Nintendo Switch E Store

>be me
>create a separate Japanese user account on Nintendo switch
>try to purchase puyo puyo tetris just to see if I can purchase Japanese games
>can't read Japanese for shit, looks like I have to keep confirming my credit card details
>go back to menu and its downloading it
>bank account has no purchase history from Japanese Nintendo store

Did I just get a free game?

Other urls found in this thread:体験版カタカナ&url=node=4850755051&field-keywords=&rh=n:4850755051カタカナ&url=search-alias=aps&field-keywords=ニンテンドープリペイド

I think you just got a free visit from a Yakuza hit squad in the next 48 hours

You cracked the code.

Also it looks like they are declining my purchases when trying to buy Binding of Isaac Rebirth from the US store, is this intentional? Is there some kind of trick to this?

I am sure some other nintendbros can help me out here

>le be me XD
Kill yourself.

puyo puyo has a demo

you probably downloaded the demo

So, some screenshots? Full game or just a demo?

What does this say lads

>be me
I lost it

I can't read Australian.

"I don't know how to upload photos, please rape my face"

Kek one more time

It's the demo, mate. The three characters at the end mean 'demo version'.

post proof

can't fool me

I'm on my phone and can't be arsed. Look for taiken ban if you don't believe me.

It's actually trial version. Same difference.

Its a demo

"Puyopuyo Tetris Trial version"
Dumb Google Translate poster

Demo in japanese is used only when people do demonstrations against some thing like a rally to take the military bases out of japan etc.

Then how do we purchase the latest nip games on the switch lads

International purchases generally take long to be processed by banks.
Source, figma addict

You buy the game instead of dowloading trial versions, or get physical copies.

You got a free japanese trial and you're a fucking autist

Buy a chingchong switch

Can I purchase Japanese Nintendo EShop gift cards online or does this also have to be delivered physically?

you click the biggest moonrunes instead of the smallest ones.

upside-down hiragana looks awesome

You buy download codes from amazon jp..カタカナ&url=node=4850755051&field-keywords=&rh=n:4850755051カタカナ&url=search-alias=aps&field-keywords=ニンテンドープリペイド

The items that have [オンラインコード] are online codes.

based, thanks lads

If is any indication, I think accepts foreign credit cards since I use my JP card to buy PSN codes on

When digital release of Afterbirth+ for Australia?


World of Goo, Little Inferno and Human Resource Machine are coming about a week after the US eshop release.

if it's out only alongside the physical version it could be months

is puyo puyo getting physical copies too???

I preordered it on Amazon to save DOSH and was wondering.


They probably only accept American cards, just buy a digital prepaid card from or something

Yeah. It's supposed to come with a keychain or something too? I think?

Thanks; I just looked it up. Apparently I get some key chains too.

Buy American Eshop cards.

>people are paying for tetris in 2017

you can't make this shit up

nintendbros confirmed friendliest community on Sup Forums

For some reason I could download the full version of Mario Run on iOS for free. Was happy some days until I found out that Apple blocked my account (could not download anything, could not update anything, etc.) until I sent the money for Mario Run.


>puyo puyo tetris
>implying paying for TTGM3 on a console wouldn't be 100% worth the money

It says puyopuyo tetorisu s taikenban

Taikenban means trial version

I hope your anus is ready to get mean beaned

You dopey duncebots, looks like I'll have to do my own dirty work and blend those beans myself!
>mfw I found out the level 9-12 music is remixed Home Computer by Kraftwerk