Why they didn't put muslim warriors too?

Why they didn't put muslim warriors too?

native americans

No suicide vests yet

Whitey wouldn't buy it then. It's a fresh IP and they got to make it safe to market

because muslims are a bunch of goatfucking faggots

Whites and honorary whites only

Crusades DLC. Gotta make them Shekels boi

because they only have one way of fighting, and you can only create so many ways to blow yourself up before it's just rehashed content

it would've been hilarious seeing the deus vult memeing reach critical levels and SJWs bashing the community for making For Honor an Islamophobic power fantasy but unfortunately a kebab with a curved sword just doesn't sell as much as a badass looking viking

More like
>why did they put a dick ass samurai instead of a pirate?

They know their game is shit, so they tailored it with gullible nerds who play vidya in mind like weebs and Sup Forumstards (see: edgy teens who don't know history and think they are white).

A muslim would be GOAT tho. WHO DARES BATTLE THE SARACEN?!

Assblasted goatfucker in denial detected.

>muh golden age

Hahaha, right.

Yeah, because "goatfuckers" like Saxon, right?


Muslims would have chimped out and started riots like they always do

Because Arabs were and are fucking awful warriors. You would full knowingly handicap yourself if you played as one.

Snowniggers were awful warriors too, and the game features them. FFS, they even have women!

>play as a crusader
>can't fight classic heathens

Who the fuck said you were playing as a crusader?

>Ubisoft is in France
>When Arabs get offended they shoot up offices in France

I wonder why OP

Because the game is called For HONOR.


It features vikings tho.

Indeed. The raping coward quota is already filled.

Because mobile phones didn't exist so how would they phone their cousins?


You're thinking of greeks.
Crossed with lads?

They didn't have the budget to implement a decapitation or acid throwing mechanic

There's a shitload of decapitation in the game, man.

> a kebab with a curved sword just doesn't sell as much as a badass looking viking

explain asscreed

I bet none are as clean as the 1 swoop mechanic used in real life

explain skyrim

eh we can have two raping factions and have two sides fights fight over law and chaos

>you will never have a qt muslim gf
why live

DLC of course.
First "Saracens," then the Aztecs and if we're very, very lucky an "Ancients" tag team of Greeks, Romans, Assyrians and Egyptians.
Maybe even a Zulu team later, though they're kind of outside of the time period.

First DLC is already a centurion and a ninja.