*flips on your Blue Eyes White Dragon attack*
*flips on your Blue Eyes White Dragon attack*
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I think you mean Chaos max Dragon, and cause you were in defence you take double piercing damage.
Nothing personnel gringo
Good thing I had this in the graveyard.
These don't count
Makes you wonder why they attacked the face-down instead of Jinzo
Does the card have to be on the field for the effect to resolve? Regardless, it doesnt need to target for activation.
Doesn't negate nigger
What card does negate niggers?
I summon Hero Kid, in attack mode!
I summon this.
>attack mode
Well I summon Copycat in attack mode and use his special effect copy Obelisk's 4000 points of attack! I place 2 cards face down and end my turn.
I play this and then attack u
Won't work. Mystical Space Typhoon destroys the card, but not negate it's effect.
Yes, YuGiOh rules are THAT analy retentive.
Then what the fuck is the card any good for?
Oh no! He played the Seal!
Why did nobody in the anime use man eater bug?
If Yugi put 3 of those fuckers in his deck, he wouldn't even need pharaoh.
To destroy face down & permanent spells/traps.
continuous spells/traps and set cards
Also can make nerds miss timing
bakura used it
Well I'd hate to burst your bubble but you just activated my trap card Half Counter increasing my Copycat's attack points to 6250 and since you can't stop your attack your Obelisk is destroted along with the rest of your life points!
That must have been a (relatively) recent thing because otherwise everyone was playing this card wrong back when the game was mainstream and it defeats the point of it. I'm 99% sure that in the Yugioh video games I played as a kid that it did negate the effect as well.
Jealous Sup Forums?
MST has literally never negated spells or traps in any game or version of the rules
literally learn to read, nigger
Not really since 2400 attack with no effect is not worth 2 tribute summons
Those fuckers were retards.
>I'm 99% sure that in the Yugioh video games I played as a kid that it did negate the effect as well.
They didn't and I used to play yugioh DM5 on gba.
I was talking about the onion rings
what the fuck is this?
What are some no-effect monster with gameplay significance?
All they got is plain attack power so this
*spooks your path*
Normal tuners
What the fuck is even the point of that shit card? 2 Tributes for just 2400 ATK and no special effects. Look at Jinzo and how much ass he kicks, while also requiring only 2 Tributes.
A Link monster
That's fucking absurd.
C-can I j-join too little brother?
You know I always wanted to make a viable spooky deck, are skull servants still viable today competitively?
wait a minute, can't you literally summon a Link-2 monster with this fucker?
>Summon Normal monster
>Summon Link Spider
>SS Normal monster that was sent to grave
>Summon Link-2
That was because konami couldn't use the word demon in the name. So it could've been called Summoned Archfiend, but they couldn't predict the future when "demon" cards would have significance.
>tfw you picked the wrong game.
It's a cool dwagon!
oh shit nevermind I can't read, im tired as fuck
This was my first Yugioh card.
How do I make a deck around him?
only with xyz/synchro shit removed
that king of the skull servant takes too long to setup compared to them
do you still need to tribute to summon that?
*hands you magnifying glass*
go on, read. I'll wait ;^)
*throws card at you*
is lightsworn engine good for skull servant?
Here's the rules from the wiki.
>During their Main Phase 1 or 2, the turn player can Link Summon a Link Monster from the Extra Deck by first declaring the action and then selecting the Link Monster in their Extra Deck that they intend to Link Summon. Following this, they send the requisite face-up Link Materials they control to the Graveyard, as listed on the Link Monster itself, provided that two conditions are fulfilled.
>The number of sent Link Materials satisfies the number of required Link Materials listed on the Link Monster.
>The combined number of any sent non-Link Monsters and the combined Link Numbers of any sent Link Monsters exactly matches the Link Number of that Link Monster.
>After that, the Link Monster is taken from the Extra Deck and placed on the field in face-up Attack Position.
>cards and effects cannot be activated
>you just summoned a monster with 0 attack in attack mode
It's not like it matters, DDM is just like Duel Monsters anyway
So basically, XYZ minus the same Lvl requirements.
yeah, and pretty much anything that lets you throw cards into the graveyard
If you lose this duel you lose your soul!
Cards and effects cannot be activated when he was summoned
I summoned Copycat on my turn so it doesn't apply
Oh please, that's a light magazine article compared to War & Peace: The Trap Card here.
how about "can not be targeted by spells, traps or effects" then?
>mfw obelisk can't be target by effects
I summon Utopia the Lightning!
Well copying his attack doesn't directly target Obelisk and doesn't affect him it just uses him as a basis for the effect
Something like Man Eating Bug wouldn't work but this does
Fuck man I lost so many times due to retarded homebrew rules and bad understandings of the actual rules.
Anyone ever play with some stupid fresh hand rule? If you get rid of all your cards you draw a fresh five? God that was cancer.
>still can't read his own card
how about you read your card again?
>Target 1 monster
Lightning vortex beats an obelisk
Then you yata lock the pleb for using broken cards
Yeah something like that. Also has something to do with the lit up triangles on the card and the link number where the defense points are. The general on /vg/ might explain it better
I double dare you
>take 2000 damage to banish monster
Well, I've seen worse.
Just finished my first playthrough of EDF 2025 and I come here to find a Yugioh thread? Oh boy!
What do you Wightbois think about the banlist?
I'm salty they didnt ban fucking Dim Barrier but ban the cheaper and easier to play around Vanitys, and I disagree with Maxx "C" hit but otherwise I'm fine with it.
TCG is always too stingy with unlimits though. So many archetype cards that could come down that still havent.
I have beaten the Kaibabot's Obelisk on YGOPro many times with Copycat
His affect works on him
I would've lost 2000+ either way. I fucking hate that card.
*Masaaki Endoh starts singing*
The one I remember playing as a kid was this one. Just emulated it to test it out and yep you guys are right, I must just have a shitty memory.
Quit making up your own rules. Or do you want to attack my flotation ring?
I activate Polymerization!
>6 stars
>2400 attack
>negate trap cards
I miss the insanity of old yugioh
But blue eyes is irredeemable trash, why would I play it
>start losing
>pull out this and give the middle finger to opponent
If I can't win, nobody should
Gem-Knight Lapis, Tourmaline and Garnet in Gem-Knight decks, Garnet outside of them as a Brillant Fusion target
Labradorite Dragon and Galaxy Serpent with Carbogeddon
Blue-Eyes and Dank Magician
Skull Servant
New Spiral retrain
level 4 vanilla dinos
That vanilla Evilswarm with Unexpected Dai
Lots of good vanillas if you know where to look
I activate Jar of Greed and draw the last 2 pieces of Exodia. And I take you pocket money white boy.
*Flies into space*
*Motorcycle and Body turns golden*
What color would Yusei turn into if he summoned this? Gold again?
Garnet because Brilliant "foolish 1 light for a free normal summon and a level 5" Fusion is a thing.
Psyframe Driver
Flamvell Guard
Blue Eyes White Dragon because it has an assload of support
Kabazauls for Laggia/Dolka and Bahamut Shark with rabbits
Vanilla Evilswam for rabbit
Radiance Dragon
>Jar of Greed
>2 cards