It's over boys.
1.7.4 fixed grass and magnesia/status


Other urls found in this thread:


>paying to pirate

it'll never not be funny

Hol up
You be sayin'
We's gotta pay for dat?


Grass - Visible and can be lit on fire

Water - Visible and can now swim

Magnesis - works in and out of shrines

Stasis - works at least in shrines, likely outside of them too

Standing - No more sinking into the ground!

It also looks like combat physics have improved as well

Shrines can now be completed!

Comes out: April 2nd to patrons, April 9th (a week later) to the public

Cryonis - Fixed everywhere!

what's the latest news post say?
do we really have to wait until April 2?

I love when kiddies try and push this meme unironically

I bought a Switch ($300), Pro Controller ($70), and Zelda ($60), just to play this game. I was really thinking there was no way this was going to make it to PC but holy shit. I feel like I wasted so much money now.

Edit: Anyone want to buy a Switch?

That what you're getting for being a stupid console pleb.

Just in time for when i'm finished with Witcher 3.

That's cool. But what's next on the to do list? Is it playable yet?


I love people like you.

They remind me every day why i don't buy consoles at launch/at all

I see. So it's not done.
Why are there so many threads pushing this incomplete emulator?
Are the devs sucking your dicks or something?
I'll be glad to join you in the celebration when the game is fully playable, or at least 99% there. But until then, you're just a shill doing it for free.

Except I don't pay CEMU as well

Hmmmmm... Really makes u think....

>I see. So it's not done
From what we can tell in the video, all major problems are fixed. ie fully playable
>Why are there so many threads pushing this incomplete emulator?
Why are people excited about rapidly advancing technology that wasn't thought possible? Hmm
>Are the devs sucking your dicks or something?
>you're just a shill doing it for free.
You sound more like a shill than this entire thread

Also, if you don't see that the point of these threads are to trigger nintenbabbys who bought a 300 dollar 2007 era tablet you are a complete idiot

The devs are developing something many people want. People are praising it, especially because they are working insanely fast.

Why does this get your panties in a bundle? You seem like you want it so so what exactly is your issue with people praising the progress? Are you just that unhappy?

Go back to dvach with your yobaposting and console berating, Vasilievich.

Now you only need a monster CPU with a beefy single-core performance.

It gets uploaded to Gazelle Games plus various githubs.

>paying for nintendo hardware

>April 2

Ah so they are delaying it to early next month to get more money, fucking jews

Something about the lighting and shadows still looks off. It just doesn't look right on PC, like it's a cheap knockoff or something.

More like a free knockoff

>being poor

>its another "it doesnt feel right on PC" episode

>if you don't see that the point of these threads are to trigger nintenbabbys who bought a 300 dollar 2007 era tablet you are a complete idiot
I'm giving the people the benefit of the doubt, that they're not so stupid as to think anyone will truly be upset that an emulator has sharper graphics than a console.
No one has cared before, and no one cares now. "nintendbabbys" have been happily emulating since emulating games were possible.

My thought, is that someone is attempting to stir fake controversy, in order to get more eyes on development and it's patreon. Milking this for all it's worth. That, or they're they're fan-shills.

>Why are people excited about rapidly advancing technology that wasn't thought possible? Hmm
but all previous Nintendo consoles were made possible. No one doubted that the Switch's console would be possible to emulate as well. I do kind of get the excitement for being able to play a game for free. But that's now how these threads are being presented.

>From what we can tell in the video, all major problems are fixed. ie fully playable
That would be nice. I'm still skeptical however. If the game was practically fully playable, then why hasn't someone stated as much plainly? Instead, we still get a checklist of things they've hammered out.

Even a 1080p with silky smooth 30fps and no popups would be a dream.
Why couldn't Switch be more powerful?

>not waiting a year when you will find the switch at a flea market for 50 bucks
>not waiting a year for all games ot get them on steam 50 to 70 percent off

Nvidia offered them a Pascal chip, but Nintendo wanted to buy the left over Maxwell chips from 2015 for a cheap price

Nintendo are Jews

What? It looks just like the Wii U version. It's also a horribly compressed Webm.

