Why is this Yugioh card not used? It is pretty powerful.
Why is this Yugioh card not used? It is pretty powerful
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eh, its no change of heart
Dark magician girl is powerful too!
it's more of a side deck card
>only effects spells
>have to discard a spell to activate it.
It's not great from a Mtg players prospective imo.
I wouldn't doubt that there are hundreds of better cards considering YGO power creep is stupid
situation and a -1 plus cost is not a random discard.
Now this one is powerful and in context better than Mirror Force.
>direct attack
it's shit, I'd rather use quaking or storming
A) It's a trap. Currently, traps in the game are bad unless they are either searchable, floodgates, or you're deck can fit a ton of them in.
B) It's too specific.
C) Monster effects are more important that spells currently.
How come I haven't played it ages and not familiar with the current meta..
I'm guessing because so many decks benefit from having cards in the graveyard?
Power creep is a bitch in this game
Also -1 really is only worth it if you remove a major playmaker of your opponent
Be careful if we have to many yugioh threads on Sup Forums the mods are going to delete them or move us to /tg/ again.
What would be your ideal archetype aesthetically?
This at least have the OP be related to a yugioh video game
Heh.. this is the only card I need.
Ashley a qt
lot's of monsters have protection from destruction so Drowning, Storming, and Quaking can effect more monsters as well as many monsters procing after being destroyed
What does it do, though?
I second this, also from an MTG player standpoint. Seems like the cost is kind of high and it's a little to specialized for the cost. But I could be talking out of my ass.
Rebranded Chaos Archetype. Sun and Moon themes. Moon banishes Light/Dark monsters from deck. Sun returns banished Light/Dark Monsters to the deck/hand.
basically any monster worth playing these days has something to the effect of "if this card is targeted or would be destroyed by your opponents' card effect, negate the effect and ream their ass instead," so cards that do something to get monsters of the field in any way except the grave are pretty much necessary.
Not bad with proper support in the form of Guiding Ariadne, who lets you activate Counter Traps for no cost at all. Though, if you're running it rouge, yeah, it's a situational thing.
I dunno man, it's too hard to understand.
But if that were so you'd run out your deck in a turn and lose???
Force of Will is one of the best counters in mtg, and requires the same cost as the card OP posted.
I play both and you're sort of right. The cost is nothing in decks that are good with advantage and the effect is good but it's too specific to be a maindeck card. It's a decent side deck card when main format decks revolve around specific spells (ie. nekroz, Cyber angels for the brief time they had a spot in OCG meta, HEROs, Pend). It's also really gud in Counter Fairies.
I could see this utterly wrecking any deck with a search engine. Looks kinda rare though, I don't think anyone I know has it but I'd have to actually ask since I know at least one guy is basically a hoarder.
Someone give me a decent way to farm kaiba in duel links
I am fucking sick of being the only one playing online without an enemy controller.
post decks.
Look at the top card of your deck (if your deck contains at least one card. If it does not, you lose the game) without showing it to your opponent(s). Then, place that card in your hand without showing it to your opponent(s) (you may do this even if your hand contains more than six cards). Repeat this process once more (if your deck has at least one card in it. If it does not, you lose the game).
I liked how HEROes were just western superheroes pushed through an eastern filter, so something to the opposite effect would look cool, although I think the artist would want to commit seppuku after having to find 68 different ways to re-draw a man in a bug helmet.
I don't know the deck limits and the value of having a lot of the same spell in Yu-Gi-Oh though, plus I'm primarily an EDH player in my own defense.
Most search engines are monsters
It unlocks the skill to legally select as many as two (2) Yu-Gi-Oh!™ cards from your deck of Yu-Gi-Oh!™ cards while playing with the official rule set of the card battling game Yu-Gi-Oh!™
This makes it possible to draw an extra two (2) cards to add to your hand, which can then be played on your next player turn, if you so choose.
EX Super Quantum
Essentially a makeshift sentai team of 6 and their weapons as equip spells.
Add in a matching set of 6 XYZ "zord" summons possible by using a member and an equip spell as materials.
Get at least three out and you can form a new machine based off magnus
Heroics or the more historical D/D/D cards as scorpiongirls.
Or just scorpiongirls like the Harpies, that works too.
As good an explanation as I could ask for. Yu-Gi-Oh fucking baffles me
It's certainly side deck worthy. I could see several variations of HERO being fucking crippled by this, because that means either giving up Mask Change or one of the Polys built for them.
>assault mode
how about just a regular mirror force lol
Is Duel Links okay?
Remake Meklords but give them support to deal with every type of Monster and not just synchros.
Also really make them out of several parts which you can build together and not turn them into one monster for some reason.
>he thinks he can destroy a monster in the current meta
check out this fagola
but yes there are probably better variants of mirror force that still don't destroy
EDH is one of the only formats that matter anyway.
Considering modern is dying and being replaced. EDH is the only format besides legacy where the cards will hold value.
>Doesn't synergize
>Requires you to keep a magic card that probably does.
I mean its not bad. But Yugioh at tier0/1 is a fucking dumb power creep game like most card games. And so cards like this don't work that well.
Gem Knights are cool as fuck.
Igknights too.
Lots of shit these days have graveyard effects that advance plays. Shuffling shit back into the deck is the strongest "fuck you" out of the mirror force series.
>not sealing the instant fusion to block toad.
