Sup Forums suddenly loves pewdiepie now

>Sup Forums suddenly loves pewdiepie now

wtf happened to Sup Forums?

Sup Forums raids
it's really kind of pathetic

alt-right Sup Forums nazis invaded our safe space and are legitimately trying to let this white supremacist voice his racist beliefs

Dude got red-pilled

>Sup Forums is one person

Alt-right got even more delusional.

He is funny imo.

And this comes from a jewish guy. Plus he is /ourguy/.

I just really hate jews.

Redditors from r/the_donald/ and Sup Forums flooded in during the election

Sup Forums discusses him about 100x more than Sup Forums
Just imagine, a board worse than Sup Forums.

>Sup Forums is the modern internet equivalent of the Vikings
Really gets my noggin jogging.

Fuck off with your cancerous ecleb bullshit, faggot.

he goes to Sup Forums to get some stuff for his videos

he has made Sup Forums tier jokes in many videos.

he's evidence media's make up shit to create drama and sell papers.

More like they're the internet equivalent of the Muslim refugees they hate so much

He's still an annoying retard but people called him a nazi so he's /ourannoyingretardedguy/

not Sup Forums here but this is retarded on so many layers in such a few words that i ain't sure if it's baiting or just good old boy scout tier ignorance

we're retarded
he's retarded
people call us nazi's
people call him nazi's
it's a something relationship

>refuse integrate
>do nothing but scream and yell about their religion
>drastically lower the quality of the place they've moved into
>zero tolerance for "infidels"
>alt-right moral code is synonymous with Sharia Law
really activates my almonds

You happened.

But they won't kill you for leaving

You are talking like someone from Sup Forums

No longer likes games but is still an autist. Just like v.

Influx of young redditors aka the pol crowd

You haven't been here long enough newfag, the one thing us retards hate is other retards.

actually i've seen countless threads ruined because someone wrote something that was not american political correct and someone started sperging out and calling everyone pol and shit, haven't witnessed what you say so much

>w-wait I'm n-not Sup Forums I sw-swear
Why are Sup Forumstards always so defensive when they're called out?

i've been here for 10 years


damn I wish I had that one picture where some high ranking Nazi was talking about how calling a jew out on being a jew is the worst thing you can do to the.

He got tolerable in 2016, once he made so much money that he didn't have to play a character anymore to get by.

He's also literally /ourguy/ since we have proof he browses Sup Forums and Sup Forums.

your post also perfectly describes vikings too

i don't know senpai i haven't written shit


Sup Forums and Sup Forums are best friends, then Sup Forums and Sup Forums, but you can be the third wheel Sup Forums.

Good for Pewdiepie and Jontron taking the redpill

nu-Sup Forums came in and decided hes their guy now
also jontron

This thread is bad

you should all feel bad

Kemono Friends is the best anime of 2017
Who is your favorite Friend?

Not if I get another season

> Doesn't just lay down to leftists communism and anti free speech

> Doesn't worship niggers and want to suck purple dicks

> Doesn't submit to Jewish media

How is any of this a negative you faggot beta?

Just for you user


Dont post my warriors item level or my wife's son ever again

when do Sup Forums and Sup Forums interact at all? They both shit out template threads, but I don't see anything else.

>Kemono Friends is the best anime of 2017

Just because I agree with the things he's said lately doesn't mean I love him.

Did I fucking stutter?
>being an aquafag

It's not AOTY yet but it's quickly getting there. Depends on how the final ep ends.

Anime and television goes hand in hand

Anime threads gets made everyday on Sup Forums

I remember when being liberal meant believing in freedom of expression.

and my friends this is how a NIGGER JEW reacts when it is revealed to be one.

apology for poor english

where were you when kaban was kill

i was on pole eating japari bun when bossu called

'kaban is kill'


this desu desu
also what proof?

Literally our guy, he BTFO the M:E game making his viewers raid and give it low score low(give me a BROFIST)

Also remember he has always been a Sup Forums user haha, that browser Sup Forums just like us.

Our guy BROFIST!

because his new videos are discount filthy frank, therefore kinda fun and good
plus he openly mocks everyone

Because he got tired of being pewdiepie, and now he's just wants to fuck around with people. Like him or not, his content has gotten much better.

>gets triggered by niggers and jews

maybe you should stick to your safe space on reddit, using the term nigger and jew is Sup Forums culture going back years ago, it's not a Sup Forums only thing.

pic related happened

>I'm not a newfag you're a newfag!