Here's a video of it being rendered in 4k:

I can't wait for this, the frame rate drops on my WiiU copy are horrendous.

It wasn't made for PC. It wasn't made for you. When the team poured their heart out for the game, spending thousands of hours on art, music, story, characters, landscape, fun mechanics, anything that made the game what it is they weren't think of you- an overweight pirating neckbeard who doesn't have any respect for art or effort because they've never experienced either in their lives and probably never will. The ones they were thinking of, the people who have enough love and respect for art to purchase the intended console and the game at full price are the only ones who get the full experience as it was meant to be. If they are human beings, the emulating PC shit race is more akin to a leech, no, a tick.

>it's over
What? I've played BOTW already. I've already won.

Just stop posting if you have nothing to say, ok.

>A game is bad one month later
>With better graphics and frame rate


It could've been worse.

Speaking of CEMU, how's Xenoblade X run?


Nice. I already finished Zelda but hope that CEMU is ready for my second playthrough around the end of the year.

Thank you to all the nerds paying $25,750 monthly to the 2-people team CEMU. Albeit they might slow it down due to that to squeeze the most money out of autists.

And I tok it with my dirty hands, ripped off its clothes, raped every nook and cranny of its body with my greasy stinking dick, leaving syeamy sticky cum all over it. Then I threw it on the floor, beat it almost to death, and urinated all over its pretty face. Because I have the power to to so.

Your point?

>Speaking of CEMU, how's Xenoblade X run?

Perfect except ambient volume is higher than voice volume, basically we have mono audio

With subtitles you can 100℅ it at 30fps 4k
Only on nvidia GPU tho

Looking good, I was part way through playing on Wii U but I'm tempted to finish my playthrough on Cemu.

>neentodds get assblasted as fuck
>shitposters pretending to be neentodds help stoke them up
>critical mass is achieved when more shitposters pretending to give a fuck about CEMU start egging them on
>threads explode into amusing shitstorms every time

BOTCemu threads are the literal embodiment of current Sup Forums. They are spiritual pilgrammages into the stinky, oozing heart of our collective whole.

If you aren't feeling the holy ghost every time you read one, you came here straight from tumblr.

Yeah wow-y lads, it's over. Just like all of the other emulators caused mass hysteria and ruined a platform. This emulator for a discontinued platform will surely ruin the Switch, haha got'em!

Fuck off I'm not giving money to your Patreon.


Falling for it

Eh I don't even have a 4k monitor, my 970 can probably handle 1080p fine.

>he fell for the Maxlel meme

>being this ass mad

>pay 1 dollar a month to fund for a project versus paying 500+ to play an entire catalog.

Seems like a fair deal to me my famalamadimdamdu.

I bought it after the problems came up cause I could get it for cheap
And I still got $30 back from the class action lawsuit even though I bought it after, wew

You can still use 4k textures

4k is the resolution of textures like stones and clothes, it doesn't matter the window size


Sorry, I don't support cunt devs who are making this with stolen source code and thus are potentially putting all emulators under the bus.

I'll wait until Decaf gets up to snuff.

If you pay even $1 you are a retard when you are going to get the emulator anyway

>paying for closed source emulation

>paying for closed source anything

How much RAM does Xenoblade require?

I have 8GB which I thought would be enough, but it always goes over if I try and compile transferred shaders

Does it look as godawful as the Xenoblade HD textures?

Will I be able to emulate it at a reasonable frame rate with my specs?

>Nvidia offered them a pascal chip
Tegra X2 is a meme that died during development.
It was never released or for sale.

yeah, in 4 months

How do you get an invite for Gazelle?

Nintendo gets one-shotted at the beginning of the battle. Pfft. Omoshiroi...
Sony is next.

once its optimised probably

Where are all those pathetic user saying
>CEMU is a scam
>They never ever gonna finish so they will keep stealing money from donation

I think the PS4 scene is pretty dead atm. PS3 emulation is actually picking up which is shocking given the clusterfuck that is its processor I thought it would stay in the state of N64 at best.

I do wonder why nobody cared that the best Saturn emulator was sketchy and closed source for a long time and now we are seeing the same for the WiiU, which is effectively a now dead console as well.

