Clearly made as to be Kamiya's answer to Itsuno's DMC3

>Clearly made as to be Kamiya's answer to Itsuno's DMC3.
>Tries to outdo that game on basically every front.
>Still somehow nowhere near as memorable.

Why is this?

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Bayo's story is forgettable but in every other regard it's a much better game than DMC3. I really don't think Kamiya gives a fuck about what other action game directors are doing, he makes better games than them anyway.

Personally i'm not into femdom, hair clothes is gross and lame, i don't like such incredibly overpowered characters even if it's for comedy's sake because it's easy, the enemy designs are all busy messes of cobbled together marble statue faces and gold and are unmemorable garbage piles, i don't much care for the edgy idea of killing angels and all that shit, and i don't like characters created with the express purpose of jacking off to as the main character anways, it's not like i can play with one hand ffs

Idk it's too straightforward to surpass DMC3 imo, doesn't really innovate enough to claim superiority by way of anything other than personal preference

Both are high points of the Hack and Slash genre.

DMC has the more iconic style.
Bayonetta has the greatest New Game Plus.

>>Still somehow nowhere near as memorable.
speak for yourself. it's better in every way

Kamiya is an ADHD addled simpleton with puerile fascinations and no patience

Meanwhile look at Itsuno's greatly innovative "Dragon's Dogma" which is effectively superior in every way to something like Skyrim(not a dig at skyrim, it's just a simple game which people should innovate on like DD instead of copying like they do so often), is an extraordinary excercise in patience in game design with a beautifully poignant story

One of these things is not like the other

Bayo tries way too hard to be crazy almost all the goddamn time.

One second you're running om walls, the other surfing on water, then riding a missile, then driving a motorcycle. Its quite simply too much back to back and it starts to blur together. Bayo simply has too little downtime, it almost never slows down to build up to a crazy moment, it just happens constantly.

Its cuhrayzee inflation, it loses its value.

People who stopped after normal mode never really finished Bayonetta.

That said
>T&A scared off a sizable number of faggots from playing
>A few bad QTEs gave it a bad rep
>It wasn't your first cuhrazey action game

>says for OP to speak for himself, and then speaks for himself

lmaoing @ ur life

DMC3 is the straightforward one. Pretty much all the improvements in DMC3 are a logical extension of DMC1 which already had juggling, jump cancelling and weapon switching. All they did was improve those things out and add styles which honestly I think were a poor addition since they break up your moveset.

Bayo has wicked weaves, witch time, dodge offset and a totally different gun system. The flow of combat is entirely different in both series.

I get that someone can prefer the feel of DMC3 but saying that Bayo is straightforward in comparison is just wrong.

How does Bayo have a short haircut in 2 when her hair is supposed to cover her entire body?

Exactly, diminishing returns

Hair from the hair dimension.

It's fucking magic.

Eh, what i meant is that it's kind of more of a different flavor than any real differentiation of core gameplay though

Something like MGR is very different at it's core for example

Dragon's Dogma is an engine without a game.

am I the only one who finds her ugly?

she looks like a sjw feminist lesbian

Bayo is so crazy that I feel disconnected from the action. And many of the non-combat sequences were pretty meh. And all boss fights except maybe two were completely forgettable.

I played DMC1 later and that is a 10/10 fucking game in my book.

I even liked MGR more than Bayo because it's more grounded.

>am I the only one
Fuck off.

>those QTEs
>those awful shmup sections (where VJ has good shmup sections)
>that downright amateur PS3 port
>Bayonetta's stupid proportions, which would've been fine if the rest of the character design/s was stylized like that, but it's not, so it just looks bad.
>Those fucking QTEs
>These are not lovely, brief, opt-in QTEs, these are menacing, obtrusive, razor-blades-in-my-Snickers-bar QTEs

I can't believe God Hand sold less than Bayonetta, what a fucking world. If only Capcom had the sense to make God Hand for PS3. It would've been the most killer launch title ever and people --normies-- would still be talking about it.

even if she was ugly she got dat ass

Humans have hair all over their body not just on the tops of their heads, dumb ass.

There are literally only three bad QTEs in the entire game.
>Chapter 2 Fortitudo
>Chapter 3 falling tower
>Chapter 3 falling bridge

>glasses and glamor is instantly sjw feminist lesbian
it's time to go outside user

A simple upscaled rerelease would do the trick. So many people these days have a raging boner for hard games, the word would spread like wildfire.

Mikami's name still has some equity too.

You didn't petition enough ;)

What? Bayonetta has plenty of downtime between verses.

I actually had a PSN/XBL re-release in mind, but whatever floats your boat.

But God Hand did arrive to PS3's PSN.

The combat is SHIT. The long chain combos are CRAP and TAKE me out of the quick-decision, instant-input making style of gameplay I loved from DMC. Also, style system + devil trigger > witch time and urban climax

Man, fuck urban climax. I cleared all the DMC on DMD by this game was a fucking slog with bloated combos and a mixed bag of enemies. It's such a shame too because I loved how it treated weapons and I loved the weapons you could get it.

Bayonetta 2>Bayonetta 1.

Rodin just did not give a fuck.

I speak for this Non op guy I think Bayonetta is more memorable.

background characters without any charisma.

DMC you play as a edgy faggot.

thats why bayonetta is better

I just finished chapter 1 and I'm loving it.
Should I just throw it away now?

you mean DmC

What kind of a question is that?

You are gay.

>I think were a poor addition since they break up your moveset.

not really, they really made it less boring to replay the game compared to dmc1

It's a great game
It's just not as good as DMC3

i mean all of them

Your ass that this wasnt memorable.

hol up, what's edgy about original dante?

You are a retard if you listen to v play your games

>dmc3 with style switcher mod

just fucking look at him and the way he sounds.
just more jap weeaboo bullshit

>tfw playing the wiiu version

DMC is dead, people. Give it up. Itsuno has.

but his personality is goofy as hell


All dem buzzwords.

all true

kamiya is just another business man
shit hack

Armpit hair

thats not true there are plenty of downtime parts in bayo dont tell me you actually want drawn out cutscenes and hallways because it seems like your implying that

I agree. Her hairstyle is stupid in the first one, and in the second it doesn't match with her glasses. In fact, now that I think about it I'm pretty sure I'd like Bayo 1 better if she didn't have glasses. And I'm a glasses fetishist