Was the hate for Dark Souls 2 largely unjustified?

Was the hate for Dark Souls 2 largely unjustified?

Not at all. Weakest game in the franchise. DLC was good though.

Nope. Shit game still spawns shit threads.

If you didnt enjoy/dont like all the souls games you are cancer and should kill yourself, every game in this series is infinitely better than all the mainstream AAA casual shit being made these days

The gameplay mechanics were great, but the areas themselves felt empty and not very immersive, a major weakness compared to Demon's Souls and Dark Souls 1. The plot was pretty weak as well, and the game needed its DLC content to provide any kind of cohesive experience. Also, Soul Memory was a huge weight on PvP, forcing everyone to inevitably go toward one big "all-powerful ultra-fast Havel wizard" tier where if you wanted to be remotely competitive you'd have to soul grind like crazy and max out your stats.

It was bad. You could beat almost all bosses strafing right and there were various instances of simultaneus enemies just to harden the game


I played sword and board and never had a problem with that. Just tread carefully, bait enemies, and force them into bottlenecks. Only place that would warrant complaints is Amana for melee-only, but going melee-only at all is a bad, bad idea for ambush sniper land.

Amana was extremely easy for me as a pure mele great hammer build.
>see caster
>run towards caster while dodging his first missile
>splat caster with a single hit
>go back to cover
>repeat with the next caster

It was unjustified, but you need to stop making these threads. Nobody ever changes their mind and we discuss this like 5 times a day every single day. These constant threads are only going to make people hate DS2 more.

Please just stop.

How many threads until people realize DS1 fags and DS2 fags will never agree and this discussion is pointless
Because Bloodborne is better than both of them

Best game in franchise after 3. Thats what the souls games are all about. Each iteration is better than the last.

>Please just stop.
>stop shitting on my favorite game REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

wtf i hate ds2 even more now

Nope. It was a shameless and unnecessary downgrade.


this board is used via PC, or on a mobile device that is a mini PC. That should tell you all you need to know about betaborne. Literally no one knows what that game is. But you bring up darksouls 2 and everyone will know. You know why? ds2 btfo bloodborne. Better animation, better balance, better multiplayer, better sound, better feel, better artstyle. Just better better better.


ADP was the biggest fuck you to the playerbase and it singlehandedly sucks all the enjoyment out of the game

whats with the ds2 shilling?

i remember it happened a few months ago as well. (((who))) could be behind this? give me a quick rundown

Some of it was, some of it wasn't.
Despite all its flaws it was still inspired and had some interesting areas.
Meanwhile DaS3 played it way too safe and was boring.

>I played sword and board
And you think this somehow allows you to have any sort of counterpoint?

I personally loved 2, though i guess i might be a minority here, on Sup Forums at least

>final DS3 DLC in less than a week
>able to sustain multiple threads off the eternal ass hurt that is DS2 years after release

Is it better to be remembered in infamy, or forgotten in mediocrity?


Fuck Soul Memory and fuck everyone who supported that shit

Literally unable to enjoy bosses or online because you get kicked into higher and higher brackets without control, or having to lose out on all benefits and souls just to stay there.

Demon's - 8/10
Dark - 8/10
Dark 2 - 7/10
Bloodborne - 8/10
Dark 3 - 7/10

In a vacuum of pure Souls, 2 and 3 would feel like dogshit, unless you started with 2 or later.

Not that user, but you are taking that out of context and blowing what he said waaay out of proportion my dude

Yeah this sums it up pretty well

Hate is justified but I like it better than diet Bloodborne anyway.

They fucked it up so bad

Dark Souls didn't deserve the sequel it got
They forgot so many things that made Dark Souls good and just made a game that was "dude hard lmao"

Imagine if console stopped existing

I'm done having this discussion. Come up with a new topic or get the fuck out here.



The removal of the lighting system alone is more than enough of a reason to hate this game at the most basic level possible.

It looks really, really, REALLY bad.

nice reading comprehension

I just like how long this game is, is that weird? I just find comfort knowing its not going to end for a long time.

was it autism

No you shit, DaS3 is what 2 should have been, and in the grand scheme of things on par with BB and DaS. DeS is arguably slightly below that rung, but DaS2 is so far off in the cosmos it's not even worth mentioning. Its mere existence is just pathetic.

The whole "waahhh direct sequel" meme is inane. If DaS3 was called something else like 'Dusk Souls' or whatever, but exactly the same otherwise, it would be universally praised to hell and back.

Did the devs obviously and blatantly stop caring halfway through the game like in Dark Souls 1?

Never played the second one, just curious.

The devs cared, the publisher didn't.

>Dark Souls 3 is my first Dark Souls game

Its not that they didnt care in the first game its that they ran out of time user.