Wow, this game looks like shit.
Why is Nintendo not under investigation for mass indoctrination?
No sane human would play this beep boop garbage.

How could anyone buy a Nintendo product in 2017? Mental retardation?

Because if they were really interested in finishing the emulator quickly they'd make it open source.

It's literally console war posting user. It's no different than almost every other sony/nintendo/microsoft/pc bashing thread on Sup Forums. The mods give no fucks either.


>making you project open-source
>literally being a cuckold of programming

Fucking beta nu male cuck.

How well does it run?

but can cemu fix the shitty voice acting?

So is there a chance that some autist mod developer people can fix or alleviate the broken shit durability system cause if this happens than zelda will be the definitve version only on pc lol and that would be fucking funny :)

Cool, can't wait to emulate it. BUT
>Pcfags still have to wait until april 2nd for 1.7.4 and even then the game isn't fully playable with that trash fps
I'm already burned out from playing 100+ hours of zelda and the game will be 5 weeks old by the time the new emulator is out. You guys enjoy that then I guess.

We will.

Why is it always a race to play the game as soon as it comes out?

So fucking what if it's 5 weeks old?

You're forgetting PC guys wait years for a game to port to PC, and are quite use to emulators taking their time.

5 weeks and we already have THIS much on PC is fucking crazy quick for emulation you idiot.

so either you'll still be playing it by then, because it's a good game and everyone can enjoy it, or you'll be done with it and have nothing to do, because it's not actually that good of a game and there are no other games on the switch

Is this running at 4k or whatever?

I'm more interested at what's needed to run this at 1080p at 60fps more so than them fixing things, since that's gonna happen anyways with each new build

>Switchfags have to wait til Christmas for their second game

how will they ever recover?

locked at 30 buddy

OK. Enjoy playing that waiting game for another month while other people have moved on to a different game. It really doesn't matter what time you play it, but you're still a latefag because you refuse to use more than one platform.

>implying I bought a switch and didn't pirate it on Wii U

Damn didn't Zelda release like two weeks ago? i feel bad for not paying for this game but oh well I can't even buy the switch since it's not in stock


so do you just feel bad if you don't get to buy and play a game when it comes out or what
that sounds like an unnecessary struggle

Dude stop poking with your stick the durability is low. Nobody gives a fuck if they have to wait they have to fucking wait. Anything instead of buying overpriced locked down outdated hardware.

Thanks, Dr. Stallman!

>but can cemu fix the shitty voice acting?

yes we can use jap audio and eng subs


Doesn't look right in 4k. Too much detail gets rid of the artistic approach of the game

If it's a game I really want to play then yes.

Wasn't a problem for me since I already bought a wii u years ago. Waiting so long to play a game you want is a true form of cuckery though.

well then you can just play it in the native format

Even if you're morally against pirating or paying for an emulator, you've gotta admit that the progress being made on this is fucking incredible.

I'm sick of winning this much!

>buy $300 zelda machine
>be patient and play zelda for free

really makes you think

>Taking a literal Reddit comment used as a copypasta seriously

>morally against
nobody gets hurt, baby

>Pcfags still have to wait until april 2nd for 1.7.4 and even then the game isn't fully playable with that trash fps
>april 2nd
What does it matter? I'm not going to "wait" anyway. I'm going to play other stuff and come back in a year to see if the game is perfectly playable.
It's not like BotW is the best game I could be playing. I still have a lot of SNES, PSX and PS2 games to finish.

Old games are objectively better. I'd rather play BotW when it's old, this way it'll be even better.

No, the true form of cuckery is us not buying their shitty platform
and you, you're just a kid that has no patience

>not taking other people's baits and using them for your own good.

>I'd rather play BotW when it's old, this way it'll be even better.
Lmao you can't be serious.

Nah, you're still a cuck for being so willing to wait 2 months just for a functioning version of the game on pc. If you actually wanted to play the game you would have by now. You probably won't even fucking beat it.

The only cuck here is the faggot who spend nearly 400 bucks on a single game. You got cucked by Nintendo faggot, get over it

>If you actually wanted to play the game you would have by now.

I spent over 2500$ on food this month, but I'm not giving 400$ to nintendo to play a single game on a tablet with frame drops