PC fag here, buying a PS4 very soon

PC fag here, buying a PS4 very soon

Besides the usual bloodborne, what other games did I miss out on by not having it?

What would you recommend v

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On top of my head

Yakuza 0
Dragon Quest Builders

anything that's not cringy as fuck dweebshit?

Persona 5 comes out in two weeks.

Infamous SS


>buying a console for western games

I'm OP not him but I agree with him in a sense

Any overly cringy jap shit I'm not interested in

Yakuza games are fun tho and Nioh looks to be not in that cringy nonsense territory so I might get them both

Anything else?

EDF if you dont already have it on PC that is

The Uncharted series is pretty good.

The Last Guardian was great

Seconding these ,

>cringy as fuck dweebshit?
>Any overly cringy jap shit I'm not interested in

You're both retarded. I don't even feel like explaining why, and no I don't play Neptunias, Senran, etc.

Killzone Shadowfall is decent and dirt cheap now as is inFamous 3.

Because we don't like cringy jap games?

Shadowfall looks alright and from what I read the mp is still alive so that's cool

The other exclusive I have is Nioh. I would say it's definitely worth a buy. I was very addicted for about a month. Put in like 150 hours. Burned out for now, but there are multiple dlc's coming. The major weakness of the game is lack of enemy variety. Which is a shame because the combat system is next level fun and complex. Hopefully those dlc's change things up a lot.
Nier automata is a fantastic game, but maybe you already have it on PC. From what I've heard, unless you have like a 980 and a decent processor you might want to pick it up on PlayStation. The framerate is pretty respectable even on the normal 2 year old PS4. The graphics are nothing special on either version, except the character models. Those are the games I would instantly buy if you don't already plan on it. The other games I have are multiplat.

Maybe check out Horizon. Gravity Rush 2 and Remastered are fun. Bargain bin the Last Guardian, people might've regretted paying 60, but I doubt anyone actually hated it. And look forward to Red Dead Redemption 2 later this year

Some good ports you might've missed from other consoles could be Journey, and War of the Monsters. Gang Beasts, Patapon, and Locoroco are coming later this year

HZD, and Uncharted are the only games out right now worth the money. don't fall for the Sup Forums meme. HZD is actually pretty good. the upcoming ones are even better though

God of War
Days gone

excluding the eastern games

Little Big Planet

>The other games I have are multiplat.

If any aren't on PC, spit it out

And yea Nioh seems pretty great

what are the eastern ones?

Wasn't Let it Die a PS4 exclusive?

>using the word "cringe" unironically

You need to be atleast 18 to post here



im a mix of both :^)

I don't know one person who owns a PS4 without owning bloodborne, anime fag or not

that's pretty crazy odds since 52 million ps4 owners don't own bloodborne

Gravity Rush 1 and 2

Yakuza 0 is the most fun I've had playing a game in ages. Even grinding out your business is fun.

I own a ps4 and I only own fighting games

Titanfall is good though. Rest are bad save for HZD which I haven't played yet.

>fighting games

Good to hear I remember playing those games years ago and it was fun even tho I understood nothing

The campaign is good but it's 4 hours long
MP is a bad cod clone basically

Cod stole the majority of the futuristic stuff from the first game. MP in the second one isn't as good. Campaign is amazing though.

Persona 5

BB sold 2 million by October 2015. It still gets non stop recommendation on most ps4 threads even now, so I think ur figure is closer to 50 mil I think. Still pretty large odds tho.

The MP in the new COD is incredible, by far the best COD since MW2 in the MP department

TF2 MP was such a huge let down for me, I hate it how it would have been better if they changed nothing from the first
Just thinking about the MP maps makes me sick, they're so trash

Campaign was very good, while the new COD has a shit campaign, altho many praise it so I guess it just wasn't my kind of campaing

t. scrub who plays PC shit like MOBAs and FPSs

>overly cringy jap shit
good luck whittling your console library by 75% you fucking idiot

Try again, Chad

DQ Builders
World of FF
Let it Die
Gravity Rush 2

All the other games worth playing on PS4 are better on PC.

Sengoku Basara 4 Sumeragi

Final fantasy xv

Still, fighting games are great and only people with bad taste/severe mental retardation hate them
I've been playing them for 20 years and i have fun every day with them

Ratchet and Clank
Uncharted 4
Gravity Rush 2
Horizon Zero Dawn
Kill Zone SF
Infamous Second Son
Dragon Quest Builders

one that have a pc and one that don't?

Ray is a miracle of the universe

I hope he gets to make many more videos before his body shuts down


I genuinely have zero interest for all the titles on the right and want to play all from the left side except persona because the series is fucking boring jesus christ

persona 5


Hey OP, I'm assuming you prefer to play games on PC when possible, so here's the definitive list of PS4/Sony-console exclusives to buy.

>Games available now:
Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Final Chapter Prolouge
Until Dawn
Gravity Rush 1 & 2
Ratchet & Clank (2016)
Yakuza 0
Infamous Second Son (& First Light)
Uncharted 4 (and 1-3 if you've never played them)
The Last Guardian
Final Fantasy XV
Horizon Zero Dawn
God of War III Remastered

>Games to preorder:
Kingdom Hearts 1.5/2.5 collection
Persona 5
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
Final Fantasy XII Zodiac Age
Danganronpa collection

I'm sure I might be missing a few obscure titles, but this list is a good jumping off point.