You can't post in this thread if you go outside more than 3 times every 30 days
Who /neet/ master race here?
NEET and hikkikomori are two different things.
That's why you can go out 1~3 times every 30 days
eat shit you worthless fuck
I wish
Dumb hamsterposter
I don't go outside more than 3 times every 30 days but I'm not neet I work on the internet
your gif is insulting and shit
how the fuck do you get food if you never go out
wake me up from this nightmare
I go out once a month at most
the outside world sure feels weird and enigmatic when I step on it
>i work on the internet
>not exercising 5 hours a day to get /fit/ while being NEET
it's like you don't want to hook up with cute guys
I hate the gay meme
Why's my desktop in the background?
It's been getting shilled hard as hell on the more popular boards. Fags and trannies need to die.
i'm not that much of a neet then, good to hear.
I left my house exactly 4 times this year.
Right here nigga.
Sadly I'll have to go back to uni this fall, but for now, the neet life is good.
Jesus Christ how do you live with yourself? I once stayed inside a whole summer and by the end of it I just wanted to kill myself.
I'm posting here anyways and you cannot stop me
I shower daily and leave the house at least 5 times a week even when it's snowing.
Get a life, faggot.
Norwegian NEET here. Getting €1900 every month from the government.
I'm actually going outside soon for a little bit because I'm buying a new tea cooker/brewer all-in-one. It costs about €100 but it's worth it.
How do you people get food if you don't go outside?
The only thing I go outside for is work, food and gym.
what the fuck, that's more than I make
how do you get it?
>He's a manchild that can't cook
does picking up deliveries with vidya and anime figures on my apartment lobby once a week count as going outside?
Cute n33t here, I can't do it anymore bros, the only thing I do is shitpost anymore since I take games too seriously and get too frustrated. And single player games get boring quick.
Start working again in 5 days wish me luck.
Yea but how do you get ingredients?
How do you get food and water if you live like that?
>tfw neet but looking for a work for at least $450 in assembly line where overseers scream at people, not allow to sit or listen to music on the phones and people work over hours and then gets forceful free time instead of money and its all in the EU and its considered good work here.
I have aspergers and the government is generous because I'm etnically Norwegian and 100% white.
I'm only going outside to and from my work so it's still a pretty miserable existence by the usual social norms.
I'm suprisingly ok with it however.
What if I am neet but I go to work daily as an IT engineer?
That's not NEET you dumb fucking retard.
i havent done anything for about 2 years now, only reason i was outside is because had to move to a different house
Well, if the government is going to waste taxpayer money on welfare, at least it's better they give it to you than some rapist niggers.
>be neet for years
>go outside to get mail every day
>can't post
how will i tell the world my opinions on jam?
Do you even know what the NEET acronym means you fucking normie
I go outside to throw away the trash and check the mailbox
living the NEET life, I'm depressed most of the time and don't even like video games any more, but I'm right there with ya brother
least I still beat my dick raw to hentai games
I left my house today to try the new crunchwrap.
It was pretty good but I couldn't finish it.
I'm a NEET and only leave the house maybe twice a year, looks like I'll have to get a job soon though.
Hey, me too. Currently playing through Chrono Clock.
Skeletons out please.
I'm not a true NEET but that life doesn't seem to bad. I don't feel sad nor do I feel happy.
It's too big user.
It will never fit.
Same here. What are you going to do to get a job user?
Lemme stop you right there. Post pics.
but I was a neet for 2 months a month ago before I was employed again.
Can I buy coal and alcohol with 10k yens?
3 times a month you can buy plenty of ramen, cheese, bread, soft drinks and snickers.
>why is there a 4-year gap on your resume mr. user?
Quite frankly, I have no fucking clue. My qualifications suck and I've lived this way for about 5 years, right now I'm just looking at IT work offers online.
>4 years
You are like a little baby
Watch this
>8 years
NEET here.
I hate it but I refuse to get a food or retail job so I'm basically fucked.
I hate being a useless POS with no money. I wish NEETbux were easy to get in burgerland.
>tfw facing homelessness or extreme poverty in best case decided to become patreonwhore even though I know it wont work anyway but fuck, what else can I do.
same here. Minus the IT part. Can't even land a job at burgerking .
what if I only walk one step outside to smoke? am I aloud to post user?
If you hate your life you can always go to nigeria and spend 30 days there with no toilet and 45C at night
All we can really do is hope, I guess. Best of luck to you, user.
I was enjoying oot and supermonkey for a week, but now ive lost interest again. Maybe I should move out. I really don't see myself working if everything is paid for me.
Glad that you enjoy yourself, OP. Keep living it up.
My life is fine. I'm relatively healthy, have family and friends, and (for now) have a roof over my head.
The thing that's garbage is myself. What I hate is me.
Okay fine, I guess no one I know will see this anyways. Here are some feet!
Wish me luck at my new job!
All you anons just need to get a shit starter job i.e. retail/food so you can have something as experience. I dealt with a shitty retail job for three years before quitting. Thats three years of pure experience dealing with cocksucking customers. In the end its worth it.