Because he doesn't need to adhere to contracts or pretend to have fun in videogames anymore, now he can say and do anything he wants really

He's been right for years though

He grew up by about a decade, and didn't turn against gaming

>came to Sup Forums after Sup Forums was created
>thinks he's not a newfag

He made a vid about andromeda with basically a bunch of shit from the Sup Forums threads right before anyone else was talking about it but us, and he's made a few videos of him reacting to webms on YLYL threads on /gif/

>came to Sup Forums after r/the_donald/ was created
>thinks he's not a redditor

Reminder that Pewdiepie literally made videos for 10year old kids that likes minecraft.

Reminder that nowadays those kids are teenagers that like edgy stuff so now he makes videos for them

Reminder that if you actually think PDP is decent you are either an underage minecraft autistic kid or an edgy teenager.

Seriously his shit is even worse than Filthy Frank and even tho I know Neo Sup Forums is shit I can't believe so many people here actually defend him.

i really didn't like that video, it felt like "pewdiepie react to mass effect threads on Sup Forums"

Sup Forums btfo

It's not that Sup Forums changed it's that PewDiePie changed, and became redpilled. Then became an amazing medium to redpill the masses. Before he was just a faggy youtuber for 12 year olds. Now he's doing God's work.

Thanks for Correcting The Record

>he didn't play minecraft before the beta

stay mad pleb

[citations needed]

I wish there was a way to stop YouTube from recommending his new uploads. Supposedly, marking a channel's recommended videos as "not interested" twice should get YouTube to stop recommending that channel altogether. But it doesn't work with new uploads. YouTube just shoves them in your face, no matter how many times you marked those as "not interested".

don't you have some chores to do?

>you have to be from pol to call people niggas and kikes for nigger and kike behaviour
I aint going there and you aint gona tell me what to do faggot,

Pewdiepie is what will make Sup Forums great again, restore it's former good relations with Sup Forums and drive out libcuck filth

Basically this

I don't watch let's plays at all, but pewdiepie always seemed like a nice guy.

4-dimensional trolling, 3deep5u

There are browser addons that do that for you

Too bad Trump has spent the last three months getting BTFO
>everyone was saying that Comey would officially dismiss Russia allegations
>instead reveals that it's an active investigation and then BTFOs Trump's wiretapping fake news

Here now tell me again how pol is not fucking shit up.
>I swear guys we are rational we don't shit up boards

>memes, racial slurs

Good thing they are being called out only a brain dead retard finds that shit funny.

>You can't even say "nigger" on Sup Forums anymore without newshit pussies having a fit
This is our life now.

Why does every thread about Youtubers or Gaming culture devolve into Sup Forums and gamergate shit?


Sup Forums will love any shitty content creator at long as he is "at war with muh SJWs" even if it's not even true.

Anti-SJW content is really easy to make and increases your view count by a lot so a lot of content creators are choosing this route. Never been easier to create a popular YT channel right now

Because it's one of the largest and most influential sectors of media at the moment that was previously relatively untouched and people are scrambling to control it.


please leave /r/shitredditsays

No suits who control large tracks of it to instantly shutdown wrongthink so the new people on the right latched onto it and now the left is trying to take over since old media is dead.

Why are all the gamers on youtube devolving into Sup Forums shit?

It's an essay by Goebbels, "The Jew". Fun read senpai
>The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

>People on Sup Forums are so young nowadays that they actually watch Pewdiepie
This boards is literally becoming reddit tier by now.

It's fine for now, after we put all the sjw's on the train and into the gas chambers or the alternative a chilean helicopter ride. Then we can go back to non-political videos

we live in the best timeline

Because maybe people at large are getting tired of third wave feminism and modern LA liberals?

Sup Forums would sell their "ideals" for a bag of chips. Anybody who panders to them suddenly becomes /based/ and /ourguy/

That's why Trump lost the popular vote, right? :^)

>muh popular vote
"We totally would have won this game of chess if rules were checkers"

>becoming by now
Dude, we have unironical Call of Duty threads, and people here have lost the capacity to NOT bite baitless hooks.
I could right now write ''Wow this game is so misogynyst xD'' or ''haha fuck Drumpf!'' and some people would unironically think i'm an SJW.
Sup Forums invented the concept of trolling, yet now it's incapable of detecting it.
This place is now overrun by gullible and thin skinned children.

>missing the point entirely
typical drumpfkin

Alt-rightists are conservative SJWs