Remember our deal user?

remember our deal user?

Check my 7

that's a big chocolate bar




you're never gonna titillate anyone with the same three pictures over and over

Spam something more entertaining.

What emotion are you attempting to convey user?
They keep deleting the threads though!

cut your toenails faggot

GODDAMN and I thought my toenails were long

bad excuse if y'ask me

Check my 4

maybe i want to give you something?
also: i thought about buying a 1k tier card for the longest time and now that i have one i feel nothing
i play nothing

I suppose it is.
I have a 980, I mostly play indie games and roguelikes, not much that takes advantage of it, I feel you.

silly boys, girls are supposed to have long nails :3 *giggle*

>ywn have a qt trap/femboi/twink
>ywn ever

Video games are fun.

nope. girl nails are supposed to be cute.
yours look like complete shit so cut them off and maybe they don't look so fucking disgusting afterwards, and hence mor girl-like.

I didn't need this feel.

am i on s4s

If you give up, you won't, so don't do that.

any other nail biters think those would be super satisfying to bite off?


>actively go for it and follow my dreams
>branded a chaser
>only way for it to happen is through the landmine yard of online dating, a childhood friend ending up qt as fuck, or dumb luck

Shave my legs?

Yeah she must taste perfect maybe get a loud crunch with every bite as she giggles

>tfw I do

fuck off retard

a deal's a deal

i can feel my teeth aching to bite my nails

when my nails start growing i can feel it in my teeth.

you first

Follow you're dreams

stop using my name retard

Wait a minute, that panda.