I've been playing Splatoon with my grandson and I just don't get it

I've been playing Splatoon with my grandson and I just don't get it.

What's the appeal?

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It's just a fun quirky shooter. Try to enjoy yourself gramps.

>There's a literal grandpa on Sup Forums
So, the "Remember you're here forever" thing was true?

You know the kinds of people who play and like splatoon?

They're the people who want to fuck your grandson.

Nothing, make him play Unreal Tournament and beat the bitch out of him

>my wife's grandson

There is none, it's garbage.

>"le ur XD a le pedophile xdd"

You alright user?

Why else would you play this hot trash?

>My wife's grandson


>My wife's grandson


is this supposed to be funny?

Mad it outsold SFV?

It's lolis grandpa, you wouldn't understand.

W-will I stop loving lolis when I'm a grandpa?

Aren't all the pedos who get caught in SEA grandpas?

But it's worse.

I've known people who've gotten over it, and call it just a phase.

It could happen to you.

It actually did, I'm just 9 dimensional baiting right now.