Is Automata the 2017 goty?

Is Automata the 2017 goty?
Is it the 2010's game of the decade?

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It's honestly the best RPG in current years. Easily blows FFXV out of the water.

To be honest FFXV isnt a hard game to beat

Automata is GOTY though


stop posting your shitty fucking video in every goddamn thread

It gets second place. Best soundtrack, I'll grant it.

Yes, it really is. When you get to Route C, the game takes you by the balls and don't let go.

>Easily blows FFXV out of the water.
Way to set that hurdle 5 centimeters above ground.

That's not RDR2

It's one of the best games of the year already for sure.

The first game wasn't good, why expect much of the second?

We'll see how much Rockstar will dumb it down and monetize it like they did with GTAV. I'm not holding my breath for it.

>Is it the 2010's game of the decade?

No because the first Nier came out in 2010.

Any other year, and it wins hands down. It's so good. Unfortunately, it released this year, a year that has Zelda botw, and will have rdr2.

Zelda is pretty much guaranteed to win goty, with nods going to rdr2. Nier might end up left behind (which is rather heartbreaking because it belongs in the conversation)

>mfw all objective design is garbage
>combat manages to be more lightweight and less indepth than MGR
>Story is some highschool kids expression of existentialism
>Open world is redundant
>Side quests are 2002 MMO garbage
>RPG mechanics are barely noticable
>Loot system is so undercooked
>Runs like shit while looking like shit

Literally the only good thing is the OST.

It skull fucked KH2 out of my favorite game ever spot.

I don't think he was talking about what journos will declare GOTY. Nier wouldn't get GOTY even if Zelda and RDR weren't happening. They'd give it to Horizon. And if that didn't exist they'd give it to Injustice or Prey or some shit.

Yeah, it's probably the most overrated game of the year. Still worth playing.

Once I started route C I stayed up 10 hours beating it and went to bed in the afternoon.

You're definitely right on that, it was addicting. Except for the elevator ride with a2 and 9s, feel like that could've been shorter. Maybe I just sucked at outputting damage.
Best soundtrack 2017.

Nier will never win GOTY awards by journalists because it's a niche Japanese game featuring a semen demon protagonist. But that doesn't mean it's not the actual GOTY. Zelda was way overrated because it was the launch Switch game.

>Is Automata the 2017 goty?

No cause BOTW came out this year.

>Is it the 2010's game of the decade?

That's a close match between Breath Of The Wild, Witcher 3, The Last Of Us and.... what else was great and hyped? Mass Effect 2 was good though I don't think it was game of the decade good.

>Action game.
>Fucking racing side-quest.
>Game won't let me increase speed over 120%.

>That's a close match between Breath Of The Wild, Witcher 3, The Last Of Us
This greatly saddens me.

>Except for the elevator ride with a2 and 9s

The section where you kept switching to each character during the fight was insane and easily the best part of Route C.

It's great and I love it but it's neither Goty nor gotd

Those titles and awards are retarded as fuck in the first place

That's a 2017 game user


this is undeniable.

>The Last of Us
>Game of the decade contender
Imagine having taste this shit

That it is.

>That's a close match between Breath Of The Wild, Witcher 3, The Last Of Us
The sad part is that some people geniunely believe this

>Yeah, it's probably the most overrated game of the year.

Breath of The wild.

To me I really liked it at first but I just felt like I wasnt damaging him at all until the end.

have you considered that the game just isn't very good? i havent played it but i dont see any actual gameplay discussions other than waifu bait

I should not have deleted my save file. I fell for Taro's memes.

All those games are more involved, better crafted, more in depth and technically more competent than Nier.

Nier fans are literally fucking delusional I can't believe people are praising a game with gameplay this fucking baseline.

Is there a problem with deleting it? You're already done at that point, aren't you?

>shitty weeb trash you only bought because of the T H I C C memes
Nah Horizon will be GOTY for sure

>i havent played it
Then shut the fuck up fag. Your type is far more obnoxious than any other. The people who judge games by reading online forums. Literally kill yourself.

I don't care what any fucking publication says. It's the best game I have ever played, and that's all that matters to me.

>shits on Nier's gameplay while praising Witcher 3
If you can't see the double standards of this, you should consider suicide.