Now my current job is a comfy quiet deskjob where I watch cameras all day.
Good luck to you too user
stop with this reddit garbage. Have a webm to cheer you up
>go through 3 years of hell and maybe you can get a job that's still hell, but you can be more lazy!
sounds great dude I'll do just that
wagecucks stay the fuck out
I'd pump your ass full of my sperm if you wear a paperbag over your face.
havent really done anything important since hs tbhh that was like 5 years ago
I like being alone but staying indoors all the time kind of sucks. Depends where you live I guess.
try tucking your balls next time you might fool some people
>tfw I'm going to see a psychology soon and most likely get papers that I have social phobia or some nonsense like that so I can apply for NEET bucks.
>a psychology
>playing games
>not important
If it makes you feel better, it only takes about a year to have a complete personality change. All it takes is acting how you want to be.
>but isn't that being fake? I want to be myself
Kind of, but consider the fact that you can have a complete personality change in just a year of aging, regardless if you want to change or not. How many of your friends from high school are the same? I'd be willing to bet very few, and I'd also be willing to bet that very little of the people who changed wanted to.
>that didn't answer the question
Well, it's tough to answer because after a year of solid acting, your new personality will essentially be "you," without you having to act anymore.
>but is that healthy?
Also hard to answer, but probably yes. There's an argument that wanting to change yourself stems from low self esteem, and fixing the self esteem would fix the problem, but a change in personality towards whatever the person perceives is better is also linked to higher self esteem, kind of like a chicken vs egg argument. Plus, wanting to change yourself usually stems from a desire to better oneself, which means you haven't given up on yourself, which of course can only be a good thing.
>but I'm more concerned about behaviors, not personality
Oh. Look up reinforcement theory, especially positive reinforcement if you have a procrastination problem.
the good life. I'm on depressionbux in the UK, did the same thing as you
bought a classic Wii for GCN vidya and a ps3 just this month
I never understood this.
Why would anyone care about a gap in your employment.
Maybe you didn't want to fucking work for a couple of years and had savings, maybe you were in hospital or severely injured enough to make work not a viable thing. Maybe you were going to school for something under government funding etc.
Hell, if its so bad just make something up its not like anyone checks. I got my current job by lying on my resume.
>see a psychology
>i have social phobia
>neet bucks
You have a bigger chance of being labeled an actual certified retard than get money for anything else.
Jesus, you're dumb as a fucking brick.
>tfw you hate the neet life now
Burnt out on vidya and its pretty much same shit everyday
I know your pain
I just hope I will get it, I'm actually pretty depressed and I'm sure I have social issues also. I can barely make a phone call to people.
>being proud of being a useless parasite
>Got my first job at 23 years old, always was a NEET
>I don't know why but managed to get many friends, 4 of them became very close
>fucked 3 or 4 girls each year, what for my standards was amazing
>had more money than I knew how to spend
>became an idort with more than 500 games
>didn't have time for my games
>quit job after 2 years becaause I was bored
I have a few bucks left, became fat, don't leave my house for about 3 months now and don't answer my friends unless they come to my house.
I just play videogames now. It's the best time of my life, I have time and games.
I can't NEET for more than like a month.
I get ancy and bored.
How the fuck do you just BE useless?
It's fuckin hard, it weighs on the soul.
It's easier to be useless than work at a shitty dead-end job.
don't be a normalfag
>Oy goy better go and work like a slave so your boss can afford that third house for his spoiled children
Yeah just how.
I just like to do the things I love, when I want.
No responsabilities is the best thing for the soul.
Different people think differently, to put it simply.
In I/O psychology, one of the major tenants is that
people desire work in some fashion; it helps them self-actualized, useful, and fulfilled. A good example of this is the fact that most lottery winners go on to do some sort of volunteer work later on, simply because they want to.
I say most because, well, there are people like me and the rest of the niggas in this thread. Work isn't fun for us.
Failed normalfag scum, I love neet life and have been living it for 20 years
UK? just say what you told me and exaggerate a little bit for good measure, can't go wrong
>being proud to suck corporate cock and make other people rich
wagecucks are delusional, they wonder why they have no money and free time whilst driving trucks/working a factory for another guy
he's making money whilst you break your back, truth is he used to be a retard like his employees until he realised it won't get him anywhere
stop caring. most manual jobs will disappear within our lifetime, the same people telling you to stop being useless will be in the same boat as NEETs
>muh wage slave
If you share an apartment with people you can easily live off of $12 in Texas. Cheaper if you like being around blacks or Mexicans. The more money you earn the less you have to work. Get a few certs and you can do part-time work and still have a /comfy/ life without having to worry about starving.
The hardest part about this entire thing is the beginning. It gets easier with time.
Not everyone is a normafag cuck like you.
>tfw would be neet but dont have the money
how do you faggots do it without disability or parents
I live outside Brisbane, do I have to go into the city to find jobs?