Height of famous gamers?
AlphaOmegaSin 5’3”
Bad Luck Bootsy 5’4”
Egoraptor 6’2”
Jacksepticeye 5’9”
JonTron 5’10
James Rolfe 5’ 10”
Markiplier 5’10”
Mat Pat 5’11”
Mike Matei 6’1”
PewDiePie 5’9”
Stamper 5’11”
Suzy Berhow 5’6”
Please add
Height of famous gamers?
AlphaOmegaSin 5’3”
Bad Luck Bootsy 5’4”
Egoraptor 6’2”
Jacksepticeye 5’9”
JonTron 5’10
James Rolfe 5’ 10”
Markiplier 5’10”
Mat Pat 5’11”
Mike Matei 6’1”
PewDiePie 5’9”
Stamper 5’11”
Suzy Berhow 5’6”
Please add
do they are videogames?
>hitler 5ft9
>jontron 5ft10
Ive met the cinemassacre crew. I'd say James is like 5'8 or 5'9, Mike is 5'11, Bootsy and Ryan are probably the same height at 5'6 or 5'7. I'm in the criminal justice system, so I have at least a little idea about that kind of stuff
>Ive met the cinemassacre crew
Side note: They were all friendly. Bootsy seemed the most normal, James seemed the most socially awkward
Who fucking cares
I'm more interested in that huge dong Mike's got. He's hung like a bull
Damn Arin you tall. How tall is danny then?
Danny Sexbang - In Yoshi's Cookie Episode 1: National Treasure Danny revealed the size of his penis to be "seven and three quarters".
More of a gamer than you are.
Why would i want to talk about videogames when i can circle jerk to ELECTRONIC CELEBRITIES!
He'll only personally show it to you if you're a gay male
What did he mean by this?
I meant height wise shit lord, but ay, go jew genes
Jerma985 4'
>AlphaOmegaSin 5’3”
How is this videogames?
Here's the extensive list of good gamers:
You in 10 years
That's it.
>AlphaOmegaSin 5’3”
So that's why he acts like that huh.
Why do you think he doesn't shave and wears all that metal shit?
e-celebs aren't videogames
Cooller is 1.83 m.
>using a imprecise scale
when will americucks ever learn
>Using an imprecise scale
What videogame is that guy from?
Metric is for sissies
ethan's like 5'6 and jontron was bascially the same height
everyone inflates their heights too, so it's probably right
>another Mike has a huge dick thread
Yeah right, Pretty sure that's Dan's height and no way is he as tall as Dan
>Jontron 5'10
>egoraptor 6'2
sure ok guy
what isi going on ere
It looks like they're about to give that girl the goofballs.
This is tasty steve, esports commentator and host of many FGC events.
>that bulge
they want to have sex with that guy
>normie horror game
>guest with "girlgamer" right in the name
I wish I was tall Sup Forums.
>being upset about those fucking goblins
Us gaymers huh.
>famous gamers
Pat 5'3"
Pat: 5'3"
Matt: 5'5"
Woolie and Liam: 6'1"
I bet brote is about 5'5 but hung like a cat
WTF Sup Forums loves Egoraptor now.
I'm 6'2" and Phil was kinda leaning in for this shot so I'd put him at 6'4"
I want to see his cock.
no homo
>mfw im taller than all of them
>Sup Forums filename
not you
I'm 5'4"... my wife is 5'5"
Come at me Sup Forums
randomized filename setting, lad
just google it it was leaked! He's huge
So, whats next?
Are we going to talk about their blood type? their astrological sign? their favorite food? etc.
fuck off
thanks hungry skeleton
>this is the average dsp fan
>everyone in the image is ugly
So this is the power of being adult height.
Danny said in an episode that he's like 6'2''
I like Tasty Steve, it's not his fault he's short and producers force you to do that degrading shit like standing on boxes because it makes a better shot.
Cleophee is hot, but is she gonna keep being hot in Season 3?
Who is the tallest youtuber?
Eva will be preggo, so Eva will be considerably more attractive.
go home steve
Well he doesn't do videogames, but Amazing Atheist is 6'6''. If there's a taller eceleb than that I don't know of them.
>giant fat guy has a micropenis
No wonder he's such a gigantic faggot.
Wow. That is tall. Does Mike Matei have the biggest known penis or is there a Youtuber as big / bigger?
Sup Forums collectively is a famous gamer. So Sup Forums, how tall are you?
who /6ft 2in/ here?
manlets get out
>So Sup Forums, how tall are you?
5'11'', but my ex was like 5'3'' so I still towered over her.
If you're a male over the age of 18 and are under 6 feet you're a genetically inferior human being
i am 5'10, quite tall if you ask me
>'''''''''''''''''''''''''''famous gamers''''''''''''''''''''''''
>all of them are renown for making funny faces and stupid jokes
>none of them are actually any good at videogames
Sam Hyde 6'13"
Matei beat Dragons Lair for nes. Not bad in my book
If you're over 18 and play overwatch you're a genetically inferior human being
You combined an e-celeb thread and a height thread.
That's some good shitposting!
I know bro. I wish there was some sort of exercise or some shit I could do, but my parents cursed me with my subpar height. Being 5'8 is fucking suffering. I'm like Prince of the Manlets. Just tall enough to be taller than most short "people", but not tall enough to actually be considered tall. Some women are taller than me and that's a disgrace.
it sucks but i deal with it
Feels bad man
Why would you even care about this? And care enough to make a fucking list of youtubers' heights? Are you that insecure or what?
That's probably because you're tall
If you were short, this whole manlet and "heightism" shit will get inside your skin because it exists everywhere
We just want to see how often youtubets score pussy.
Is he a literal midget?
jesus the poor kid can barely run
get him off the goddamn hgh
Guess you're right, I'm tall. Still, I know plenty of manlets who are fun as fuck to be around with and slay mad pussy.
That depends solely on their sub count
who do you think is scoring the most pussy and the least
It isn't exactly "leaked" when Matei himself sent a (fake) picture of his dick to another guy through twitter. Think about that for a second, and then put into account his gay voice and his gay mannerisms. I'll give you time to add it all up. (hint: he's gay)
He has gay mannerisms no doubt. Pretty sure it's his dick though since the same ruler is in his other pictures
who the hell are half of these people
Damn ok yes thats a big penis
None of these gamers are famous. Fuck off back to YouTube, underage.
Well I don't know about who IS, but I know pewdiepie COULD score the most pussy, and whoever on that list that has the least amount of subs would score the least.
185 cm.
Feel free to convert it to your caveman """units"""
Not sure heightism is that big of a deal, short men succeed all the time, just because some girls have bullshit standards doesn't mean you can't get good girls. Verne Troyer dates plenty of hot women and he's only worth $10 million. I'm sure there is definitely some unconscious bias causing heightism but same goes for being fat, ugly, bald, any negative trait, and everyone probably has at least one.