No 2 has double the content of 1 and then 3 dlcs on top of it.

And even then, SotFS felt like neither did they.

It was different. People thought they wanted more of DS1 because that's all they'd known. Then 3 came out which is a DS1 wank fest and we saw how disappointing that was to just play the same game over again.


>DS1 wank fest

Didn't recognize how similar the Firelink Shrine was to the Nexus because you never played Demon's Souls, eh?

Nope. Dark Souls was my first Souls game.

DaS, DaS2, DaS3, DeS, BB. In that order.

Worst in franchise but still great.

wank fest is wank fest friend

Keep telling us that, but when you elaborate on your opinion it becomes clear that you're lying.

but DS3 is way better than DS2

DaS 1 > DaS2 = DaS3

First time playing it right now. 50 STR greatsword build and i'm killing everything left and right.

Should I re-do my stats and go str / int for spells? Doing the same overhead and swipe over and over is a little boring.

Didn't spear turtle or stay at range with magic at all times.

Yes I've played Demon's Soul too, you tard. It's similar in the fact that now you have a big circular hub inside a decrepit building where all your npc buddies hang out. So now DS3 is even less original, wanking off the very first Souls game. DeS had Nexus, DS1 had Firelink Shrine, DS2 had Mujula and DS3 had another Nexus. It's a game lacking an identity.

I'm playing it now. I've spent probably 4x as much time with DS2 than I did BB.

Old, unused map data of the Gutter that was actually how they envisioned it in their concept art as a run-down Blighttown-esque shithole built ontop of ruins and rubble.

Take a wild guess why they scrapped it.

The key point for me was that from listened to the crybaby retards who cried their crybaby tears about being ganked in pvp so from took anti twink measures to appease the over grown pathetic babbies who should have just gotten good instead of sharing their shit opinion on a good franchise.

Apart from that the game didnt seem so bad. I even understand adaptability and why they added it so would give them a pass for that.

>It's a game lacking an identity.

That's what they were going for. They wanted to end the series where it began: Demon's Souls.


Wrong, you can browse Sup Forums on consoles. Also that wasn't all you were wrong about ;^)

What's funny though is the same people telling the ganked people to just get go are now the ones complaining about being ganked all the time when they invade in DS3

Hell, fucking, yes.
Dropping that tard Miyazaki was the best move the series made. It actually felt like a real fairy story was being told, it was reminiscent of a childhood dream instead of teenage angst and other "edgy" emo garbage that usually comes out of the series. The areas were surreal, the only people who disagree are the ones who don't use their imaginations.

No because there is no excuse for going from a game that was just short of being a masterpiece to complete mediocrity

>Dropping that tard Miyazaki

Is he that bad?

No. The game was complete horse shit. Now stop making these threads.

That is the biggest load of bullshit and you know it. DS series is the spiritual successor to DeS but is infinitely more successful and well known by those dreaded casuals, DS3 may had allusions to DeS but it was DS1 in all but name. I mean for fucks sake you fight the same final boss in both games, Gwyn and Soul of Cinder in Gwyn form, that trilogy is it's own world, and connection to DeS is be choice of the developer for fans of both series, not because they are actually connected.

>ds2 is like playing a kid's game


>if I call something a meme, that means the criticism isn't true

Get fucked. Dark Souls 3 was a waste of a game and the most shameless rehash in the series, and it's noticeable even in the DLC where Souls games usually have the best content. FROM should just close up shop if they're going to half ass another game as much as they did DS3.

The DLC were nice.

But even know Soul Memory still fucks the game over hard. Spending souls and gaining souls forces you slowly into the havel meta ranges.

>DS3 may had allusions to DeS but it was DS1 in all but name

You have never played Demon's Souls.


Jesus, this isn't CoD.



I think I deserve an apology. :)

The DLC for Dark Souls 3 was content planned for the original game but was sold in a season pass to make some extra cash.

Everything he touches turns to incoherent babbling about different words for depression.
>doesn't want to relive the days of no responsibility and care free life
You must over 18 to post here.

PART 1/2
I loathed DS2. It was such an enormous disappointment to me, and it felt like FROM decided to make difficulty the main point of the game, as opposed to fun or fairness. It felt like the developers sat down and said

"Ok, people liked DS ONLY BECAUSE it was difficult, right? Lets add 20 times the amount of enemies in every single situation. That'll be great. Oh, O&S was hard right? Lets quadruple the amount of boss fights in the game have 2 or more bosses in them, that'll be fun. Also, poise is OP for players, so lets make poise on armor near useless in PVE and almost everything will stun you in one shot no matter what armor you have, but lets also give enemies and bosses infinite poise, so that hitting them with an ultra great sword 2 handed with the stone ring practically can't stun bosses/enemies at all and doesn't even work on half the enemies, and in the rare instance it does, the stun will last for about 0.2 seconds! Screw strength weapons. Oh, and lets go ahead and remove the stamina limit from enemies, so they can attack relentelessly and force you to wait and wait and wait foir a chance to attack, and even these huge guys with massive hammers that probably weigh a few tons can swing them over and over and over without stopping at all, and again, surround the area with 6 of them all close to each other. Make bosses attack non stop as well. Heck, lets introduce NPC invaders that have like, A MILLION HP and take of HALF YOUR LIFE BAR with ONE ATTACK that STUNS right through the players HEAVY ARMOR, because that's fun, right? Also, lets add another dark, swamp area. Players love those."

