Games that have been released but abandoned by devs and no longer get updates
>For honor is one of them
Games that have been released but abandoned by devs and no longer get updates
>For honor is one of them
They aren't gonna nerf the peacekeeper and balance the valkyrie aren't they?
arent they releasing 6 new characters?
Haven't you heard?
They said themselves that they aren't gonna nerf or anything because they said they are well balanced
Not lying
Yup that was supposed to be released about a half of month ago
>Siege gets constant updates and content
>For Honor left for dead
Because siege is fantastic and fun
[Citation needed]
It really sucks because this game was actually interesting and fun if you ignore the shit p2p connections and the crappy spammers
Sucks that the devs abandoned the game.
>lost 50% of its playerbase near immediately
>terrible servers, matchmaking, and lack of content along with a microtransaction store
>Sup Forums STILL pretends the game is good
> siege
> esports and competition
> for honor
> literally nothing
>Game is out for 27 days
>Already recieved a "balancing" patch
>new emotes were added to the game 4 days ago
>2 new characters have been leaked
Boyo boy they sure have abandoned this game.
>core gameplay is amazing
>everything else shit
>the devs abandoned the game.
How so?
>community have constantly bombarded the devs about the peacekeeper being too op and needs a nerf and the valkyrie being unbalance and other issues
>the devs don't do anything.
You are fake news.
But at this rate for honor will be abandoned since they only do major updates at the end of the season which take 75 days with cosmetics that we already know about.
>a few hundred casual shitters are terribad and scream and yell about needing skill
fixed that for ya
For honor has a lot of problems, the store is far from one of them.
The last update to balancing was 11 days ago, I would hardly call that abandoned. And yea im sure the PK will get nerfed in time, but really man.
>Devs dont do anything in 11days time
I still dream about Tribes Ascend from time to time. If only it had 1/20 of the overwatch playerbase ;_;
>Shugoki is literally only viable in 1 v 1 because of glitches.
>Haha lets pretend its intentional never fix it and never give him any meaningful buffs.
People like Ubisoft why again?
>fix 50/50's on warden, shugoki and [REDACTED]
>make PK a little slower so she can't get free hits on shugoki/raider because of low swap speed (or speed up their swaps)
>fix conq/warlord bashes to be actually punishable (conq admittedly can be punished, but only by 3 characters on a window that is tighter than a parry timing)
>remove ringouts in duels
>also fix the internet
suddenly game is legitimately amazing
Which is what the community have been literally demanded with the devs and the devs just ignored them completely.
>Cucks on launch were telling me For Honor would grow as big as Siege
lmao I hope those Anons necked themselves.
EA has a fucking field day with these don't they
>The Division
>Battlefield 1
It's all CrowbCat's fault
I'm not even a For Honor player, but P2P look's like it's just a simple annoyence. But that EA cocksucker uploaded a single video, and forever killed For Honor with it
I'm not even gonna link it, I don't want you guys watching it and giving him money
A single youtube video could fuck the game up? are you being serious?
The last major patch was over a month ago on pc, a month of dealing with a cancerous class being even more cancerous.
Thats without getting into Conq/Warlord/Shugoki being stupidly linear and overpowered since launch with 0 fixes for them and conversly the dogshit characters are truely worthless.
There are litearlly too many issues to fit in a single post but the fact that they let the game launch this broken is absurd, i wanted to love the game but its too cancer.
Anyone with any sense knows that CrowbCat is a sensationalist bellend and if you watch the videos for anything more than the memes you are doing it wrong.
You can go fast in titan fall 2 user.
just like his switch video killed the nintendo switch
What glitch? The unparryable heavy has been fixed for a while now.
What 50/50 does Shugoki have?
>They said themselves that they aren't gonna nerf or anything because they said they are well balanced
Please tell me they didn't actually think this
Sorry op but you are a lying faggot
I cannot fucking believe people bought this garbage.
Ten minutes of the beta showed how shallow and boring it was.
This guys a faggot but hes right
Hate to break it to you but yes the devs of the game literally think like this
Christ no wonder why everyone shits on ubisoft
>tfw lawbringer man
>having a discussion with some buddies who also work in the industry
>two of them say at the same time "i'm pretty sure for honor is a repurposed moba" in slightly different variations
>everyone agrees that there's no doubt it was intended to be ubisoft's entry into the moba genre during preproduction and got retooled at some point
it's so obvious it hurts
the game is dead, they'll put out characters as overpriced dlc til it dies completely. i'd guess one round after this one and then a single release and then silence as the axe falls.
My nigga
>tfw parry a PK light and follow up with AD MORTUM
>tfw conq shield slams you to death and you have no counter
There's also the fact that a game that relies so heavily on split-second timings that it might as well be a fighting game is running on P2P servers with one of the worst proprietary matching servers since the launch of Bad Company 2/Mass Effect 2.
Dlc is free but yeah this game wont live long.
>DLC is free
I'm sure you'll be able to spend the in-game currency to unlock it yeah. A modest sum comparable to the base classes (500 vs. 25000)
>game has been out for 5 weeks with one balance patch already
I like For Honor a lot
But the difference between Siege and this one is the fact that Siege matches play consistently new and different each time. Maps have a lot of options to it, interesting new tactics and ways to surprise people are always discovered, and the destructible walls do add lots to each round.
For Honor doesnt have much on that. The 4v4 matches lack some suspense since the maps are all seen already. Theyre cool but youve played everything right now. The balance isnt as bad but enough to throw people off considering its low on content and high on PK Valk spam.
I Love for honor but coming from a rep 10 Warden, I am gonna say this now, the game is fucking done, They took to fucking long to update and fix the networking issues. Ubisoft deserves to fucking burn already.
Battlefleet: Gothic Armada
Love this game but it's basically dead these days.
Just posting
Did they release Necrons yet? Are Orks still bottom tier?
god damn it wouldn't fucking post the picture, wish hiromoot would fix this shit.
i figured it would get old fast
nope, pretty much
Forgot Wildlands.
>AAA game goes free to play after 1 year
I doubt I'll ever buy a AAA game again
Very fun game, but their quest structured force people out of the good modes (1v1, 2v2) into dumpster modes like 4v4.
Also balance was never something coming.
I think of it as a fighter game like any other fighting community
Even Street Fighter V is low on people. The difference is that fighting games have a legacy and depth into the 1v1 to improve yourself forever, where this one is interesting but lacking in the 4v4 department, where the game should be betting on.
1v1 could get some love though. And it should, since For Honor mechanics are 1v1 oriented with 3 more people thrown into the mix. There's just not much for either of them.