Versatility or power?

Versatility or power?

The Zwei in DaS1 is more versatile, though. The poise damage the strong attacks inflict can stagger and interrupt 90% of normal enemies in the game and more than a few bosses, and they're fast enough that it's easy to dish it them out wthout having to trade too much or even at all.

two handed zwei r2 wrecks bosses especially ornstain smough

Clays poke r2 is one of the most useful moves in the game fagboi.


It's just a standard thrust, barely distinguishable from what you get from a standard straight sword or even the Greatsword. The BSS's thrusts are arguably more versatile due to being continuous, having phantom range and generally being faster.
Whereas the Zwei's R2 has about the same clearance, is only a bit slower than the Clay's and will interrupt or even crush pretty much everything in the game, including crystal golems, infested barbarians, Capra and Taurus Demons (normal AND boss), Ornstein, Smough, Super Smough, etc. It's fucking ridiculous.

This, the damage and poise of a zwei R2 is obscene for how fast it is and you can stunlock nearly anything.

The claymore is just efficient, but it isn't particularly good at anything except making the bastard sword look like utter shit.

No one is getting hit by a zwei r2 you scrub.

when did this turn into a pvp discussion?

>Clearly talking about PvE
>Brings up PvP
There are better weapons than both in PvP anyway, you chump. Also, you'd be surprised.

Both are shit for Artorias fight.


The Zwei can interrupt Artorias' charging buff in one hit, though.

Sounds about right.

No thanks, I don't use peasant weapon.

i just used silver knight spear... game was ez mode

Thinking about using this for an Int/Dex build, should be good fun.

Go back to /lost/, Woolie.

Sounds like you're the one who's shit.

>unironically using a noblemans crutch

>long attack duration
>fuckall poise damage
Enjoy eating counter damage all day long. Disappointing really, it's such a cool idea for a weapon.

Lothric Knight Sword

*blocks your path*

It looks nice and it has above average range, but doesn't it scale worse than the standard Longsword? I really wanted to get the most of out it, but it never seemed to perform well compared to other weapons. Damn shame.

Didn't bother me. LKS is basically the BSS but it looks better. I threw on dex scaling stones and I never noticed the lack. I only switched to Anri's Astora Sword later on in the game.

>not great hammers

Claymore is by far the best weapon in Dark Souls 1, it's not even funny desu, it's OP as fuck


Upward thrust is suprisingly good at catching people off guard

The Great and Large Clubs carried me through my entire STR build. Such great fucking weapons, man. They also absolutely destroy the Four Kings, by far the easiest build for that boss.

Lothric knight sword is better because it has a better moveset wth 2 handed thrusts that will outdamage anything the longsword can do if you couple it with the leo ring.

>it's OP as fuck

Its a great weapon for a first playthrough when you have no idea what kind of build your making, so you throw points into str and dex at the same time.

There are better more specialized weapons for specific builds.

What's the flamberge sword in dark souls 2? There's a Flameberge, but also one not called flamberge.

Moveset, what else?


>LKS looks better than the BSS

Above average poise damage for a dex-scaling weapon, too.
I need to use it more, but those R2s just eat my stamina away. Probably FTH/DEX wasn't the best build to run with, but oh well.

Really? That's kind of surprising, I'll have to give it another go next time I go back to DaS3.

What big weapon should I use in DS3? Claymore still good?

PvE: power

PvP: versatility

>A slender oakeshott type xviiib with an elegant crossguard
>a metal rod with a block crossguard


>What big weapon should I use in DS3?

The Royal Greatsword IIRC

Enchanted Claymore for my 44INT boi all day erry day.

>Drake Sword
>not in "walkthrough tier" at the bottom
Come on

I didn't make it. Otherwise I probably would've put the Astora Sword in its own "it sucks but I like it fuck you" tier

versatility. who needs power when you can consistently land blows and avoid getting hit? big slow powerful weapons just open you up for abuse.

Astora Straight Sword is pretty decent for early game FTH builds, it clears most early zones quite well. The split damage is also passable in low-level PvP I've found, but only in lieu of an actual upgraded Divine/Occult weapon.

>Nitos raveboss sword
>not in the top tier
Shit list, mate

>pretty decent for early game

Thats the thing. Once you hit Anor Londo, the ASS becomes ass.

For flavor, I tried doing a straight Oscar Build (EKS, ASS, Crest Shield, no magic\miracles\pyro) and it was great at the beginning, and not incredibly fulfilling toward the end.

Legit cosplay builds seem like they'd be rough in most cases. Maybe outside of something like a Smough or Havel build, anyway.