Do attractive gamer girls exist?

Do attractive gamer girls exist?
(No, playing candy crush on your smartphone doesn't make you a gamer)

yeah theyre called men with penises, faggot

Girls don't play games unless it's for twitch money you beta

I've been seen Oregainu images too often here on Sup Forums, did S3 get announced?

I'm an attractive gamer girl
Don't hit on me you silly boys

Yeah I dated one. Like a solid 7 huge boobs too. She enjoyed gaming especially the elder scroll series, oblivion being her favorite. Casual yes but she genuinely enjoyed gaming with no desire to take pictures of her fellating a controller

Yukinon best girl

No, but this thread is confirmation normalfags exist on Sup Forums.

Godzilla doujin?

>ywn be an attractive gamer girl
I just want to be cute

Yes but they're pretty rare and most of them are asian.

It's too early in the morning for user to care about 3DPD.

Fuck off retard

Yes but attention whores

Whenever a girl is into games that aren't like Nintendo party games or comfy farming games it's an instant turnoff for me
I don't know why, there was this one girl who mentioned she played uncharted 3 one time and she didn't like it, even though she didn't like it it immediately turned my dick limp

>I'm an attractive gamer girl (male)
Don't hit on me you silly boys

I don't know but the pink haired slut is best girl, even though I haven't watched a single episode of anime in my life


is this a lowkey /soc/ thread?

Wanna be my gf?

yes we do. there are attractive gaming men too

Worst board unironically

but user I'm male

Sure, but Sup Forums will deliberately exclude any of their kind who make themselves known, which leave only those who don't make themselves known, so you CANNOT find them. They will hide their hobbies when they leave the house.

Blame the cool kids and the losers, both will make them feel like outsiders, but at least they can blend in with the cool kids.

Also not female, and no one talked about attractiveness

>I'm attractive btw
The amount of cognitive dissonance on this board is astonishing

We already got like 4 of those threads deleted tonight.

My ex girl used to play games with me. She was a retard though. Thank god I broke up with her. She had no passion, or a direction in life. Nothing to talk about, not too many interests.

>tfw no manly vidya bf

You sound like a whore.

They don't exist

Copy posted response by a "female"

Me ;3

should've kept it up so they'll get it out of their system instead of making new ones

Same experience. But holy fuck was she good in the sack. Dating a normie is much better though.

No, Rorschach. Listen, just because I like my women to have cocks doesn't mean I'm gay.

It's Sup Forums a board on Sup Forums, what did you expect

Yes, pic related

To extend my comment, I prefer to have a girl which is passionate and respects my hobby rather than gamer girl without any dreams, or work oriented future.

Yes. Now fuck off.

At least 2 of them basically went to bump limit. It just turned into a bunch of legs.

My wife

She's better at vidya than I am actually

Unless it's a turbo nerd weeb, girls can hide their powerlevels better than most guys.

I would up having a long chat with a stacy-tier girl the other day about retro vidya at university

Never would have guessed looking at her she knew about it at all let alone how much she knew

Literal who
Candy crush isn't a game "female"

Why so agressive?

>TFW for cut off while replying to a manly Spanish dude


>girl gamer

pick 2

been a while since I saw that comic

>samefag "female"

>there are attractive gaming men too

what a load of carp

So traps are the way to go?

Of course they do silly haven't you browsed twitch lately?


This! Was in a relationship with one. never again.

Clarababylegs. She should do porn.

>Tfw I'm a fucking fish

Most girls who are attractive cares about their social status

Any girl that cares about their social status knows vidya isn't going do jack shit for them and isn't going to let anyone know they play them

In Korea and Japan they do. They grew up in a different environment.

In the west they don't exist.

I said pick 2 not pick 0

>that guy who doesn't read the thread

>girl gamer

you somehow missed all three checkboxes

>and no one talked about attractiveness
read the op again

they are incredibly rare
rarer even are those who don't act like total whores to gain benefit from it (that includes the twitch streaming whores, but there are also others)
and the very few that remain, that are attractive but not outright whores, have horrible issues with themselves or with relationships.

On the other hand whenever I've met a fat or below-average gamer girl they were pretty chill.

No I picked 3

You think you've found the girl of your dreams because she likes your hobbies AND is also hot, but then you notice the wrist scars and the rapid-fire texts at random hours and before you know it she's banging on your door at 3 am screaming something about her father

I just wanted someone to do Destiny raids with

You also picked a free trip to the asylum, boi


Fuck off fag, nothing is more manlier than fucking men

Sure. I am.

Post proof

Tits or GTFO

Imagine being Greek

>Local scene runs 'bar fight' nights for people to drink and play video games.
>Always notice there's this girl there that's always glitter and sparkles and sequin dresses and shit.
>Immediately think she's an attention whore, stay away from her.
>Friends talk about Bloodborne.
>Yeah I sucked at x boss fight, I had to get [sequin girl] to come help me.
>Hold the phone.
>Start talking to her, she's pretty chill and has good taste.
>Get drunk enough to ask her why she whores herself up every time.
>"It's the only time I ever really leave the house"
>We play fighting games online now.

Worked out better than expected.


Iroha winning in april!

She was lying to get attention from neckbeard manchildren



Lying about what?

Cute but I'm not sure if it isn't a trap because of the lack of tits

That she never leaves the house
Protip: she's banging some chad while you keep drooling over her and giving her validation

She works and studies from home and has video games as a big hobby, sounds plausible to me. She seems to always be around for some fighting game sets online.

But she has such a small chin, narrow shoulder width, big thighs and skinny arms. Surely no trap can have all that, right?

Oh. Right, right. I didn't think that was important, but I suppose whether someone is having sex with someone is important.

Haha, that certainly is a thing that... matters... I guess.

You want her yet you pretend that you don't care? Cuck

You're replying to someone else dude, my posts are:
Get better at this.

did they fucked?

What about attractive ladybois?