good or bad. Make a good game first, then it'll be worth pondering.

how about one of the games I listed?

>mfw they dedicated entire sections to that trash Alphys and MUH UNDYNE LESBIAN ROMANCE

>90% niggers
Yeah real diverse you hypocrit fuck

>sans is now lucio
wtf I love shitty fanart now

>the game's story negatively impacts the gameplay for no reason other than plot

Like I said, a poor game.

If it was purely gameplay focused, it would've gotten rid of the obnoxious quick time events and the story altogether.

Because whites are the most fun.

Only I actually played that game and that's a shining example of the autistic shit I was talking about. There's a single audio log in that game with some lesbian bitches and people latched onto that and declared it an SJW game.

This is the issue in a nutshell here. You just assume whomever I am based on one facet of an argument I've made. It's possible to not think in extremes user, you should think about doing it once you've deleted your "when someone I disagree with types" reaction image folder.

And as always, not an argument

>Bad idea, it disturbs the flow of historical accuracy the series tries to keep beneath the ridiculous shit on top: Afro samurai games (the show is great though).

There is not a single ounce of historical accuracy in that series.

because in any media diversity for the sake of diversity will make everything else take a backseat to try to push a message upon the consumer. this is the problem zootopia has and why a lot of people gave it shit. good movie aside from becoming preachy out the ass and the everything in the movie feels like it takes a backseat to the message they are trying to force.

Or it just did a typical videogamey two NPCs hooking up plotline? Have you ever played a fucking video game or do you just come here to bitch about them?

>Why do some people hate the concept of diversity in videogames?

Because at worst it's virtue signaling and at best it's heavy handed

In the genre only DMC and Ninja Gaiden don't have QTE. Even God Hand has QTE

As for the story part, I'm not going to summon ACfag to this thread

>horror boards like /soc/ and /cgl/

this is the dumbest goddamn thing I've seen in a while user

the cancer that really killed Sup Forums was us oldfags clinging to the past and rejecting anything once it's been tainted