Why did anime peak in the 90s and then crash to earth with nothing but shit since?

Why did anime peak in the 90s and then crash to earth with nothing but shit since?

they knew they couldn't top cowboy bebop so they said fuck it.

Hey buddy I think you got the wrong thread, the anime club is 18 boards down.

the rise of weaboos.

Naruto was great. Frig offf, \a\sperger

Because back then it was being made by creators who grew up on other mediums like films and books. Now its being made by people who grew up on anime and thats why its all moe shit

Hey fuck you

I miss when anime dialogue was more expressive. Nowadays they skimp budget on dialogue scenes so they can blow it all on a single action shot.

Naruto was great, but Shippuden was a fucking trainwreck.

What is up with shonen series and massive timeskips anyways? The big 3 series were ALL guilty of it.

one punch man has some high quality animation though

Sup Forums - Video Games

"Big 3"
Naruto, One piece and ???? (Fairy Tail???)


Did Fairy Tail do it too?

FUCKING THIS. But it's not just anime. It's cartoons now. All anime nowadays have bugeyed "moe" girls obsessing over cute things, and all cartoons have the noodle limb fuckboys that turn from a show of comedy into a dramafest. But no, people will defend it anyway. People will praise stephen universe as the second golden age of cartoon network and fucking love live and swordart online as a masterpiece.
Samurai jack '17 really shows what both could be though. Sad that a short 2 month revival of a show that ended in 2004 can do so much more than your common fucking tv series nowadays

Probably Bleach.

Gurren Lagann and Redline would like a word.

Failed to catch on in a bigger market, never got super profitable, catering to the a core autistic otaku audience, catering to the emerging new generation of lonely youth who read wish fulfillment web novels about harems, catering to companies who use it as an advertisement platform


Samurai Jack is made by a team of people who actually have talent and love the cartoon they're working on. Stephen Universe is made by a bunch of art school dropouts from San Francisco.

>Sup Forumsermin thinks anime is shit now
So stop shitting up my board?

That's a subjective statement, stupid faggot.

Is Samurai Champloo the last good anime? Death Note sucked.

I mean it's really not
Just the production values have dropped massively since then
But that has a lot to do with the accessibility cgi too

I'd argue that the rise of otaku, and I don't mean Westerners calling themselves otakus, are part of the decline but also that they were not the main reason for it. Studios started catering to the obsessive fans more often because they were the ones that would put out the money for the shows they liked.

The main reason, however, is that it's much easier to sift through the crap to get to the good stuff when shows are decades old rather than new. There are still good shows coming out, but it will take some time for people to come around to a consensus on what's worth watching and what isn't. Of course, that also means some good shows that didn't get the attention they deserve will get passed up by the general audience, but if it's really good, there will be some fans that try to spread interest through word of mouth even decades later after its release. Also, wrong board.

Gurren goes to shit in the second half, Redline looks beautiful and that's literally all it's got going for it.

Primarily because they saw how much more money something like DBZ or Pokemon made off of merchandise compared to Cowboy Bebop or Ghost in the Shell. So they've been focusing on making anime marketable as opposed to making it good.

I mean, there's a few exceptions here and there such as FMA:B, but even those are manga based and are only around because the producers already believed them to be naturally profitable.

At this point, pretty much all the actual directorial talent is stuck making shit they don't want to (see: Lupin), or they're just working on Manga adaptations. The only exceptions are Miyazaki, who will literally never work on anything but movies, and Hosada, who's pretty much our last chance at a good anime series, but that's only if he manages to push it past the producers and if he wants to do a series.

Basically, hold on to the oldies like Golden Boy, cause we're not getting anything better for a long time.

It's not 2011/2012 Sup Forums anymore, OP.

They still give good reaction pictures.

I want Naga to laugh at me.


There's no way to make money off of it besides selling blu-rays and merchandise. The former is impossible because foreigners will just pirate the show, and the latter is impossible because foreigners won't buy merch unless they're weeaboos or the show is insanely popular like DBZ.

I'm sorry, what does this have to do with videogames?

Outsourcing to Chinese graphic-design farms. Industrialization destroys craftsmanship in all of its forms, your chinese cartoons are no exception to this.

Commercialism and shitty music company producers moving in to fill the place of actual creative types when they retired or moved on to greener pastures


Because video games

It's because there aren't any new "sunday morning" anime now.
No dragonball, sailor moon, naruto etc.
At least nothing like them that's NEW. Anime got big because it drew in a younger audience, nowadays it's all pandering to the current aged audience.

I realize now that I kind of left the first part of my post undeveloped, so let me talk more on it. Basically, the economy being better in the 80's and 90's allowed animation studios to get away with a lot more cool shit in their shows because oftentimes they could make OVAs with huge budgets. TV shows weren't usually didn't get the same treatment, but there were exceptions to that which can especially be seen in the more popular ones. After the economy started to decline, companies stopped putting as much funding into their animation studios, so those studios turned toward catering to their established fans since they were the only ones still giving them money.

I prefer 90s art style over what we have today, and it makes me feel like a hipster. Everybody had more character in their designs.