It feels like it goes even beyond that
that room where the dragon skeleton wakes up just had all of the color sucked out of the tiles and just ended up looking ugly as fuck
thats more than just the lighting engine, the textures and meshes just look extremely low quality in some areas

PART 2/2
"Add more small enemies the players with big weapons can't even hit as well, and make certain stats level much worse than in DS1. Lets also go ahead and make all enemies and bosses follow the character around like they have a magnet on their swords. Can't let players get behind them now, can we? Man, players are still so OP. Lets make dodge rolling into a stat, that'll show people for thinking they have good timing. Hey, people liked bleed weapons in DS, right? Well, let's make that completely useless, so that even if you use a bleed weapon with the bleeding ring and bleed gauntlets, it still will ALMOST NEVER bleed enemies, and when it does, it'll be almost useless and just take off a little extra HP. Also, people like long games, right? Well, lets introduce several blockades that can only be unblocked with random items scattered around the world in limited quantity, without telling people which ones are vital to unblock and which arent! Also, illusory walls aren't enough. Let's make people pay to unlock other walls with more limited and expensive items, again with no idea of what's actually behind them. This'll be so great. People loved how difficult the first game was, that was the whole point! OH! And we must not forget, PRAISE LE SUN HAHA SOLAIRE WAS SO COOL RIGHT GUYS HAHA man we are so in touch with our fanbase."

I apologize for the rant, but I was pretty disappointed with the choices made for DS2.

i actually loathed 2's pve design after dumping a ton of time into it, but in retrospect it did some stuff pretty well that the A-team regrettably didn't continue.

Power stancing,bonfire ascetics, that champion covenant, and some cool DLC bosses.

From a PVE standpoint it's the weakest game, but it had the best pvp of all the Souls games IMO.

Core combat/movement lets down anything that the PvP could of been ngl

Yeah enemy placement was really the biggest disappointment. Forest of Fallen Giants was fun but when I got to Heide's Tower something felt off. Bashing into a giant enemy and it not reacting to my hits was really unsatisfying. Plus I had to wail on it 5-10 times just to kill it and then I had to kill 7 more of them in a row. It was just a long and slow repetitive task after awhile. Oh and you die and get to do it again. I must have killed at least 50 of them by the time I beat the dragon rider. Then right after that was No Mans Wharf... ugh...

The first part of Irithyll Dungeon is also similar to Latria with patrolling jailers, cells to hide in, and the general layout with two paths on each side separated by a pit.

>There is a character named Yuria in the game, and a OG Yuria Doppelganger named "Karla"
>The Morion Blade is in the game
>Evangelists/Fat Ladies look like Fat Officials
>Rock Worms make a comeback
>Red Eye Knights
>Maiden of Black Cameo
>Firelink Shrine Firekeeper is very reminiscent of Maiden in Black
>Storm Ruler comes back
>Yhorm the Giant is similar to the Old Hero
>Firelink Shrine is very similar to the Nexus
>Eygon and Irina are similar to Astraea and Garland
>Iudex Gundyr basically has Old King Doran's Armor
>the walkway up to the Twin Princes is like a replica of 1-3, bunch of barricades, generic soldier enemies and archers shooting at you, and then red eye knights at the end
>Siegward has a minor throwback in his behavior to Biorr as well with how he goes to sleep after an encounter.

The general Demon's vibe the game has is a rather pleasant surprise.

No it's objectively worse in just about every aspect compared to 1 and 3.

The only redeeming parts about it were powerstancing and slow estus healing.

But otherwise my biggest complaints
>world design
>floaty combat
>enemy placement
>soul memory
>majority of boss design
>weapon durability

I'm willing to look past the enormous amount of graphic bugs but those things made it a bad souls game.

DeS 9/10
DaS 10/10 (my first souls game)
DaS2 7/10
DaS3 9/10
BB 10/10

>The general Demon's vibe the game has is a rather pleasant surprise.
Gotta agree. It seems like Miyazaki's, and whoever he picks for a lot of the art direction, styles really fit that grimmer cosmic horror tone.

