Just pirated resident evil 7. Holy fuck am I glad that I didn't buy it. What a dissapointment

Just pirated resident evil 7. Holy fuck am I glad that I didn't buy it. What a dissapointment

But youtube reaction bait trash was what Resident Evil always was. Why aren't you pleased?

It just feels so boring. The molded enemies made me uninstall the game. It was the most uncreative shit I've ever seen

I know man.
I bought a CD key for mere 28 bucks the day it came out, didn't expect much from it, and I was still disappointed. I lost my chance to refund it by not purchasing it from Steam store, so I just had to make do with it and actually finish it.

The game gets a BIT better towards the end, but never exactly amazing. I actually enjoyed the Molded much more than the scripted family fucks and the Outlast / Amnesia type of gameplay surrounding them. The puzzles were shit, bossfights were shit, and there's zero replay value. And now Capcom expects me to spend 200% of the game's original cost on DLC shit? Fuck that!

Holy shit the way you just explain it makes me never want to touch it 100% more than I already didn't want to.
I just pirated the cpy version and it came with both dlcs. Didn't even play it because the games shit

Stop pirating

stop making shit games, devs.

Cant pirate VR faggot

>the game is less shit with VR
Who cares? I'm not going to buy a several hundred dollar meme peripheral.


>bought it one day before a crack appeared

Why is Fork Parker (and the rest of Devolver) so unrelentingly based

i enjoyed it

i enjoy video games


I had a shit ton of fun with it. Felt like a throwback to old school FPS

ITT: poorcuck the thread

I'm not poor



>is rich
>doesn't buy anything he wants

catch me outside howboutdat

look under your bed buddy