Moeblob era was literally the worst shit, goddamn. The focus on "Cute Girls Doing Things" continue to be a cancer on the industry.

He couldn't have posted in Sup Forums because then people who have watched more than 5 shows might see it and point out that he's wrong.

So why the fuck was Gravity Falls so good then (excepting the finale of course)?

Slayers movies with just Lina and Naga >>> the actual Slayers main series
Trust me, I've seen over 200 animes

>The main reason, however, is that it's much easier to sift through the crap to get to the good stuff when shows are decades old rather than new.
Don't people watch new episodes when they come out in japan, or do they heavily rely on dvd sales?

Oh, so it's totally fine for Sup Forums to have off topic threads, but if I tried this shit on Sup Forums I'd have 20 different jannies crawling out of bumfuck before I even finished my second captcha

the first two seasons were the only good slayers

Judging by all the lore and easter eggs in Gravity Falls I'd say the team has some kind of passion for their show.

I want to fuck Lina

>that two frames of fist shaking


good thing I got a backlog that's decades long; I can skip most of the garbage

pic related is what I'm watching now

what is this?

Because you never bothered to watch anime outside of whatever Toonami shat in your mouth.

>Slayers movies with just Lina and Naga >>> the actual Slayers main series
>Trust me, I've seen over 200 animes
Die immediately.

I meant that as an argument against OP saying that modern anime is nothing but shit, but I guess I didn't make it clear enough to what I was referring.


damn white people sure aren't ugly at all.

It's Granblue Fantasy, a mobile game.

Is conspicuous CG one of the worst aspects of modern anime?

I want to be Lina.

Because of the DVD crash of 2006, actually.

Although I like modern anime, actually, but that's when the major changes happened to it.

Why did this meme get discontinued?

Yeah, I'm something of a curator, a trendsetter, a tastemaker of anime, if you will, among my peers
What of it?


Sup Forums has always been Sup Forums-lite. Janitor here and there just check for illegal shitposting once an hour and go back to their hotpockets and wow games.

Sup Forums is moderated by actual weebs who will fucking cut you if think Rei is better than Asuka. They'll jump down your throat at anything at all - of course they'll be right on top of you for off topic shitposting.

Newfags don't know it exists.

Because Gaia took over.

yeah can't wait for clangserk season 2

Shitty 3D is cheaper than good 2D. Prease understandu.


Did everything fucking crash between the years 2005 and 2009?

What is this?

>fairy tail
its bleach naruto and one piece
one piece and naruto were actually great until their timeskips and then everything went out the window
fairy tail and bleach were hardly any good to begin with and only got worse with time

Hunter x Hunter 2011
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Kill la Kill
Mob Psycho 100
Gundam Thunderbolt
Prison School
Sakamoto Desu Ga
Space Dandy
Steins Gate
Zankyou No Terror

If new ones were to be made would a resurgence be possible or would it just be gay? I kind of feel like its time is passed even though I like it.

Here's the real deal for you.

Ghost Stories is the best anime

This. Anime is still good, you just need to find the right shows

>tfw no lina inverse dota hero

What a shame too, I find it amusing as hell.


But the DVD crash of 2006 for anime is what led to the widespread adoption of moe, since anime studios were forced to appeal to wider audiences by making characters who you would fall in love with.

A picture


i grew up with the boom of TV anime, shit like dbz, sailor moon, toonami and all that shit

we don't have any of that anymore really and its sad. all nick and CN show are the same show like for 12+ hours a day and its sickening.

anime is trash

manga is the superior 2D medium

Digital ruined anime. Just as it ruined film.

It's dead and half the time you post it you get people calling you a pretend oldfag because clearly no one is still browsing this website 10 years later.

Mostly because by that time almost everything that could be done and experimented with had already been done.

Every single anime in the past almost-2 decades can be summed up as fanfiction for: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Dragon Ball and/or Z, Sailor Moon, Inuyasha, Gundam, Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop, Pokemon or a combination of any and/or all of the above.

The thing with Japanese is that they're not very creative at all, they're just really good at retelling a story over and over again.


>western low test
>and gays

those are the target audience now

>all nick and CN show are the same show like for 12+ hours a day and its sickening.
You're off by a few years. Remember Johnny Test?

Because of digital animation in the early 2000s and because the otaku market had been becoming more of a priority in Japan while anime lost mainstream popularity.

I use that artifact ridden one with that filename on purpose.

That was what I was thinking. It belongs to another time.

Name 5 creative tv shows or movies made in the past 2 decades. Can be from anywhere.

I don't see how Lina is flat. If anything, she's below average sized but definitely not washing board flat

sorry op if you want an anime thread on Sup Forums you gotta preface it with "why aren't you playing her game"

that could be said with everything u dummy

Well posting just objective facts isn't controversial at all, user

Anime/Videogames/Cinema went to shit after 2007 along with the rest of the Internet and the emergence of social media.

Slayers is my favorite anime but never played the videogame. Is it good?

half of what you listed is utter shit

>muh 2007

Wtf happened in 2007. Other than The Big Bang Theory.

Isn't that the point? She's not flat but compered to certain other girls she still gets breast envy.

>but what about this obscure echii BS