Nee-chan loves you
Fire Emblem Heroes
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Cynthia when
I want /feg/ to go.
Why would he need money after he kills himself?
Superior sister and flier coming through
What good is money if you're dead?
Big or little, Tiki is the best girl.
To buy the cyanide
>buy some succ
>then kill self
Fuck these same class quest.
Hurry up and do your daily quests, maggots
Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. Actually are you the one shitposting constantly?
On an unrelated note, what's a good skillset for +atk -hp Eirika? I kind of think of giving her Darting Blow to make her capable of doubling, but other than that I don't really know. Maybe Fury instead?
Life and Death/Fury, Swordbreaker, Hone Spd are what I'd stick with if you're going to use her as a buffstick. Slap on Draw Back and Luna/Moonbow if you want.
Chill, nigga
so should I just kill myself or
better than Lucius
>~40 orbs and all I have to show for it is fucking Lucius
Basic Darting/Moonbow setup is probably your best bet.
Drag back be very good, especially with reposition and a dancer. If you 1 round the unit then you can go back to your position and stay safer. I've got a drag back +Reposition gunther, Charges ahead, hit, pull the enemy toward you, get danced, go the other side of the dancer and reposition it to safety. Extremely good for pickoffs.
I spent about double that and decided that I'd actually pick a Colorless orb for once. Now I'm ~80 orbs less and a +Atk -Def Lucius richer.
Nino for nuking.
Lon'qu for Vantage 3
at least you can breed nino if she is good IV and you got lonqu that can learn vantage 3 as 4* so you give it to your takumi
you do have a takumi right user?
Same thing here
I'm not actually sure how much I've spent trying for Ninian it's proabablly actually closer to high 50 low 60 now that I think about it. The 40 was all in one session.
>2 blues 2 greens, 1 grey
>garbage blues and greens
> 3 orbs for the last grey
>why not maybe I'll get kagero
>get the trap and now my 5* bonus is gone
The irony is not lost on me
>why not maybe I'll get kagero
Fuck, this was literally the same thing that ran through ny mind when I got Lucius.
about that.
I just want a Hector/Eliwood bro-op team, but noooo. Hector has to be the rarest fucking hero in the game. I don't really care too much for newer FE games, so I've been stuck rerolling for hours. Probably gonna just quit the game forever.
>Hector has to be the rarest fucking hero in the game.
He is one of them, considering he's a 5* only, off-banner unit. Don't forget that he's Green only.
*blocks your path*
Another day without interesting content
your best chance is the upcoming banner with eliweed on it. good luck.
I know that feel bro. The oversaturation of 3DS characters really kills my urge to roll. Doesn't help that Hector is one of the few in the game that isn't mediocre to shit.
Why do you have so many pictures of anime girls? Do you just look for something to post every time a relevant thread comes up or is your collection just that huge and varied?
Do you know where you are?
It's aceman, the fucker has folders on everyone and everything.
>In the process of rolling for a Hector, Camilla or Minerva I ended up with a 5*Linde and Ninian, 4* Chrom and Kagero
I'm the luckiest person in the world, just not at getting the things I want.
Fuck these money grubbing jew quest.
newfag detected
When is Ike banner?
Just because.
I mean I know he's no Lucina, but the next best Red I have is Caeda so I'll take it.
Can you post some Camilla to make the anti-Camilla fag screech like a dumb frog?
>killing yourself after being succ'd by Camilla
You might die while she succs, but no one would willingly kill themselves afterwards. You'd be hooked for life.
You da man
I know he does. I was just wondering if he already had them or just looked for them whenever the opportunity arrived.
>only thing I need is a good dancer
>consistently never see blue on the summoning circle
Better off upgrading Olivia to one with skill inheritance
>tfw finally going to get a viable green unit
>he's also free
Who /hype/ here?
NEETs who don't have to wake up in the morning for work need not respond.
>3 fliers
Hey motherfucker, happy to see me?
>NEETs who don't have to wake up in the morning for work need not respond.
Wew lad.
What special is that?
I wish to gave sex with this woman
>44 > 0
>15 damage
What am I not seeing in this picture? Counter?
his special?
I hope not. Jugdral already has way more characters than SS and Tellius.
>decide to burn the rest of my orbs
>actually works out and I roll Ryoma
>+Atk -Res
The spread could be better, but I wasn't expecting lobsterman himself.
After like 6 rerolls in my Hector quest, I now have an account with Eirika, Olivia, Karel, Camilia, and Lilina. Yet still I feel empty.
Partly because it's all fucking red and none of them are my buff as fuck axe buddy.
>I expected nothing but was still disappointed
>the rich get richer
Palla's got Moonbow at least.
Would putting darting blow on Eldigan be good, or is it not worth losing fury?
Let's play a game.
Go to the website above, roll ONCE, and post results.
Congratz you have 3 new characters.
Could be worse honestly.
just my average shit tier luck
After a 100 orbs I finally got 5* Rebecca
almost got that one exactly, except I had two saizos instead of a cain.
I got a chrom from my second summon 1 month ago and he pulled his way through challenges and stuff. He is no lucina but still better than most.
TFW no ninian, in the last 3 pulls i got 5* lucius, jaffar,jakob and karel,
They should have an option to summon without the focus. It could increase the 5* percentage rate
Even just being able to read the jist of that gave me a nice rewarding feeling. The titties also made that better.
Just another typical roll
I havent seen the event pop up in a day, what times do he show up?
Bretty good.
>whale's 500th roll.jpg
Rolled for Hector instead.
Should I sacrifice my 5* chrom and give my seliph aether?
j u s t
guess that gives me time to level my team up.
>5 hit charge specials
Should I bother saving my stam poitions?
what would you recommend then user
anyone but seliph
and moonbow is always the answer
I'm glad this is fake.
>16 rolls without a 5 star.
>320 orbs spent without a 5 star.
It's scary to think this is even possible.
Welcome to gacha
That's the kind of shit that would make me quit the game
I win
>Lucina anywhere but the bottom
Looks like the Nintendo boys would rather press auto battle on their phone than play their tegras. Your phone is more powerful anyway.
So how do people already have michalis? I've been checking since I saw people on here posting didn't see his event go up, and if it did, I never saw it in my menus.
I want to make Camilla a mother.