Why is so much silly Japanese shit coming to steam?
>Aksys can give jp voices to the falcom games they localize
>XSEED somehow can't
Really makes you think.
Why not? Having more non indie shovelware isn't a bad thing. Just because you hate japanese shit for no reason doesn't mean it's not a good thing people can play them.
Weeb uprising in the making.
You have to start somehow.
Bigger titles from Scamco/Bandit are coming too now, for example.
nigga, I will cut you
Why not? If you dont like it dont play it. People who like it will.
>Yakuza/Ryu Ga Gotoku series still not confirmed for Steam yet
Really sucks ass man. I want the real juicy stuff. The visual novels just don't do it for me.
Because it sells.
Arksys has more money to throw around
Plz tell me those girls have good art / porn
>Can't get original voice for Falcom games because muh budget
>Dub Akiba's beat instead
I'm sure the 3 people interested in the game will be happy of that decision
Porting a Vita/PS4 game takes a couple of months in labor. Depending on how high profile the Japanese seiyuu are, the licensing cost for JP audio could easily double the budget.
More like
>Why is co much silly Japanese shit coming out?
Japan loves their dumb fun so pretty much everything is silly on some level.
i bought only vn's and dark souls and danganronpa on steam
more weebshit is good
most western games are trash althou there are some good ones
No it's published shovelware
Is this coming to Steam though? I dunno about this game but Xanadu Next was fun.
>ps3 is dead
>3ds is dead
>vita is dead
>games sit on dead consoles and there's no money for better assets on ps4/switch
Steam it is then. Marketing is basically free and players are hungry for games other than trillions of western shovelware steam is littered with.
I know its alot but if you keep putting up with the bad we'll get kingdom hearts and persona 5
those are all boys
EDF and Senran Kagura series kind of count as shovelware games.
I'm all for more shovelware japanese games
It is
In Japan people buy digital way less, so every game has heavy publisher/distributor fees, etc
On steam they can upload the thing and watch dollars flow in
This. I buy every Japanese PC port I can just so we can keep getting them made. Eventually the big guys will have to notice.
>no JP voices
I don't even have hopes for an undub mod anymore, I tried waiting for one with the God Eater games but it'll never happen.
At least Persona 5 will have JP voices. Thank you Atlus.
>literally rean, alisa, lechter, and sara
falcom sameface is real
The japanese realized how full of "ironic hipster otaku" the west is, so they can release all sorts of garbage on Steam. As long as it has anime art and a Japanese sounding name (so people on your steam list know you are playing an obscure Japanese title, not that mainstream AAA shit!!!) people will buy it.
what are chances they would butcher the game in the same way as SMTxFE if it didn't flopped?
Japs discovered computer
It's shit until h games finally get on steam
Both Ys VIII and Tokyo Xanadu EX+ will have JP voices on Steam thankfully. It's really sad when even NISA manages to get JP voices for the Falcom games.
About time we have Yakuza games on PC, right?
>indie shovelware is only alright if it's Japanese
Like i'm a weeb and i'm telling you to fuck off.
That's great to know, picked up.
It's not like Sega are strangers to Steam either.
I'm guessing Sony has an exclusivity contract for Yakuza or something.
Falcom is not "silly Japanese shit"
They are literally one of the best developers that has ever existed
>Tokyo Xanadu is coming to Steam
>tfw have waited 2 years for this to be brought over
>tfw collectors autism that will probably make me buy the PS4 version because if I don't have it physical I don't feel like I own it or will forget I have it
I think I have a problem
to spite you ...that is the whole reason
What the fuck happened to Falcom?
because it sells and steam is full of braindead weebs
I'm the same way. The weird thing is that I don't even like to own lots of things. I feel uncomfortable when I'm in the same room as my big stupid video game collection but I need to have it.
Some day I'll pull the trigger. Shove all those discs in sleeve wallets and go full digital for the rest of my life.
I've gotten a little better, I stopped buying every single LE for things I liked. I've also started selling shit I didn't enjoy. Still, I don't see myself ever going full digital. My collection isn't that big, I just feel the need to have physical (not to mention it's usually cheaper than digital by a wide margin)
PSN sales fucking killed me. I bought ps3 and vita games on sale and then felt the need to go and buy the physical copies. I only did a few but still
I got mix messages when I looked it up. But is the Steam version of Tokyo Xanadu the eX+ version?
>Why is so much silly Japanese shit coming to steam?
Just look at the latest AAA western title. Now you see why PC Mustards would rather play silly japanese games.
>all this shit
>still no all star battle
because american shovelware is terrible but japanese shovelware is a ok konichiwa senpai for some fucking stupid reason
Why is so much boring and garbagy Western shit coming to steam? Tell me OP.
Huh? Is this somehow related to Code Lyoko?
Tokyo Xanadu may be shitty power-of-friendship oh-how-far-modern-Falcom-has-fallen garbage, but it isn't 'indieshit' or 'shovelware'. It's a proper game.
For real Japanese Steam indieshit, I'm looking forward to Elin (Elona developer's next game)
What about the good stuff?
I'm a retard, that was for OP
Trillion didn't sell very well on Steam. Not all JRPGs will benefit much from Steam.
