*sigh* don't you just HATE sjws???
*sigh* don't you just HATE sjws???
>annoying anti-SJW: Look at those ESS JAY WEE cucks enjoying a game with BAD GRAPHICS and UNFUCKABLE CHARACTERS and BAD STORY
>also them: obsess over CoD and Battlefield and Ghost Recon
No, they make hilarious games
nice cherry picking
Hatred poisons your mind
It's much better to just laugh at them
>star wars tier philosophy
Anger is an energy
Who here would fucking destroy Zoe Quinn's pussy?
Already destroyed m8.
destroyer of Sup Forums
I love her
name a singular 1 (one)
gamers are scum
It's a philosophy echoed by almost every civilizations philosophers throughout antiquity.
Neat webm though.
Formatting posts has been a thing on Sup Forums for years.
pfffft, yeah right
and Sup Forums wasn't always right wing
not when they craft perfection such as my image
how can drumpfkin white bois compete?
Did you just use a carriage return in the middle of a sentence? Woah. So Reddit.
well Sup Forums has always been liberal historically
it was only until Sup Forums, reddit and twitter invaded in 2014 that we started to see some really horrible nazi shit being posted on here
They literally don't affect me in my daily life and I only hear about them through Sup Forums. If I started hating them it would just be me letting Sup Forums's fear-mongering get to me.
fuck you reddit Sup Forums has ALWAYS been been redpilled, we always hated niggers, women, mudslimes, kikes, trannies and sjw cucks like you
Nazi shit such as...?
goobergate and trump posters
sjws are a very serious threat
I don't see anything wrong with strongly disagreeing with most of what they believe.
t. I've been here one year and started posting immediately
The former wasn't Nazi related.
I don't like Trump but I don't think he or the people who voted for him are Nazis.
Yes I do!
>all these off-topic threads reaching bump limit/archiving
How far can we keep spamming this? Are you doing your part and finding out, Sup Forums?
>economic refugee = climate refugee
Impressive mental exercises, but nothing unheard of.
There's more to life than this *mic drop*
Kill yourself, teenager.
kys sjw apologist
I just want to talk about video games
if we didn't make this place a hostile space for SJWs, then SJWs would come here and do the same thing they do everywhere they infest
then I wouldn't be able to talk about video games
Waiting for this thread to die, don't expect any autistic reply to satisfy your obvious baiting.
SJWs force diversity and political correctness into video games to push their agenda
But it's not really a bunch of socialist nutjobs who are the problem, it's the companies that employ them and allow them to have an impact. So, if anything I hate the likes of Ubisoft and EA
Are you just quoting random people now?
prep the bull
Suck my dick dude
Fuck off, /qa/. Whinge to Gookmoot instead of falseflagging.
You're not currently talking about videogames either. You're talking about SJWs
>have 3 feminist friends
>2 are pretty cool
>1 is a full depressed tumblrina dating a FtM girl
The loud ones are always the tumblrinas
Obviously, considering my post made fun of SJWs.
I doubt Sup Forums would want you there to further drop the average post quality.
Why do SJWs only make shit games?
Look at what they made recently
Mass Effect: Andromeda
Mafia III
Watch Dogs 2
All forgotten within a week?
I'm in other threads
If she could have like 5 dudes willing to bang her at once and most of them were vaguely aware of each other, she must be doing something right in bed,
bow to your queen, Sup Forums.
The thread was sarcastically made by an sjw who is upset people don't like them.
>he doesnt understand his post can be interpreted in multiple ways
you may have autism
Man her fucking lips.
I want to bang her so badly. I want to fill her full of my cum.
Is that a man
>Implying lefties would even talk about videogames if we let them have this board and not just complain about the gender of the main character
Nice double standard
bow to your gamergate president, zoe
More woman than you could handle, kiddo.
Her lips are pretty normal dude
>he doesn't understand posts
You have autism.
You still talk about them
Most good games these days have a female protagonist anyways
I guess it's her expression then.
Also lip piercings make me hard.
>he cant come up with an original retort
She's a strong woman, check your privilege
>ywn lick her armpits
Disagreeing is one thing, shitposting on Sup Forums about it nonstop is autism.
Yeah, they are a cancer on society that turns everything they touch into shit. But I normally keep my complaining on Sup Forums, unless it's really relevant to what is being talked about.
When did this bitch get so hot?
>he starts meme triangling and calling others autistic with broken reddit links while calling others unoriginal
Off the spectrum.
It's getting really bad I'll say that. For some reason the last few days it's been back and forth a lot and I'm starting to get a little nauseous from it. Don't forget not to bump these threads when you reply.
she could literally destroy anyone on Sup Forums
physically or mentally
she's too strong it's fucking CRAZY
Sup Forumstards have well and truly fucking killed off the last remaining fun this board once had to offer. The ironic part in all this is they they have been more active in their retarded little social justice crusades -which is exactly what they fucking are- than all the tumbrinas in the world have done, since they spent their time within their little hugbox blogs. Now if only Sup Forumstards could be more like that, but no they decided to be as loud and obnoxious as they possibly can everywhere.
These normalfags are the antithesis to Sup Forums and the culture it came from.
Fuck you Rapeape.
Didn't she get /fit/ lately?
stop posting this gaming goblin.
post nudes or get the fuck out you worthless piece of shit
We still talk about Hitler doesn't mean he's good
you mad gamerscum?
>meme triangling
quadruple autistic
Fuck off /qa/
Sup Forums is a board of peace
Yes, drumpfkins better watch their backs
That's not enough
wtf i love sjws now
Did the 5 guys fuck her all at once or was it one at a time?
I'd wreck her pussy desu but I'm not a fan of gangbangs.
ZOE LOOKS LIKE THAT?????????????
God, post more Zoe
I'm literally having the fap of my life
I want to blast the floor with cum while suffocates me with her thighs
your time is over goofygoobers
the age of Queen Quinn is now
>Only beta nu-male faggots can fuck this pussy
What did I even get /fit/ for guys.
I would guess the most would've been two at once.
White women rarely go for more than that for once encounter.
I'm not a fucking faggot who cannot tolerate any diversity
How about diversity of opinion?
do you even have any idea how disgusting a transgender pussy feels?
>that dominant, cowgirl pov
If should unfuck her mindset then gg.
>mong eyes
Neither am I, it gets annoying when it's rammed down your throat for no reason though, see Battlefield 1
I bet muslim terrorist attacks are falseflags by EVIL CIS WHITE MALES huh
Former trump voter here, not gonna lie, i'd like Queen Quinn to make fun of my penis and call me male trash while she reluctantly passes her foot over my balls with a face of disgust and call me cis pig.