Dragon part is no problem at all but i LITERALLY cannot beat this guy...

dragon part is no problem at all but i LITERALLY cannot beat this guy. the aggression reminds me too much of darkbeast paarl. any tips?

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I had to go the way of the pucc and summon a sunbro. Good luck tho. If you have any problems, no shame in summoning.

>No shame in summoning

git gud

>have a policy of beating every boss solo
>this nigger keeps getting me
>summon some dude to help me
>he's a glitchy mess that stands in front of the boss and kills him in a few hits

T-thanks...? I guess?

The trick with him is to bait out his attacks an not roll so much, many of his attacks have to parts: lunge, follow through. Due to his speed if you roll on the first attack and don't get clear of his follow through range that's death. The trick is to not roll on his first lunge but to side step it and only roll for the follow through.

What's your build?

He follows every souls boss's pattern. Side swipe, side swipe, over head.

>about to give up
>decide to upgrade an estoc
>beat him first try
That thing was such a great crutch. GS damage, dagger attack speed and stamina consumption, solid thrusts for single target fights.

Just git gud. His moveset is pretty basic and not very varied, just some of his combos are designed to punish roll spamming. Don't spam roll and fuck him in the ass. Easy


and this

mainly i'm mostly a VIT build with enough STR to single hand a greatsword.
i've tried a slow defensive approach chipping away at him with a greatsword +10 and tried an aggressive dark sword +10.
i still can't get used to his delayed lunges and get caught up in his grab way too often

If you have access to it, a Hollowslayer Greatsword rapes him because he is very much Hollow.

>equip the bloodring

there you go buddy

The easiest way to beat him is to wield havel's shield.

Defend the blows instead of dodging and attack when he finishes his combos.

Doing this makes the fight easy as fuck.

I approve of the build, same one I did I my first run. So in this instance I'd recomend 2handing your wep of choice which ever does the most damage and going for those big hits vs the small tickles. Shield will only cause unneeded Stam drain on blocks and even more so from the weight. Like most other small bosses if you smack him hard enough a few times he will staggar and be open to a finisher. Slap on hornets RI g to get more bang for you buck there if you have it. What you need is not so much the ability to take hits but to avoid being hit. I'm not saying go naked with only a wep but the more stamina you have for heavy attacks the better.

If he hits you and you have armor you still are gonna bite the dust so you might aswell go light and use the extra stamina for better dps.

Why is Nameless King hollowed?

this fucker is a cakewalk compared to YEEEEEEAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOW



oh I didn't play bb

his second phase has no openings and no one plays this game anymore :(

But Nameless is pretty slow.
The only tip you can get is don't panic and time your rolls properly, since he delays his swings quite a bit.

Get the pizza cutter and just hold L2. Thats the only way I managed to get through the second phase

>dragon part is no problem at all but i LITERALLY cannot beat this gu
Dragon is the only hard part of this fight because shitty camera
Boss itself is braindead easy, just like everything in the das3
Just spam instant estus everytime you got hit and hit him until he dies

There's your problem op. Take it from someone who has beaten nameless king several times on an sl1. Slow weapons on this boss isn't the way to go. Use a dark sword. This boss allows you to heal so if you get hit just back away and when it's safe chug Estus. Once you get him to half hp, the fight is basically over. You need to punish him when he is charging his lightning attack. Over half of the time you will stagger him and can riposte. The only attack that most people can't seem to dodge for some reason is his delayed lunge attack which can one you. im completely against using shields in these games but if this kills you a lot just use one for this. Don't get too greedy in the first half of the second phase because he mostly does a lot of quick attacks in this part. You have to take this part of the fight slow and whittle down his hp to half.

If I was to sum up the second phase of the fight:

Before he gets to half hp: he uses mostly quick attacks. Take it slow, get one or max two hits in then dodge.
Half hp: he starts to use slow but strong attacks. Can easily punish his charge attack but can get killed easily in this part of the fight.

Good luck user

That reminds me of when I fought Oceiros
There was some dude with a goofy name so I summoned him for the hell of it, then he spent about 5 minutes buffing before walking into the room and killing the boss in like 3 Lightning Spears

>the aggression
literally what

he gives you like 3 seconds after each of his attacks to whack him, unless you fall for the repeated stabs like a retard

This Is why you shouldn't summon

>no shame in summoning.


he's annoying if you fight him at a low SL with a heavy weapon

the stamina for attacking and dodging just doesn't work

this is literally a more fair boss than dancer, solyvahn, soul of cinder, or any other given boss.

all of his attacks are obviously and traditionally telegraphed. he can just 2-shot you with his strong attacks or 3-shot you with a combo.

the reason why everyone dies is because they try to heal. like, they get the idea that you have to hit him when he misses an attack, but they CANNOT imagine that maybe they should wait to chug that fat estus when hes not in mid-animation to kill you.

>every single fucker that played ds3 kept saying how difficult nameless king is
>1 shot him
>meanwhile it takes me like 20 attempts to kill champion gundyr because he literally does not stop attacking you for longer than 2 seconds and i wasnt trying to parry

Couldn't agree more with this especially on the Estus point. People use an estus when they are right up the bosses ass. The fuck do people think is gonna happen

Roll past him, not away from him

Heal when you roll past him and you'd normally hit him when he's stopped a combo

Am I the only person who had absolutely NO problems with Oceiros? I staunched the fuck out of him first try, and haven't died to him once on follow-up playthroughts. Now, Dancer of the Boreal Valley on the other hand, FUCK. THAT.

Dragonslayer Greatshield trivialized this fight for me. Only got guardbroken twice.
I'm really bad at dodging delayed attacks.

i had trouble with oceiros on one of my playthroughs but all the others were fine. It was a Ugs build. At the time it had low vigor/end so I couldn't get more than one hit in and he would always one shot even when I was embered. It's funny though because I got him second try on my sl1. Only reason I died first time was because my controller died...

use great magic shield on black knight shield if you're magician or just us this one ring for more iframes to dodge all his attacks

Absolutly THIS

opposite for me. First try champion and spend 1h+ on king.
Still hardest boss are the princess for me. I just couldn't get the timing right. ALWAYS dodged far too early. But it was a good and fair boss.

strafe right lol