You're 2-for-1ing yourself using it over the possibility that their only searcher is via spell.
FoW is terrible against most fair decks, and if you are playing against DnT, Lands, or a BGx/UBx deck, chances are that you side it out games 2 and 3. That minus is huge, especially if you arn't playing against a combo deck. I think that even some delver decks want to side em out.
>t. Death and Taxes player
I don't know if there even are any "fair" YGO decks, game seems hostile toward traditional control or midrange strategies.
I know very little about YGO though, aside from the fact that every deck seems to be aggro-combo combined with gigantic value engines.
>EDH is one of the only formats that matter anyway.
My nigga. The only format I have fun in aside from a friendly draft or sealed. All these optimized turn 2 win 4-copies-of-this-$40-card decks are snoresville.
You have to discard a spellcard to activate it
>running mirror force
unless you're playing a stunshit deck like paleo or chain burn why? nobody except the retarded will run into backrow unless you set 5 turn 1 and keep setting 2 each turn. Same reason only retards can lose to Psyframes unless they open overload.
>tfw you play Madolche and give 0 fucks about the graveyard
It's a older way to get better cards into your hand. More cards in your hand, more things you can do per turn and the better you can prepare for your opponent. It's usually better to just use a set up of effect monsters or search engine cards that can pull your choice of cards from the deck or recycle cards from grave/banishment or summon from extra deck.
I wonder if technically works on pendulum cards as well since they can be played as a spell card. Think maybe finding something that could allow you to keep pulling this card would utterly break any pendulum summoning or effects.
How good would this be in mist valley ninja lock?
>playing igknights when metalfoes are literally just igknights done right.
No pauper user?
Pauper is great, close to legacy power level, and dirt cheap.
In a hilarious reversal of every other format, burn is the most expensive deck in the format.
I love playing yugioh casually but I fucking hate it competitive
Am I the only one? Yes, I suck balls at it but I love using my favorite cards
It's situational that's why, it could cripple certain decks though.
side it so you can shit on grass decks. only counter fairies should maindeck it.
Monarchs were pretty fair as far as meta decks go, but now they've been gutted. They revolved around controlling the field with 1 or 2 boss monsters and finding ways to get them on the field.
Actually unfamiliar with that format, sounds fun from the name alone though
>More cards in your hand
But his other cards are also Pot of Greed since he only uses that card. He's been consumed by greed
Igknights are cooler though. They all have GUNSWORDS
that's fine as long as you're not one of the shitters that don't understand the concept of deckbuilding. If you just like chillin with deskbots or Skull Servants then more power to you. If you're one of those "I want a deck based on terra the terrible XD" then kys
>watched the whole thing
People sided it against shaddolls when they first came out (when you only had the regular shaddoll fusion spell).
It's not bad like most people are saying but not nearly as good as you think it is either, AT BEST it is a side deck counter card.
>tfw Ultra Athletes don't even show up on YGOPRO anymore
When are they gonna release more flavor of the month budget decks to mess around with?
any reason you're not just using the lawnmowing builds or is it just a petdeck?
just mess with Chaos Giant turbo and steal games with fortress.
i should probably update the main deck
>tfw only play mtg physically because fuck physical yugioh
>tfw standard is less diverse than a KKK rally.
only bad if you cheat desu
>How would they work mechanically?
user here
Certain monsters will summon other monster either from hand or deck and be send back to deck/hand at the end of the turn, their effects trigger depending how they are summoned. All these effects are used to synchro/xyz/summon more powerful monsters that will stop your monsters from being send back at the end of the turn while others can be summoned from the graveyard or brought back on field if they are removed from play, im still looking for those drawings
>everyone shat on Joey for having an all monster deck
>years later a deck comes out that can steal games by turning monster cards into equip spells
wew lad
... card game meta's are always so ridiculously fucked up eventually
just why
Commons only is the main restriction. All of the storm wincons are banned too, thank god.
There are a lot of busted commons.
It really is almost legacy lite, with all the really degenerate stuff out, and the utility all in.
Good thing that the control decks in the format are strong as fuck thanks to counterspell, bolt, chainer's edict, and some other cards.
Also, fucking capsize is a common for some reason.
That's a card you only ever keep in your side deck through and through. Mainly because it's only good against decks that rely on one specific spell card as a search engine/play maker and is basically useless against anything else.
Play a best of 3 against someone playing a deck like that then you can tech it in after the first match. Other than that it's completely useless.
subs out?
1) You have to run a decent number of spells to ensure you can pay for the cost, which not all decks do.
2) It's a minus, and too situational to be worth maining
That being side, I did see this card run as a side deck option against Spellbooks and Fire Fist when they were popular. Resolving this card against Tenki or Secrets or similar cards was basically a won game.
For days now user
I know it's pretty easy to complain about TCG/CCG metas but really the thought of making a "balanced" card game and keeping it that way for over a decade has kept me up at night.
Power creep seems pretty much unavoidable unless you do the wizards approach and just ban everything yearly.
jesus fuck
Would cripple a kozmo deck. No kozmotown would wreck it's recycling ability. Could make pendulum summoning difficult as well. A little sketchy but you might be able to take out pendulum monsters with effects if you word the rules right but that would be pushing it. Generally I could see at least 1 of these making their way into my deck just to see if it works out.
you lose Cursed Seal
you lose a spell card
they lose the card they were going to cast
it's a -1