I though this game wasn't SJW friendly?

I was playing the game when suddenly the operator girl started going on about her "lesbian" stuff?

Uh? What? For what purpose? First they mock SJW with the butt stuff and they do agenda driven stuff. I'm really disappointed by Yoko Taro.

Other urls found in this thread:


Who gives a fuck

It isn't disgusting lesbian shit it's YURI

yuri =/= lesbo
yuri is superior

There's only like 1 dude on the space station and 50 women and the dude is always on earth. Of course they're going to rub their barbie crotches on each other.

That's forbidden love.


Do you live in Texas ?

I know you're baiting but it is funny how people try to "ship" the Androids and apply human sexuality to them in anyway thats not superficial

they even touch on this in-game. the androids are basically sexless barbie dolls with only a facsimile of human relationships

No I live in real world. The real world where gay shit for the sake of "inclusion" should ALWAYS be questioned. Fuck is wrong with you?

>lesbians in a jap game
>SJWs at it again

really bro?

Yuri is the purest form of love

You know it's funny, I'm not that user but I do speak Japanese.
It's part of job and when it comes to "ships"
The Japanese always do it with male and female
It's only Americans I see who ship two sexes together.

Really makes you think.

OP since Sup Forums thinks this is a godly game they will defend until death.
Wait a month or so.
You're right though it pissed me off too. Luckily nothing about any of that is mentioned again so you're good!

When Japan does homosexual women, is always to pander to straight men fantasy. You know, like how people think the straightest porn is having two women sliding their vaginas together? That is what Japan is doing when they add homos. They are objectifying the entire thing into a fetish.

Which is fucking great.

Dog, the original Nier had a hermaphrodite main character in addition to a gay main character, but no one really cared because Drakengard had a human supremacist, a pedophile, a baby cannibal and you turning into a psychopath with incest and a romantic relationship with a dragon.

>What are fujos
>What is BL
>What is yaoi
>What is fat otaku yuri
Good job pretending to know something. Do research beforehand next time.

Caim never fucked Furiae

You right.

He should have though.

Go into a Japanese gaming or anime forum then and see if you see threads about shit like this.

Nigga, in the original YoRHa play, No2 and No4 were almost lovers by the end.
They're androids, the best they can do is platonic love, there can't be any kind of sex involved, because the only feeling close to orgasm that YoRHa units have is the thrill of battle and satisfaction from killing machines. Not even joking, they were programmed to enjoy killing machines

But Manah though

The first game had a fucking bug titted tranny, wtf are you on about?

the irony is
androids are superior to humans

He loved her they way she suggested it herself.

>What are furies
>what is TG
>what is GG
>what is SS
>what is SM
Hmmm idk, sounds like fetishes?
No those don't exist at all! who would have thought!
Not that user but you're not helping your case man.

Yes because they would waste time doing it, when they instead could draw it and sell it. OH WAIT. Fucking retard.

but everyone loves lesbian


I was reading this post then suddenly OP started going on about his "being a huge fag" stuff?

Uh? What? For what purpose?

Thanks for proving my point.

>a whole board for furries
>t-they dont discuss this
ah right

Get the fuck out, Pixiv is full of gay fantasies of any media with some male cast

just a heads up, the villains of playthrough A are white males. Just get a refund brah.

Fucking kill yourself.

What are some good SJW games?

I'm talking about discussion, not a porn site.
When they talk about shit they talk about story and the like, not who should be fucking who.

Talking to Sup Forums about a game they like is something you'll never win at user.

>normalfags are now reposting their shit on Sup Forums
jesus christ

>porn site

The creator likes to troll anyone who is fucking gay.

Like you.

Actually there are multuple 9S models or whatever their model was called. Its just that they are all recon units so they are all on earth most of the time.

OP is a literal redditor.
Sage, report and hide.


You're clearly gay as fuck for copying and pasting an originally gay as fuck post on gamefaqs here, which makes me gay as fuck for taking the bait

But maybe not everything should be categorized as belonging to an agenda, much less one you have to pick a side on and be outraged. Also, suck a cock


>why isn't there a sliding sidequest?

>Trails of Cold Steel II
You played at least two entire games about holding back and still never learned how to hold back your autism.

There is.
Building a literal slide for kids in Pascal's village. You're free to slide down any time, man.