Nier 5/10

>Nier 5/10
>Andromeda 8.5
>Yet Sup Forums will tell you about MUH FLOP ANDROMEDA AND MUH GODLIKE NIER

As always Sup Forums is BTFO.

Other urls found in this thread:

b-but did he even get all the endings?

Who the fuck is this faggot even?

Shills always fail

I could probably write an essay demonstrating why he is objectively wrong.


it's chad

Cmon man, you've gotta sound angrier when you bait

Im a master, trust me, i usually add like, caps and shit, or strawman something, it does freaking wonders my dude

saged enjoy the sage faggot

Doesn't sound like Chad to me.

He straight up looks like a gay, fat version of Northernlion. lmao.

Opinion discarded.

>muh diversity

>looks like a nu-male cuck

>named Chad
>is actually not Chad but a fag
>didn't even play past Route A

The faggot literally raced to ending A and called it a day. This seems to happen atleast once with every Taro game. He showed ass and got butt hurt on twitter.

You get 2 point for the sheer audacity to post such retarded bait.

oh no... looks like chad won't win the oh so coveted Sup Forums's approved gaming journos pendant. wow, he must be so sad that a bunch of losers don't like him. darn he was really looking forward to hanging out around here too. too bad so sad

>complaining about having to complete the game more than once for different endings
Someone guess how I know this guy doesn't like video games.

>replying to own posts

Does it even count as completing it more than once when its a completely different viewpoint? Its like saying you're replaying Sonic Adventure 1 after you beat Sonic's story and start playing, I dunno, Amy's story.

Good point. I wouldn't know, haven't played Automata yet, just bought it today.

Just going off my expierence with NieR.

this guy intentionally acted retarded to bring metascore down from 90 to 89

Chad Thundercuck there was pissed at the bad twitter feed he got with people laughing at him for clearly giving a half assed review. He was pissed that he had to do his job properly and wasn't all the surprised he would berate some more for taking time away he could've played Zelda during the craze.

Hell, the first level is completely different, and the second character has a completely different combat style.

>reviewer who unironically says "problematic"
Nah, I'm good.

>chad thundercock wrote this balderdash

Hacking is OP as fuck

Who even cares? Some dude who's last name sounds like an STD gave a game an arbitrary number. Oh no! What ever shall we do?

Meanwhile at Polygon
>"Bayonetta 2's oversexualization puts a big dent in a otherwise great game"
>"Mass Effect's most bangable aliens ranked"
Game Journos have a bad case of "It's okay when we do it"

weebs trying their best to deny how much of a flop mememata is

He's a writer for one of the biggest video game critique sites, so yeah, KIND of a big deal dude.

>As always Sup Forums is BTFO.
t. nu-male cuck

LOL what an idiot, he didnt even finish the game, he only did a 50% playthrough of ONE of the routes >Perhaps I stopped too early. Maybe I should have played through a second time – and a third and fourth – to see what the writers were holding back for those with the patience and tenacity to keep going. Maybe Nier: Automata is actually the Rashomon of video games, providing new insight and perspective each time you play, resulting in something that transcends each individual play-though.


>is also Canadian


>canadian and nu-male

>Perhaps I stopped too early. Maybe I should have played through a second time – and a third and fourth – to see what the writers were holding back for those with the patience and tenacity to keep going. Maybe Nier: Automata is actually the Rashomon of video games, providing new insight and perspective each time you play, resulting in something that transcends each individual play-though.

What the fuck? He didn't play the other routes? What a goof. he only saw 30% of what the game has to offer.

Doesn't this guy purely review games based on their social justice merit and not on being video games?

It's this the guy who resented the game from the beginning because he thought it took at fun hours zelda time

Not really. PC sales are always long tail sales, unless we're talking some runaway indie success story.

>Writing a review on... Star wars e:4 after watching the first 20 minutes

>6/10 the story with Luke didn't really go anywhere
Here's another (You) on top of that, feel better now?

>there’s a point early on when Ryder is meeting a new sentient species for the very first time, hands open and arms lowered to indicate peaceful intentions. In this moment we see just how much the writers want to show us that they’re trying not to succumb to the video game trope of shooting first and asking questions later. Alas, it ends as quickly and predictably and violently as any experienced player of games might expect.

Jesus, how obnoxious

>Talks about diversity
>Prefers Mass Effect to an actually good game
Stop the fucking presses.

>complaining about having to complete the game more than once for different endings
That's not the worst part.
You don't even have to do that in N:A.
Closest you get are 3 repeated main missions in route B with new gameplay mechanics and extra background info / lore crammed in.
The whole 'you need to finish the game 5 times for all ending' bullshit is just retarded bait.


>Nier getting positive reviews from outlets that, in the past, would have dismissed good gameplay and ranked it poorly because muh sexism
>Mass Effect getting lower than average scores by outlets that, in the past, would have excused garbage gameplay for muh diversity
>along comes Chad the Slowpoke
>ironically the only "Chad" thing about him being that he knows jack shit about video games

Looks like this guy missed the bus on game journo trends and didn't receive the memo.
Funny times we live in.

>game asks interesting questions
>doesn't provide answers
>i didn't bother to play beyond 1/3 btw

I know that pretending to be retarded is considered trolling but you never should go full retard OP.