The enemy progression often felt whack.
As you said, the old knight automatons and Heide knights took quite a beating and afterwards you had areas like Huntsman's Copse or Harvest Valley that were littered with tons of normal hollows that occasionally didn't even attack you.

It had best build variety,best weapons and best multiplayer

>Dark Souls 1 was this great game that lacked TLC and needed some more time to be filled out and polished up.
>Expect Dark Souls 2 to be more of Dark Souls 1 gameplay but more perfected this time around.
>Get a markedly different game that did it's own thing and made it's own waves. Final result still felt rushed and unpolished.
>DaS3 comes around.
>It's 100% polish and 0% substance. Doesn't try anything new and has little to no side-content compared to DaS2. Actually takes a number of steps backward.

DaS2 hate was justified at the time, but only because people didn't know how boring and soulless a DaS game could actually be.

If a 7 is with 4 10/10s she's gonna look like a 4

>Imagine if console stopped existing
DS series will not be created

what gets me is the absolutely shameless texture tiling.

Isn't that shit super easy to remedy? Can't you just have the texture randomly rotated 90/180 degrees in every tile? Or have 2-4 mildly different textures it can choose from instead of just the one?

DS3 has the best lore and gameplay.

You're a delusional child if you think either of those things.

Dark Souls 3 lore is garbage and the gameplay is just slow Bloodborne.

The hate is unjustified, the disappointment is not.

I can agree with this.

It wasn't what I expected at the time but I liked it all the same. DaS3 on the other hand was just trite.

DeS - 7/10

DaS - 8/10
+AotA - 9/10

DaS2 - 5/10
+Crowns - 7/10

BB - 8/10
+TOH - 9/10

DS3 - 6/10
+AoA - 6/10

It's not "bad" per say but it is the weakest initial entry in the souls series (at least in it's vanilla state), however, if The Ringed City doesnt deliver it might stop my least favorite "souls game post dlc" and be replaced by 3. Not that vanilla3 is as bad as vanilla2, but when a series dlc content are just as amazing as they have been, when you give me something like AoA it's just insulting, so if TRC isnt amazing 3 will be the fist souls game where the DLC isnt the best part of the game nor improves the overall quality of the entry, and that's just outrageous.

Even just randomly adding some additional decal textures would've helped.

I enjoyed DS3 much more than 2.
I didn't even feel like finishing 2.

It was a meme because launched like ass
Buyfags hated it into meme
Scholar cames out, it fixes the game and adds a fuckton, becomes the best Dark Souls
Memers still go "grr le das2 bad game rite xD"
>Oldfags are still salty too

Little people can't let go. They let their "hate" for something defines them. They felt wronged, and they're so little that it's the only thing that gives them purpose now. They have to justify their hate my memeing something somehow to others.

And it's still the best DaS as much as I love the first.

Dark Souls 2 > 3 and you can't prove otherwise.
>Dark Souls 3
>shortest game
>bonfires out the ass
>filled to the brim with shitty references
>massive amounts of on-disc cut content that will be sold as DLC
>rehashed areas in an already short game
>the worst, newbie/scrub favoring invasion system yet
>no arena
>Heavy armor sucks

>Armor variety is less than DS2 BASE game, despite copypasting a 3rd of the armors from previous games
>Magic needs 2-3 ring slots just to dish out melee level damage
>Magic itself does reduced damage for PvP
>removes a shit ton of spells from the previous game
>awful scaling balance
>FP is the most awful casting management system introduced yet (worse than DeS mana, which had better regen options and more efficient)
>FP horribly ineffiecent with damage, ends up causing everyone to use 1 or 2 FP efficient spell like Great Heavy Soul Arrow
>Miracles awful, best and most viable one locked behind the final boss
>bland NG+
>awful covenants
>no blue eye orb
>blue sentinels and darkmoons the exact same
>left hand weapons no longer have full movesets
>dual wield weapons are gimmicks
>boss weapons can’t be infused
>Straight Swords and Curved Sword are as fast as daggers
>Great Weapons are slower than previous games, and costs more stamina, while barely doing more damage
>1-2 Weapons ALWAYS the best in class, no redeeming qualitys for special weapons resulting in less weapon variety than BB
>very little moveset variation
>WA are mostly shit or copypasted powerstance moves
>No backstep i-frame
>rolls have too much i-frames and cost too little stamina
>bloodborne enemies catered to R1 spam from ss and cs
>hexes gone and dark magic is shit
>shittiest dragon form
>no dragon covenant
>refined/hollow completely dominates
>DLC has so far been shit
>19 bosses, a good chunk being gimmicks
>linear level design, less branching options than DeS, DS2, and even BB
>b-but the DLC will save it!
>b-but other games have faults!