Tfw real life chocobos soon

Tfw real life chocobos soon

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But chocobos was based on real life ancient animal

>Tfw flying to Africa on Friday

I want to ride an ostrich so bad. after I finish riding my internet GF of five years after meeting up with her for the first time. Yes she is white.

Your mother?

>that's a bigass chicken
>no, that's one who consorts with beasts
>no, that really is a bigass chicken


user btfo
How will he ever recover?

Now that's what i call a...............


hehe please upvote like n subscribe

How big is her benis?

good thread

mfw realizing that was not a guy in a suit

>internet GF of five years

Holy fucking shit.

Sometimes I wonder if Sup Forums isn't more pathetic than /r9k/.


>big white cock
How can the black cock even compete?


>chocobo theme
>starts out with a flute playing
>abruptly changes to tuba

>Internet girlfriend of 5 years
She's probably taken as many cocks in that time.

You're making a terrible mistake mate.

>you lived long enough to witness IRL Chicken Boo



I doubt Moas or similar birds will be resurrected any time soon.

The Alpha Chicken.
5'10" Chicklets will never be this beautiful

That's a bold cock

mammals btfo how will they ever recover

If the fat chocobo theme didn't start playing in your head, you have no soul.


That's a hen.


thread theme

That's definitively a cucco

thats a big chicken

So have you faggots never seen an ostrich before. That shit isn't impressive

I felt this one right in the mammaries

>Cloaca big enough to incubate your dick into


Why don't you make like an ostrich and go gag on your own feces


Good luck, hope it's not a decoy setup by a pirate

no harm no fowl

>giant cock devastates pussy


Real life Blaziken


damn that is a big cock...

That chicken just fucked his shit up
nice choices guys




>when the fun stops



I mean it's funny and all but that cat was clearly just playing with the mouse like a toy. They do it all the time.

Whatever you say Sylvester.

Hi, Tom.

Fucking kill stealers!

>MGS fans when MGS3 Pachinko got announced.webm

You aren't funny.

inb4 garfield

I can't speak for those other guys, but it's not the chicken stealing the cat's prey that gets me, it's the fucking blitzkrieg assault and beating it on the ground before eating the mole.

Want some lasagna, orange shit?

Use a condom.
Africa has the AIDS.

Fuck off Felix

>feline damage control



Anyone who says birds of prey are purely a machine in terms of cognition should see this.
The birds obviously devastated and grieving.

There's a lot of straight instinct there which enables their speedy reactions. Anyone who says they aren't more advanced than say, fish, is dumb though.

>White Internet girlfriend in Africa

'>The only reason we don't fear roosters is because they're so tiny

I'm scared

Probably South Africa.

I just want a corvid pet t b h lads

>Implying birds can BAAWWW as if it was straight out of a Disney cartoon.

You know that chick can be alive, yes?
Birds which fly against glass/fall down from their nest appear to be quite dead due to shock but you keep them warm and they recover.
It could be dead, though. No idea.

Cant keep any, feed the wild ones and they'll grow to love ya

Mods hate animal threads.

it fell out of the nest from quite high up and is dying

i love cocks

It's true, crows = bros

Rate my cock Sup Forums

So do I!


Something this cute shouldn't be so delicious. I love my birds.

South Africa?

I want to pet that cock.

Sometime on Sunday I'll take a time-stamped pic of us and post it on r9k or something so you can see how it works out for me.

I'll call myself Ostrich user or something.

Why is that guy coming out of a chicken coop?



Is this the birdposting thread?

Fire/Fighting / 10

>internet /gf/ of five years
>flying to another fucking continent to try and get some pussy

Holy shit what is wrong with you nerds. You understand that you could've easily just met a woman within ten miles of you and been fucking her daily, right?

Sure, why not.

I was so stunned by the video, that I almost didn't realize this isn't a video game thread.

So does your mom


How can black cocks even compete?

I'd love if they made a dinosaur movie where the dinosaurs move like modern avians. Their snappy head movements n' shit.

We have both had sex with multiple other people in the last five years.


well, yeah. that's how I was created.

You'll be fine user, enjoy the weather is nice right now

w e w