>Being this much of a beta cuck and also named chad
Why is he ruining my memes

Waiting for CPY anyways, need to watch and enjoy BioWare shit for myself

Classic normies

>ironically the only "Chad" thing about him being that he knows jack shit about video games
Which is kind of the biggest fuck up since he's 'professional' game reviewer.

nier was good
me:a is good so far (about 5 hours in)
nobody is btfo here except people who rely on others to form opinions for them

>nier review
>literally I didn't play past ending A
Since when do reviewers only have to play a quarter of the story?

Promoting and normalizing sexual degeneracy such as AIDS faggotory, fluid gender and transsexualism in the disguise of "diversity" is far more evil.

SJW need to be kick out from gaming industry for good!

Things like this make the game less worse. If it does one thing right, it's to trigger poltards

can someone answer

why does this chad guys obvious bias review count on metacritic?

why does jim sterlings bias review of breath of the wild count on metacritic despite him being a youtube celeb?

who has power over what counts on metacritic?

that's what you should be asking yourselves

you'll then come to realize its a group think controlled thing that influences the masses and controls what is popular and what isn't.

>Somebody said something online


Breitbart died of a heart attack brought on by his temper tantrum towards a liberal on line.

I hope you follow suit.

He put 70+ hours into Andromeda.
How long does it take to finish route A?


>"Mass Effect: Andromeda review: A galaxy without diversity is the ultimate evil"

Wow... such LGBTQPRSTWARSAFAS fag... oh look there are strange looking people in ME:A, oh man this person looks like woman but says he was man... 10/10 Game.. hurrrrr. Funny how hypocrite people are.

>Somebody said something

clickbait shit

How the hell is this "hypocrite"

>and a big fat mess
more like a big fat ass


Can this retard beat BB DLC and CD?

I think he claimed to put in 25 hours to finish it, which is way longer than route A should take.


>yfw Sup Forums is right.

>which is way longer than route A should take.
Not really, assuming you actually explore and do most of the sidequests.
Of course if you stick to main missions and warp from waypoint to waypoint you can be done in few hours.

>At least during your first play-through
What is up with these idiots? Can they not understand a bait and switch? That Nier's story unfolds in layers which bear the repeating of segments viewed from new and expanded angles?

I get that their entire career is based around rushing out an opinion piece immediately to so "Rate" a product and advice the potential audience, but the misrepresentation of a product to this extent is misleading at best, utterly incompetent aside.

He would probanly lower it to a 5 because it is a white male lead and not a female or diverse character.

>Has the thought process to realize what the game is
>Lacks the attention span to follow through
This is shameful. Pathetic and shameful.

>took me 30
However 10 of those hours were lost to deaths.

>big fat mess
>look at that profile photo
My sides


So why does nu-Sup Forums care about video game journalism again?

>Games have to fit into our lives, and that's not always fair. Mass Effect: Andromeda might've worked a decade ago on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, but it doesn't work in a world that is delivering games like Horizon: Zero Dawn, Nier: Automata, and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. In this reality, BioWare's latest role-playing game is old, broken, and often boring.


I sincerely doubt this fag was bothering with tons of side quests or playing it on a difficulty that would cause him significant deaths. His tweets showed he was just in a hurry to get back to his bing bing yipee machine to play more Zelda.

it's Sup Forums culture, fuck off

For shitposting purposes obviously, as always
>nu-Sup Forums

Is Nier one of those series where every character either gets raped, dies, or both? I get that impression.

>he's a writer
>on the internet
>on one of the top vidya critic sites
>he does it for shekels
>he takes his "job" very seriously
>he does it because he thinks shilling for social justice is the only way he'll ever score with his landwhale tranny gf
>he shills threads he doesn't like because whenever he gets upset he has an asthma attack
>he shills threads he doesn't like because they interfere with the preparing the large black dildo for insertion in his ass
>he will never have a real job
>he will never move out of his cuckshed
>he will never be at a healthy weight
>he will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket
>he will never have a normal cis girlfriend
>he will never have any friends

>biggest video game critique sites
sarcasm or retardation?

You'd think so, and yet, I've seen a lot of """""professional""""" reviews of the Sonic games say exactly that, even referring to the Last story as a "bonus for completionists" and shit like that.

>Is Taro one of those writers who makes every character either get raped, killed, or both? I get that impression.

Fixed that for ya.

Its worse in DoD, but a lot of bad/sad shit does happen to the characters. I think the only one who ever gets "raped" though is brother Nier.

"double standarts"

>name your child Chad
>becomes a nu-male cuck
what happened

>modern generation

>MUH DIVERSITY whiteknight is angry that a game had attractive females in it

Oh, wow, so surprising! Next you'll tell me he's Jewish, too!

>yuck boobies

>waaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh a 7/10
>how dare he waaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh

fucking hilarious

>a galaxy witchout diversity is the ultimate evil

like I care about this faggot opinion

>being this much of a fucking pussy

That one guy had to block like a thousand replies because he only rushed through Nier to ending A, and basically bitched that it was taking time away from his precious Zelda.

Both games suck, go play Unreal Tournament and Elite.

End of rine.