>make a game that requires you to do all the sidequests to fully appreciate the game, its world and its characters
>make the sidequests MMO tier tedious garbage so the majority of the game becomes drudgery

>better than Automata
tips fedora

Niers combat is better, everything else and the justification for doing it is hot fucking garbage comparatively.

Nier's gameplay is objectively better than Witcher 3's. Stick to your choose-your-own-story shit games friend.

The combat is certainly more engaging.

Witcher 3 is basically Super Mario Bros in Fantasy Poland with gameplay of the worst Ass Creed games. The cult-like shills of CDPR hate to admit this but it's the truth.

>Breath Of The Wild
Dull world, awful sidequests, terrible mechanics, shitty dungeons and a main story so bland, only Zelda was the interesting part of it.

>Witcher 3
Actual interesting world, great sidequests and solid main story with amazing end-game and DLC content.

>The Last Of Us
Ladder simulator, braindead AI, a literal movie.

>Nier Automata
Great story, sidequests that give insight to the world, amazing OST, excellent gameplay that spices things up with variations of different gameplay types and a lot of nice flavortext.

Honestly, The Witcher 3 really was the highest point of the 2010s.

I'll take choose your own adventure over 2002 MMO quest design.

>Actual interesting world, great sidequests and solid main story with amazing end-game and DLC content.
The problem with this is that the way you interact with all that "great content" is mediocre at best. Witcher's combat isn't good. It's quest design isn't good. It's a decent visual novel with a bad hundred hour game strapped to it.

The highlight of the 2010s remains Dark Souls, and I'm not even a big Soulsfag.

No, but Jackass is the best character of the year.

How can Witcher 3 be that when the gameplay wasn't even good? All they did was spend all their assets on visuals while the gameplay was a clunky mess of shit.

Witcher's quests are MMO tier as well. You pick up the quest, follow the quest marker or batman vision and kill whatever pops up with combat that is arguably less engaging than WoW combat.

Witcher 3 quests are literal MMO FOLLOW RED TRAIL tier. And the gameplay isn't even that good to offset this. Witcher 3 is an insult to anyone that grew up on actual games and not just glorified movie games.

Instead of increasing movement speed, try increasing Evade Distance and spamming dodge towards the goal.

Did i fuck up by not playing on hard? I'm liking the story and atmosphere of the game so far but the combat feels so boring, you can literally just spam shit and win especially with the chip that auto heals you when you hit 30% hp and the chip that restores hp everytime you kill an enemy

Difference is there's justification and context. All single player games boil down to go here do Y menial things to achieve X.

When the reasoning is 100% arbitrary then there's literal no reason to want to do it. For fuck sake I don't even get to see what a Pristine Screw looks like or why Mr.Robit needs it, he just needs it for an arbitrary time sink to waste the players time.

No RDR 2 already GOTY

Honest question. What are the rpg element in this game ? Only so 1 video and it look like a classic beat'em up. Also is there a lot of shump phase ? It looked cool and the boss fight I've seen.

Keep dreaming, kid

>Normal = Enemies hit you like a wet fart
>Hard = Near every single hit is a 1 hit kill
>Very Hard = Literally everything is a 1 hit kill

The difficulty balancing is fucking terrible.

We need post id ffs

The difficulty in Automata will always either be "impossible to lose unless you get oneshotted by something thirty levels ahead of you" or "you're going to die constantly and lose 30 minutes of progress each time". This is determined by difficulty setting and the chips you equip, and you'll never be able to find a middleground.

Justification? What justification? The story? Other games have stories too. And you absolutely do get to see what Mr. Robit needs the Pristine Screw.

>muh story
I'd rather take Nier's sidequests that are always finished by using the fun gameplay over Witcher 3's "it's ok that the gameplay is shit, we wrote some story instead" quests.

Read a fucking book.

The critics will all jump on Zelda.

The gaming community will probably embrace Nier:Automata.

The game of the decade will probably still be Bloodborne.

Wanna know this too, only reason I don't really wanna change is that no lockon seems more like a pain than anything.

Almost none, you level up from killing enemies and you get damage and health buffs. You can use items in your inventory to increase defense and damage and you can organize 'chip loadouts' that give you passive bonuses.

In short Call of Duty has more RPG elements than this game.

Dark Souls is overall a better game than Bloodborne, even if Bloodborne surpasses it in a few ways.