Xanadu is a name often associated with magicians. Like Madame Xanadu from DC Comics. It was also the home of Mandrake the Magician.
Sounds plausible.
So never?
I bought Trillion physically for $13 on Amazon a couple months after release. It just sucks in general.
Will this be the Ex version or the jew vita version?
Tokyo Xanadu is really fucking mediocre, even for an anime game.
I want to play Towa's new game!
Didn't it sell like 15K copies? Not too bad for a niche JRPG.
Eventually you get old and realize that physical things really don't matter, it's just a piece of plastic and seeing it on a shelf brings you no joy because it's the game itself and not the plastic that matters.
That's pretty bad compared to games like Disgaea and Neptunia that sell over 100,000 copies.
Well those sold really good, that's why.
Because autistic weebs for some reason have an obsession with steam and with roleplaying on steam. Valve can read all your convos so they know there is money in those fags.
because the west makes games like Mass Effect Andromeda
Gahkthun has an M-rating from the ESRB, so it's not even that graphic.
What's a bigger plague on Steam?
>erotic anime visual novels with all the sex and nudity removed
>unfinished, overpriced indie games with zero replay value and a heavy political slant
This game isn't indie and literally nothing he said was wrong.
Why not? Its great. I love these games and the whole reason I couldn't get into PC gaming was because there were no Japanese games on Steam. This is no longer true, and that's great for me. Even if you don't like the games, it still only benefits people by offering more choices and variety.
Also I'm not a Falcom fan; I dislike Ys and don't care about Trails. Tokyo Xanadu is the first Falcom game to get me significantly interested in a title of theirs. Looks like Persona if it were an action RPG, which is gr8.
That answer seemed more optimistic. That all he needs to do is make sure Steam doesn't show people what they don't want to see and he'd be willing to allow it.
We're already getting full body nudity in sexually oriented Japanese games now.
wait Tokyo xanadu will came to steam? That's a great news for me!
Yes, specifically the Ex+ version
You're dumb
Most people play these games because they like them. No one buys games they don't think they'll genuinely enjoy
Am I missing something?
great, I've wanted to play it since It was announced for Vita. Still, I don't know if I'll buy the PC or PS4 version. Anyway, this truly is the best timeline
Played this when it first came out on vita, it really is the epitome of mediocre. The story and characters are the most generic LN shit imaginable. Combat is decent but the enemies and bosses aren't that interesting and there's barely any real level design. At least the soundtrack is decent, and one of the bonus dungeons having Ao's final dungeon theme was pretty cool
The game did manage to make Ys VIII even more of a positive surprise though
because progress. back in the glory days of /jp/ I wouldnt even dream of so much localized shit here.
This game doesn't seem all that good desu senpai, any testimonies from people who played it?
Ok I see now. You only said Disgaea though and there's two games on Steam.
Well at least the VNs are finished
Shittier NuYs but with Persona links
Also forgot to mention that the game was piss easy even on first run nightmare. Dunno if the PS4 ver is better though
>Also forgot to mention that the game was piss easy even on first run nightmare
That seems to be common for Falcom's recent games. Nightmare mode feels like their old normal mode nowadays.
I don't see the problem with silly weeb shit being on Steam. Some stuff is good.
And for the bad shit, or ultra-pandering non-game VN type stuff, it's not like Steam was some sacred ground for good video games to begin with. It houses plenty of your garden variety garbage in addition to some kusoge.
Some VNs are better than most video games
>The game did manage to make Ys VIII even more of a positive surprise though
That's good to hear more opinions on this. Been wary since I only hear about it here very rarely, even though most opinions have been positive. Just because it could only be 1-2 anons here who've played it and their expectations were at rock bottom, so any good Ys would look amazing.
I play JRPGs and some VNs on steam, so I know. I was referring to some of the stuff that makes the store front page every now and then. (idk if this is even Eastern, since there's a lot of faux-weeb stuff out there, but you get the idea)
> Falcom sells license for vita version of Tokyo Xanadu to Atlus
> Atlus announces Tokyo Xanadu localization
> a day later Falcom announces EX+ version for ps4 with new content
TOP KEK. Falcom fucked over vita sales for this game for the west. Nobody gonna buy inferior version now.
Yeah there is a lot of garbage in the VN section now, I'm with you there
That's true, but this game was exceptionally easy even for a modern falcom game. At least Ys 8 nightmare would be a real nightmare if you didn't abuse items, not so much here
>Falcom games
Thanks for telling me Tokyo Xanadu is coming to PC, though. That's excellent news.
The initial overall lack of Japanese games created a vacuum resulting in any Japanese game on Steam to be better than its competitors mainly due to the fact that competition doesn't really exist.
This may come as a surprise to you, but japan makes a lot of games, but mostly shit ones. If there was any other country pumping out that many games, we'd probably see steam filled with those too. Chinese/Korean games don't make it because they're all blatant plagiarism.
>thinking a game company is pristine and can't make bad games
You are the worst kind of "fan" of any company - the undiscerning shit-eating retard
>all games are shit because Sup Forums told me so
How good is 8 anyway?