Do they have ANYTHING left besides Zero Punctuation?

Do they have ANYTHING left besides Zero Punctuation?

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I guess not...

that one comic?

They have Sheamus Young.

Did they ever?

>Guy who runs a cancerous weekly column and the worst LP group in history.

Whatever happened to Unskipable?

I go back from time to time to watch the old Unskippable videos. Comedy gold.

>worst LP group in history
I actually like Spoiler Warning. Feels like a game analysis (albeit a little less focused) + an LP all rolled into one. The jokes do feel a little forced sometimes though, I'll admit.

White Korra?

I want to hug white korra

and that was the ___ time I died was the best joke

sjw circle jerks?

They're all pretentious and know literally nothing about game design.

didn't they fire both Bob and Jim?

They had Unforgotten Realms.

frankly I preferred Doralias

what about critical miss? white Korra isn't allways shit

Contract ended and they decided not to renew, I think. The LRR people are all just streaming nowadays.

Zero punctuation is pretty bad.

It's fun to remind yahtzee that his shitty bar went under though.

Good or bad it still pulls in 500,000+ viewers per video. It's been the Escapist's only lifeblood for years now.

Yup, because both started getting political in their videos and comments. Bob also got fired from Screwattack for the same reason.

No, it's basically just Yahztee and white Korra now.

Jim left, Bob got fired, Shamus's column got dropped, Unskippable got dropped, and everyone else is irrelevant.

Surprised the site is still alive.

>hating on Spoiler Warning

literally /comfy/ as fuck. one of the few lp series i actually enjoy watching

I'm mad this never really got a "real" ending and that Schmoopy spent most of the series not actually being his original dwarf abraham lincoln dual wielding nunchucks sorcerer/lumberjack.

>Unironically enjoying listening to a two contrarians, a contrarian underage, the pretentious fuck from Errant Signal, and a shrill bitch all talk over each other.


Yahtzee's shtick is very worn out after you watch just a couple of his videos, but it appeals to a very low common denominator so kids will keep tuning in and retards on Sup Forums will keep giving him free publicity, especially if he tears into a popular game

White Korra is actually funnier than most "gaming" webcomics. A very low bar, and a lot of misses, but there's some decent jokes in there

Other than that, no, their content is trash, even after firing retards like Bob.

>implying this place isn't pretentious contrarianism: the site

They're basically /ourguys/ if you really think about it

I didn't know they ever had anything besides ZP in the first place.