I never said Witcher 3's gameplay was the best, did I?
The game succesfully engaged me into investing hundreds of hours in that world, and made me want to know the conclusion to every characters' stories.
That said, the gameplay isn't the best, but damn, the world got me hooked.

You level up, upgrade weapons and enhance yourself through "chips" that are various upgrades that you have to balance with the available space. With the chips, you can set yourself up to be hyper offensive or defensive or something in-between.

It has more RPG aspects than Witcher 3 really.

This. At best people here are describing it as Metal Gear Rising with open world elements. That sounds fine and all but the threads are mostly just fan art and ass shots.

Thank you, DSfag. I respect your plebian opinions no matter how incorrect they are.

It's a lot worse than "not the best". Metal Gear Rising is not the best, which is why a lot of autists hate it. Witcher is well below average.

So basically, you have so low standards of storytelling due to lack of exposure to actual literature, you are willing to swallow the turdiest gameplay ever just so you can watch a mediocre story play out?

Got it. It's ok when Poland does it.

>Justification? What justification? The story? Other games have stories too. And you absolutely do get to see what Mr. Robit needs the Pristine Screw.

1 Pristine screw to make his audio logs unscrambled? Rightio.

>I'd rather take Nier's sidequests that are always finished by using the fun gameplay

So you literally interpret running to a arbitrary spot on a map and pressing O/B to pick up a screw as good gameplay?

>Read a fucking book.

Nier literally gets non-stop praised for its story you fucking wankstain.

You should shut the fuck up unless you're trollan.

consider suicide

>1 Pristine screw to make his audio logs unscrambled? Rightio.
Which Mr. Robit are we talking about?

>seasonal waifu bait character game with shitty combat.
Game is already totally forgotten and haven't made any impression in the gaming market at all.

Story and OST of the decade, that's for sure.


BB surpasses it in every way except world interconnection, NPC questlines, and build variety (though it still has tons of replayability thanks to the wildly different weapons). Oh, and blood vials suck.
Overall it's a matter of preference, you can't really say one is objectively better.

Even DaS2 is better than this trash

>but m-muh pantsu!

For me it was
This game the most intense story I've ever played in the last few years.
The only other game with a story that comes close is Muv-Luv ALternative, and even that can't be considered a game, since it's a VN.

Nier Automata has
-Good story
-Great gameplay
-Great OST
-2B butt

Witcher 3 has
-Super Mario story
-awful Ubishit gameplay
-LALALALA played on repeat for 100 hours
-manfaced females you're supposed to "romance"

Witcher 3 is literally for retarded people who can't read books but don't know what makes a good game good either.

But you can see why it's difficult to take you guys seriously when the the threads about the game are mostly just waifu faggotry?

That fucking nigger Taro knew how bad he fucked up, that's why he has the little cocksucker self-destruct at the end to ensure nobody drives over to his house and beats him to death with a bat.

Leave the kids alone they just having fun

imagine being this delusional

>take you guys seriously
Okay, you should leave. You do not belong on Sup Forums. Go back to facebook or whatever.

Writing for games isn't the same thing as writing for a book, you dunce.
If I'd want to read I book, I'd fucking read one.
Hell, I'm in the middle of reading Spycatcher.

Who said anyone wants a faggot to take them seriously? Go back to lurking forums you fucking fag. The rest are busy playing the game.

Oh. You aren't repairing him for a reward he gives you. You're repairing him so you can learn his name, talk to him, and then realize things in future playthroughs, such as the fact that he was the first boss. Far more meaningful and gamey than anything in the Witcher 3.

Those are all extremely important areas to be weak in, and are the ones that impact replayability, the greatest strength of the Souls games.

Sorry but Witcher 3 is awful and you dodging the conversation doesn't make it any better.

Nice statistics, faggot

How does nobody realize that Witcher is GOTC?

Just looking for a general answer here. Is this anything like the first Nier? I really enjoyed it but if this game doesn't play anything like it I'll just skip it.

It's better in every way on the gameplay front.

The gameplay and flow is exactly like the first Nier, just with smoother combat. It's not a Platinum Games game.

If you've read more than two books, you would dismiss Witcher 3 for being a game worth only playing for its relatively mediocre story.

Okay that's mainly what I wanted to know. Vanquish is the only Platinum game that I really liked.

>yfw it is a platinum games game